

taddymaddy17 · Oriental
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 -Define love

Little did I know that a tragedy awaited for its perfect chance to strike.It was playing hide and seek with me.My gut irritated me as it tried to tell me something.At first I ignored it,only to realise that the more I ignored it,the more I would live to regret it.Lut of curiousity,I grabbed my phone and her messages fed my brain some critical information.A voice note lived to tell me a tragedy.

I scrolled in silence,hoping and praying that it was a joke.A tear dropped,only to be followed by another and another.It seemed like a endless river was hosted on my face at that moment.My mind,body and soul all cried for seconds,which later became minutes.Second thoughts of life struck my mind.Just a few days ago,life was on my side and now it has turned villainous against its own master.

My body had became a dessert-no more blood not water.Just bones acting like my pillar of strength.It was pointless.My flesh ate itself as well as my appetite.I became a nothing.I lived for nothing.God was to blame for if he was there,I would not have to bear and share someone else's pain.

I could not believe that the love that brought us together now defined nothing.How could she just toss me aside.An Angel who lied -a Lucifer.How dare she.That was the moment that she became a criminal.She was justifying her crimes and blaming me for being a jury.I labelled her as a scammer that very moment.One of the most scams which seemed legit.It was called love.Wether you fell victim or not to it,the damage was still done.It haunted you.

She had found new love just because he was a swimmer with money being the waters he professionalised it.He played with money instead of being a scammer.Atleast he was honest but my jealous called for revenge.

I stood there in disbelief,trying to process everything.Question which reality it had been part of.I blinked my eyes continuously to make sure I was in the right reality.My eyes shut down to sleep this time.My fingers called my sense of touch,leading me to rest them on my eyes.

There were puddles which comforted the depth of my eyes,leaving me to wonder if all the tears drowned my ears.

Out of the blue,my heart took a sprint and ran as fast as it could.I could feel my body breathing and shaking heavily in discomfort whilst losing a bet which I bet my whole life on.