
Deathly Love .

A Girl find out she's practically terminally ill medication but the doctors cant really pinpoint as to why that is? The Treatment she's under is no longer working as its supposed to. Telling her bffs is not going to be an easy thing to do but the question is how to do it and when? ... ... ... During the extends trip with her friend she finds out her best friends werewolf brother is sweet on her but things may not be as simple as they seem on the outside will a relationship blossom, he hasn't found his mate but will he accept her will she have the heart to tell him shes got her days practically numbered... ... ... ... He's ruthless at times but determined in leading his pack the right way, the was his father and grandfather did but making things better. Will he rock her world and love her even with everything going on with her or will he reject her affections and move on its not like she can offer a long and loving life, so will he risk it all for her for what ever time they may have together. Will she spend what ever time she has in blissful love or alone consumed by her unending pain... What if?... Everything Ends! ***Slow Start but getting better as things progress (((Promise)))*** Rate and Comment ... Plz & Thank You! STILL UNEDITED UNTILL THE END * * * "I in No Way Own any of The pictures featured in any of the chapters pictures can be found as wallpapers online." * * * A/N : Slow start plz Bare with me I... Sorry ahead of time for any mistakes ... easy and be gentle with me some things might be a Little off but I will try my best to fix any issues and update every other day Thanks.

Wick3d · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

No Love Lost

After a long talk with Taylor and a few drinks we finaly get back home but something feels off for some reason or other Mekhi is agitated and pacing around in my mind. As I reach the top of the stairs and before I turn towards my room I get the sudden urge to walk over to her room the need to see her growing. I feel an emptiness with in me that I cant explain it consumes me little by little. Opening the door her door the sight in front of me shocking me to my very core I stand there Stupefied in my spot not moving trying to think.

She's Gone! I knew something was off I felt it a while back I should of said something sooner Mekhi rambles on and on in my head irritatingly. Yet all I know is she's not here! Realizing that she might be with Emma I quickly run towards Emma's room. I open the door as quietly as I possibly can so that Emma doesn't wake up. Creepy Stalkerish I know but Subtle it's better than busting down her door demanding to know where she's at? For all we know they're both sound asleep.

I don't feel her presence there either! So peeking in all I see is Emma sleeping alone in her room.

'' What the Fuck Michael! This is all your fault you had to let her leave! We should of marked her once we had the chance but now shes gone. ''

We have to find her! I will find her Mekhi by the moon goddess I promise you that I will find her just stay calm.

With that said We get to my room repeating my words in my head unsure if I'm trying to convince my self or my wolf about that.

Needless to say sleep was not really an option tonight yes I was tired but the desperation I felt was stronger every minute every second was like torture agonizing and endless torture.

Finally giving up on any forms of sleep I end up in the kitchen I've decided that its best to start the day and as soon as Emma's awake i'm going to find out where the fuck Elisabeth ran off to.

Thinking back to the fact that she is not part of my pack and she's free to come and go as she pleases just unnerves me even more.

Finishing off my cup of coffee I come to the conclusion that its best to wake Emma up Its close to 9 and I have to ask I don't care if I have to finally explain everything to her once and for all I cant handle this anxiety anymore.

As i'm making my way upstairs towards Emma's room my thoughts are interrupted by a mind link from one of the main guards on patrol from last night.

I respond to him sounding a little more agitated than i'd like to be at the moment.

What is it? "I need to request permission to abandon my post ahead of scheduled!"

Why? What's the matter? "Well the thing is that my mate has been in labor since late last night and well I think that the pup is finally ready to ...

Your mate has been in labor since last night!... and you decided to go out on patrol instead of keeping her and your unborn pup company.

Why? You could have had someone else cover your shift and spend the night by her side have Logan cover for you and get to her as soon as possible.

" Why Logan? ''

Why Not Logan? That way I can make sure that he isn't with Elisabeth once and for all! And basically killing two birds with one stone I'm still not 100% convinced that its a good idea that they spend a lot of time together maybe keeping him busy and away from her might not be a bad idea come to think of it!

"Alpha I've contacted Logan he's on his way over to the main guard tower he will take over for me ill be heading over to the hospital now thank you!"

Very well!

'O.k Michael if Logan isn't with Elisabeth where the fuck is she at?'

I don't Know but we will find out but first we have to make a quick stop and check on old man Winters hes been doing some research and said he had something to inform me first thing this morning It must be important if he called for me this early after arriving from his exploration trip.

Wait! I can smell her shes near by. Mekhi said as we walk past the nurse station at the front of the hospital second floor.

' Do you think she's gotten sick! Could sh... could she be sick and in the hospital? Is that why she didn't come home! maybe Laura knows where she's at?'

Wait! She did come here to work on something with Laura at the hospital an apprenticeship I think of some sorts I'm not sure. All I know is that Emma said she would be with Dr Highland at the hospital either helping or working with her on something I've got to get some information on that as well.

'' Well now's as good a time as any to ask what's going on! ''

... ... ...

I'm guessing that the tranquilizer that Dr Highland had administered to me was strong enough I was knocked out for quite the long time. It wasn't until early this morning when something stirs me awake. Realizing that I was not in my room at the mansion well Michael's guest room I should say after getting a final check up from Dr Highland she finally agrees to let me call Emma to go back home.

"Hey Liz i'm glad you're still here I've got a small favor to ask from you!"

Sure thing Dr Highland What can I do for you? I was just about to call Em to head home.

"Well the thing is that I've got two labor and delivery rooms ready to go but two of my delivery nurses have just left from the night shift and I've got to head in to one room right now I don't have time to wait for the next shift to arrive would you mind assisting me in the room for the time being its a minimal thing all you have to do is check vitals as usual nothing major promise I will also provide you with the scrubs necessary for the job."

O.k I'll do it! Where do I change.

"Thanks a lot and Its Laura no more Dr Highland You don't have to be so formal with me Liz."

Changing in to the scrubs that Dr. High...umm I mean Laura got for me I Make my way into the delivery room that was currently buzzing with activity.

Hi! my name is Elisabeth Rose I'll be assisting Dr Highland with your delivery today! If there is anything that I can do for you to make you more comfortable please let me know and I'll do my very best to accommodate you.

Hi! Maya Lee nice to meet you... I Don't suppose I can still ask for a surrogate can I?

I'm sorry but no...sorry but I can help with some mild pain medication and a light massage if you'd like!.