
Deathly Love .

A Girl find out she's practically terminally ill medication but the doctors cant really pinpoint as to why that is? The Treatment she's under is no longer working as its supposed to. Telling her bffs is not going to be an easy thing to do but the question is how to do it and when? ... ... ... During the extends trip with her friend she finds out her best friends werewolf brother is sweet on her but things may not be as simple as they seem on the outside will a relationship blossom, he hasn't found his mate but will he accept her will she have the heart to tell him shes got her days practically numbered... ... ... ... He's ruthless at times but determined in leading his pack the right way, the was his father and grandfather did but making things better. Will he rock her world and love her even with everything going on with her or will he reject her affections and move on its not like she can offer a long and loving life, so will he risk it all for her for what ever time they may have together. Will she spend what ever time she has in blissful love or alone consumed by her unending pain... What if?... Everything Ends! ***Slow Start but getting better as things progress (((Promise)))*** Rate and Comment ... Plz & Thank You! STILL UNEDITED UNTILL THE END * * * "I in No Way Own any of The pictures featured in any of the chapters pictures can be found as wallpapers online." * * * A/N : Slow start plz Bare with me I... Sorry ahead of time for any mistakes ... easy and be gentle with me some things might be a Little off but I will try my best to fix any issues and update every other day Thanks.

Wick3d · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Complicated Emotions


waking up after goodness nows how long I noticed that Michael is still besides me resting in a lounge chair by the feet of my bed.

Michael was to engrossed on some paperwork he was reading up on, while waiting on her to wake up from the medication that Dr. laura had sent over not noticing that the sleeping girl had began to stir from her deep sleep.


As I was looking over towards him the first thing that came to mind was the rogue issue thing that emma had brought up and all of a sudden my anxiety was acting up all over again I couldn't help but abruptly rise earning a confused yet concerned look from michael before I could move closer towards him he was already by my side keeping me in place on the bed all while questioning if I was ok or if I needed help with something and trying to calm me soothingly at the same time.

Instantly feeling him near me and sensing he'd relaxed just a bit I bolt up and mediately start inspecting him from head to toes frantically trying to make sure nothing's wrong with him.

which in hind sight looked more like me just feeling him up, feeling the awkwardness of the situation I pull my hands back to my self. I clear my throat and try to explain my worry about the rogue attack emma had mentioned before I had my massive panic Attack.

But Instantly I feel a strong embrace as I awkwardly look back up at Michael quietly embracing me suddenly he places a chaste kiss on my forehead then pulls back from me to explain everything to me.


Looking down at her all I know is I've got to explain everything especially the part of the rogue and some new information that her and emma need to keep in consideration from now on.

"First of You and Emma need to listen to me and listen carefully." I say looking directly at her and signaling emma to come near us since i noticed her walk  through the door a few seconds ago before i can continue i also have the guards Come near us they will be in charged of keeping an eye on Elizabeth for the time being.

"There is indeed a rogue  within the pack grounds there was no attack he was injured and is being looked after in the hospital holding area. He has been informed that leaving said premise with out an escort will be considered a threat and dealt with accordingly. More on the point you girls are not allowed near the hospital buildings for the time being, With out a proper escort as by your side.

On the other hand we have some other unconventional guests that pose a more serious threat. But they are to be confined to a certain area in which you two are not allowed to be nearby with or with out the Guards.

Every guard has been informed of this the pack will be in a lockdown type of situation for the time being and everyone must abide by these rules until further notice am I understood Emma!

Emma nods her head accordingly to Michael's words but still questioning "Whom else is staying with in the pack grounds that could have you so stressed out?"

Looking at their expectant faces adding a deep sigh while pinching my nose bridge I have no option but to inform the that we have two Vampires residing within the cottage at the far end of the river near the western guard tower.

I guess  its better they know know to avoid any misunderstandings later on this way they will be safe and aware aswell.

It'll be easier to keep taps on them since the know the vampires are on pack grounds.

Letting them know that I will explain more on why the vamps are here once i get back because i still have to check on the rogue before deciding what to do with him, I can't just have him running wild while trying to attack the Vampires since they have sought out refuge with the pack.

Reassuring Elizabeth that everyone and everything is fine she settles down as i turn to leave once again but not before placing a small and delicate kiss on her lips.

Reaching the hospital holding cell in which the rogue was being treated i take a deep breath and walk in, The rogue introduces himself as Tod he was payed of by a vampire who was hiring some rogues to track and kill the vampire couple simple because we fancied the Female but she preferred the Male, so they sent half a dozen of them to take the couple out mainly the Male vampire Braeden. They had been instructed that if Natassia put up a fight she could be brought down with

Braeden as well.

Leave it to a blood sucker to try and split up a couple because he wanted to have the female but still try to kill her for not abandoning her mate. After a long talk with the rogue he bowed to leave and never return to either side of this stupid feud if only he could leave he had to find his mate and daughter.

Signing a blood pact with Tod allowing him to depart and never return, he was finally released from our hospital and escorted out of the territory by two guards.

Now it's time to visit with Braeden and Natassia to see what the progress is with his recuperation. He should be stable enough since he was already transferred to the cabin where they will be allocated for the time being.

Sitting across from a very pale looking Braeden. "well maybe he just really looks deathly pale all of the time Michael have you ever thought about that?"

I hush Mekhi before continuing on with the conversation and informing him that the rogue has been released from our custody as if a few minutes ago. We came to an agreement they will be staying for just about two weeks to regain their strengths and maybe possibly train Natassia alittle before they take their leave.

Tomorrow evening however they will have to meet with some of the high ranking officials plus Emma and Elizabeth. They have been warned once again that Elizabeth is not someone the can afford to mess around with.

Natassia asks for a brief word alone with me just before I was about to leave so I dismiss Taylor and the other two guards that had been accompanying Braeden and Natassia.

"That Girl Elizabeth! She's your mate isn't she?"

Natassia asks while smiling at me and Braeden, I nod and as I was about to add something she asks again.

"She doesn't know yet does she?"

She asks will a shy smile.