
Maden Voyage

Slate POV

I know this feeling... How did this happen again?! I was in my room one minute... then I woke up here.




What if Noctis sees this? He might REALLY kill me. Wait... What room am I in?


Ink: Tail boy? How did you get in Momma and Fathers room with us?

Marina: No wonder I slept great...

Kareena: Nice and warm.


Oh shit... After saying something like this... Next is...


Lulu: Princess, Its time to wake...


As if on clue, Lulu walks in. Why Universe?


Lulu: Oh my... Kiddo. Im impressed. Those are some stones you have.



Sorry Kiddo. Couldnt help myself. Good luck.


Well... Im dead.


Noctis POV

I know what im walking into but I cant help it... Luna is going to be pissed about the door.


I walk in to see Slate looking pale and my daughters in his arms. .... Nope. I cant do this.


My Arms come out and Slate still has not let them go. Does he think im bluffing?


Ok you brat. Ill play.


Slate POV



(Lulu's spell broke)




Ink: Tail boy, not so hard. They are still growing...

Kareena: My bum. Is it squishy?

Marina: So thick and comfy.



My left hand ended up on Inks chest. My right one was holding up Kareena's butt and Marina was on my back with her legs around my waist.


Lulu is dying in the corner...


Noctis's face is neutral. He seems to be handling it well... Ah. Nevermind...




The bed we were on no longer exists. The room now has a hole for a staircase. The 4 of us are in the air. The girls grabbed onto me like Koalas. This cant possibly get any worse...


Ink: You missed Father. Sooooooooo close.




Marina and Kareena follow Ink's lead.


Marina: Are you even trying Noctis?


Kareena: Ahh. Last night was fun.




Lulu POV

I. Cant. Breathe.


These girls are wonderful. Noctis has lost his mind and they keep gloating him. Its almost as if someone cast Berserk on him. He is tearing apart the castle trying to get to Slate. Lunafreya is going to kill him later but for now it seems as if he doesn't care.


They keep it up for 15 minutes. Slate collapsed after running with all 3 on him while dodging Noctis. When he went down, the 3 girls picked him up and ran around with him laughing. It then became Slates turn to be a wise ass but he was hit with a Thunder to his butt.


The girls got mad. Noctis was given a scolding from the trio and Lunafreya. Slate acted as if he was mortally wounded. "His POOR tail was hurt." This set Princess Ink off. The fact that she was saying his tail was hers made me laugh and Noctis's eye twitch.


After all the fun, the 4 kids were led outside to where there was a mid sized Airship.


Slate POV

Theres a cool looking Airship outside. Its dark gold with blue engins. Im kinda jealous actually. Lunafreya gave us the tour. 10 bedrooms, a huge kitchen, 5 empty rooms, a giant pool, a garden, and a REALLY NICE CAPTAIN CHAIR!! The one with tons of buttons.


Slate: Are you showing off your summer home Noctis? What are you? A kid? By the way, can I sit in the chair? Where are the guns? Whats this really huge red button do?


Big. Red. BUTTON!!!


Im zapped with thunder again...


Noctis: No to the chair and buttons and yes to my summer home. This Airship has no guns. It has a Ship Storage Sphere, 24/7 Uplink to the Castle, A cloaking system and heavy armor.


Noctis: Lunafreya and I will be LENDING it to you 4 as you go train. This is now Home for you 4. The total cost of this ship was about

...90 Billion Gil. If you want to buy it from us... Double our Investment. Do we have a deal?


Slate: DEAL!!


Girls: Whaaaaaat?


Slate: Girls, there are 5 open rooms. 1 for pets, 1 for clothes, and 1 for treasure. Garden for plants... aybe an Apothecary too.


Ink: Clothes...

Kareena: Pets... Apothecary...

Marina: Treasure...




Girls: DEAL!!!


Slate: In 1 week, we made 80k in a low level area. 180 billion Gil wont take too long. Before we get to it... This ship needs a name. Uhh any ideas?


Ink: Flying Ribbon?

Kareena: Air Zoo?



Slate: I like Love Boat.


.... I hear Royal Arms. Umm


Typhoon huh?


Noctis: Typhoon it is. Kid, Say love boat again. I dare you.


Slate: Typhoon of Love?


Lunafreya: You 5 better go before Lord Chaos gets mad.


4 youths: 5 of us?


???: Im your Captain and Nanny while we are gone.


Amulet walks into the hanger with a smile and a huge backpack.


Amulet: Heya kids. I will be your Nanny and Captain. Ill make sure that everyone eats and takes baths... SEPARATELY btw.

Sorry kiddo.

Ill also upgrade your gear with whatever you bring me so 2 of those extra rooms are mine.

We leave in 4 hours. Get ready and say your goodbyes.


I pack my stuff... which is Pluto and a change of clothes. I need to do some shopping when I get a chance. Good thing we just made 80k. Ill see if I can get some shopping in wherever we land next. As I walk outside, Noctis us waiting for me. ...


Noctis: Kid, Luna asked me to give this to you. Take care of it, She made it herself.


He warps away after handing he a bag. ... Is there a bomb in this from him?


I open it to find a Hooded Jacket with a Leather arm sheath for Pluto on its left and a #4 within a skulls mouth stitched into the right shoulder. It looks badass. I put it on and it fits loosely so I have room to grow into it. Well... time to go I guess.


The girls all have a new jacket and are on the flight deck. Amulet starts Typhoon and we are on our way. As we are finally in the clouds, my jacket starts ringing.


Slate: Huh? A phone? (Answers Phone) Hello?

Lunafreya: Keep them save Slate. I hope you like Noctis's gifts. If you out grow them, have Amulet do the readjustments. This phone will always connect to us or the girls. tell them to look in their rooms. I used your money to buy starting food and clothes for you 4. You have 50 Gil left. Cya in 6 months.



lulz Fun chap to write. time for more hunting and class maxing.

hope you liked it. let me know what i can do to make it better.

Beviscreators' thoughts