

taddymaddy17 · Oriental
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 - Strength of a smell

A few days had passed by.I was woken up by God's grace once again. My eyes opened, witnessing my new reality while my mind was still closed, locked-on to the past and nothing else. The past was my own personal, villainous ghost which made a pretty ugly job at haunting me. I was that arch-enemy.I tried being a superhero with mental time-travelling being my power.I tried using my powers just so I could go back in time to just save myself.

There I was, trying to figure out the truth about how I ended up there.But I was a failure at doing so.At this point, I labeled everyone and everything as victims. That which is filled with such untrustworthy that would bring disgust even when their names waited to escape from your mouth.

Frustration got the better of me.I sat on there, breaking some sweats as seconds flew, just so I could at least get a few pieces to the puzzle.I guess that was too much to ask for. I felt the stinginess of my reality. What did I do to deserve that? My feet became my new brain and the idea of a shower was perfect. I had hoped for this shower to wash away my hurtful reality and even my future.I grabbed the soap whilst shutting my eyes and enjoyed the comfortable massage given to me by the water.

Satisfication was armoured to my body at that moment.Waters were dancing all over, unknowingly progressing minutes to hours.I was peacefully burning in a heavenly hell. My body couldn't handle the third degree burns it was trying to surviving. So I quickly shut the shower and wore my gown. I headed to bed. The call of my bed was too tempting. I couldn't fight this temptation. As I rested on my bed, I began sinking into peace. However, this piece did not last long enough. I was disturbed by the thought of an even greater peace. Peace, which was probably pure. My heart, mind and soul really deserved the peace I thought of.

In an attempt to fulfil this desire,I decided to take a walk.I had hoped to get my kind of all the disturbances which brought their presence in my life and mind.

As I began walking, a sweet fragrance tickled my nose, silently calling my name.I left in wonder.The wind battled with her fragrance, trying to spoil my plans.Luckily my nose is like a compass.It gave me directions and slowly led me to it.Her dark chocolate skin stood out.She served a few African dishes called beauty, while fashion was being the other.I was left hungry.Hunger which only she could feed.I was stuck in a loop of stuttering as I tried to serve her my own food - compliments.A smile erupted from her face whilst her head turned out as it tried to follow those words with her ears.Her ears served her well.We exchanged greetings and her breath was another fragrance of its own.I loved every breath she blew on my face.To warm her up, I wrapped my arms around her, covering her in the warmth.She had done the same too.Love was written all over.

The day got jealous and sped up. We left to exchange our numbers and goodbyes. I left a landmark of my lips on her cheek while she left me covered in her fragrance.