
The Surprise

I went home and summoned Hades and Gaia.


Slate: So Hades... What will I need to bring with me to the underworld?


Hades: You cant bring anything. If the item is not bound to your soul... its ripped apart in the transfer. This is technically a lower world. You can bring something from a higher plain down but nothing material from the lower may go up.


Slate: ... What about my DKA or Pluto?


Hades: Your DKA are tied to your soul so you will bring them but not Pluto. Pluto is crafted from some of the greatest materials this plain has to offer... but it is still something from this plain. There is a plus side though. To return to this plain... you need 2 things. 1) A physical anchor and 2) Spiritual ties. Pluto can be your Anchor and the girls are your Ties.


Slate: Ok... how do I set that up?


Hades: Stab Pluto into the ground and use the chains on your right arm to coil around it. Due to the ends connecting to the girls, Only they will be able to remove Pluto from the floor or hold it. The ribbon necklace the flat princess gave you will follow us too. It is tied to your Materium and through that... your soul.


I plunge Pluto unto the floor and flex my right hand a few times. The chain tattoos on my wrist come alive and coil around my hand. I wrap the 5 colored chain around the hilt of Pluto before I allow the tattoo to return to normal. I dont see a difference on Pluto but Hades assured me it worked. I spend the rest of my day working with Gaia to create blueprints of guns to level up my [Gun Smith] class. Using the entire Nexus of info from Earth... I maxed out the class before I went to sleep.


I feel like I cheated...


Gaia: User, Would you like me to Optimize your Materium Interface and body?


... Slate: Dafuk?


Gaia: User, I have noticed you have 4 Customizable aspects on your body.

1) Your Materium Mark, 2) Your "Drive Crown" Tattoos, 3) Your Soul Chain Tattoos, And 4) Your Realm Ribbon with its 4 Rings. Would you like these Optimized?


Slate: Is there any benefit to optimizing them?


Gaia: Smoother use and control of each aspect.


Slate: Then go for it.


Gaia unsummoned herself and returned to my body by entering my Tech Circles on my hands and side of my ears.


After a few seconds... my body started to shine in a blue color. Whe. the shine died doen, my 3 tattoos were gone... around my neck though... was a Deep Blue Chain Necklace with 4 Rings, 4 Crowns and 1 Amulet in the shape of my Materium mark. It went Crown, Ring, Crown, Ring, Amulet, Ring, Crown, Ring, Crown. The Chain is warm on my skin.


I fell asleep soon after I got my new Bling.




I woke up to my front door being annihilated.


Ink, Marina, Kareena, and Ruin looked like they were on a war path. The 4 of them are still in their PJs. Noctis and Lunafreya are similarly dressed...


Ink: What happened? When I went to bed, I had my Realm Ribbon on but when I woke up... my Ribbon turned into a purple bracelet with a book gemstone on it.


Marina: Mine turned into a red bracelet with a claw gemstone...


Kareena: Pale green with a plus sigh gemstone... I dont like math...


Ruin: Golden chain with my fathers eye as a gemstone...


Slate: Woh... yours changed too. Gaia optimized my gifts and my ribbon was used as the base I guess. I didnt know it would effect yours too.


Noctis: Well... as long as the girls are ok. They are going to school in 2 days. When are you going to train with Hades?


Slate: Well, Hades is getting a ritual ready for me to fuse my classes to aquire my Union classes. It should be done within 2 weeks.


Lunafreya: Why not use Union Crystals? They have the ritual within so when you crush one, it preforms the ritual for you. We only have 2 so the girls will get their classes at school but you can use them.


Slate: Woh, no way! That would save time. Ill get dressed so we can go. Be right back.


After getting dressed, the 7 of us returned to the castle. Lunafreya brought 2 gems the size of fists.


Lunafreya: Here you go. Once you crush the gem, sellect the classes to put into the Union class. You will lose the classes right away but your Union class will form in about a day.


I crush my first gem. My necklace lit up and a blue screen popped up in my face. It listed my 24 classes and asked which I would like to use.


1) Freelancer

2) Black Mage

3) Red Battle Mage

4) Gun Mage

5) Dark Knight

6) Ravager

7) Commando

8) Monk

9) Geomancer

10) Dragoon

11) Black Belt

12) Psychic

13) Pugilist

14) Blue Mage

15) Conjurer

16) Gunner

17) Warrior


These 17 will be used to form my battle Union class.


1) Miner

2) Carpenter

3) Goldsmith

4) Blacksmith

5) Bard

6) Beastmaster

7) Gunsmith


These will be used as my Non-Combat class.


After using both gems to start making my Union classes, the girls finished packing. We spent most of the rest of the day fooling around. Nothing really happened until the girls found a file in the [Home Node] named... Music


Ink: This music is so nice!!


Marina: This [Battle Music] really gets me excited!


Kareena: I like the soft sounds of nature.


Ruin: This would be good baby making music.


My face went Pale. Noctis's went Purple. Lunafreya laughed a little.


Lunafreya: Not yet Ruin. Wait till your older.


Noctis: Wait till im dead.


Slate: Wait till were married.


Kareena: Well... what about you Ms.Lunafreya? Do you want another kid?


Lunafreya: I would love another child. But we havent been lucky yet.


Slate: Umm... you dont already know?


The 2 adults looked at me confused...


I walked up to Lunafreya and placed one hand ontop of her womb the other by her ear. I closed my eyes and the circles on my hands came to life.


Her face changed rapidly from confusion to shock to happiness to overjoy to crying.


Noctis came up to us and I moved my hand from Lunafreya's ear to his.


Slate: This is the sound on your unborn childs heartbeat. Lunafreya is atleast a month in a half pregnant. You are going to be a father all over again.


He dropped to his knees and put his ear to Lunafreya's stomach.


Slate: Do you girls want to hear too?


Thay gave me a look as if to say "No shit"


The girls took turns listening with happy faces.


Slate: Oh, before I forget... Ruin. Would you hold on to Pluto for me? I cant take it with me to train with Hades and only you 4 can touch it now that ive made it my Anchor to this plain. When you 4 are ready to bring me back, Stab Pluto in the floor and use your bracelets to pull be back.


I hand Pluto to Ruin and grab my chain necklace to show the link. My blue chain goes to Pluto then splits in 4 to go to each girls bracelet.


Ruin: Alright. When do you want us to bring you back?


Slate: Either after you 4 finish with school or the war starts. Whichever ever happens first.


Before I could get an answer, I felt dread creap up my spine.


Slate: MOVE!!!


My battle tail flung the girls away as I dove infront of Lunafreya with my body reinforcing itself. I tried to use magic but I had no class active at the moment. I felt a thud on my arm and then my world exploded.

Last chapter in volume 1

Hope you liked it. Let me know

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