
3.15 Wanna run away?

Ultimately, Xue Fan stayed in the city. In two days his arrest warrant was charged and Xue Fan didn't complain. Except for the Xue family house and the 2 off shore bank accounts, everything else was confesticated. The construction projects of the Xue family were either evicted or taken over. The pubs and casinos were also taken over and most of them were closed down.

Xue Fan had tried his best to take all the consequences upon himself and that no debt of his own came over his family. This was an approaching end to the Xue Clan which had strived up till today. Xue Fan though, was strangely calm. He handled all the business matters efficiently before leaving to serve his time in jail.

Xue An was the most furious out of all the people involved, for her the Xue clan was everything. From a young age she had strived to become like her father. Now seeing her father in jail and all that he worked for being taken over, it was no surprise that she was angry. She had to take out her anger on someone and she found the perfect target.

Shu XinYi was currently reading news about Song XingChen's case while sitting in the lounge of Lan Cheng's house. Right now everything was a bit of a mess so Lan Cheng and Xinag Li both had told Shu XinYi to stay with Lan Cheng for a while. Since Xiang Li was very buzy with the case he wasn't at home for long periods of time.

Lan Cheng was currently cooking desserts with Xue Yao. Well Lan Cheng was doing most of the cooking while Xue Yao was just sitting on the counter top admiring their wife. Seeing their PDA Shu XinYi had also started to miss Xiang Li.

He was bored looking at the same reports over and over again so he visited other news websites. While he was reviewing one remote website Shu XinYi saw a report that made him shiver all over.

Warning (Trauma and ra*e)

"Xue Yao, the son of Xue Fan is caught in a pub high on drugs having sex with multiple people, it is no surprise as how this father and son duo came to be. Some pictures that were leaked are so obscene that we can't show without sensoring."

There were pictures of Xue Yao who seemed not to be in their senses being taken by several men. Shu XinYi confirmed from Snow that these pictures were from the time Xue Yao was ra*ed. At that time Xue Fan had removed all traces of these photos then how the fuck did they end up here, and at a time like this when Xue Yao is finally opening up to Lan Cheng and had decided to make a career out of modeling.

"Xue An, she had ways to get those pictures. I guess she saw a photoshoot of Xue Yao or something. So it triggered her somehow to do this." Snow said.

Warning end.

Shu XinYi looked at the carefree smile of Xue Yao who was although 20 but they were still a kid at heart. Shu XinYi went out of the house for a while and contacted his mother. Mrs.Lan was obviously well versed in this avenue so Shu XinYi explained the situation to her.

"Mom, you know how Yao ge is. He doesn't deserve this. So please can you help me?" Shu XinYi pleaded faithfully.

"Hmm.. I can help him but if further along his career, things like these come out then.."

"Don't worry mom. I will see to it. You just have to help me right now."

Soon enough those articles were removed without a trace and no big fuss was made over the matter. But obviously Xue An wouldn't settle at this. Shu XinYi had already checked and the probability of Xue An having the original fate, had become 0%. So he wasn't too worried about her. but now Shu XinYi thought that he should give her a little taste to her own medicine.

Shu XinYi called Xiang Li, telling him about the situation that had occurred. If this Xiang Li was the original Xiang Li then Shu XinYi obviously wouldn't have told him. But this Xiang Li was his amnesiac husband and although he was someone from the legal jurisdiction, Shu XinYi knew that Xiang Li would cross the legal lines, if it worked for him.

"She just needs someone to take her anger out on, Then why don't you give her someone to take her anger out on? Xue Fan owes debt to some real shitty people. They too are angry." Xiang Li said.

"Nah, I wanna go light on her. She is still Yao ge's sister."

"heh, bunny you really are mischievous. She is also scared right now so a very simple solution would be to scare her even more so she doesn't have time to think about Xue Yao." Xiang Li suggested.

"Hmm... Now where will I find a stalker?"

"I'll set it up, you don't worry about this matter. Just make sure that the shop gets designed well. Oh and buy the latest cameras, don't worry about the money." Xiang comforted.

"Tch, so scary. You can even arrange a stalker hmm?

"Yes, do you regret being with me now?"

"No. I don't. Has Song XingChen said anything about Bai Meng being involved with him?" Shu XinYi asked.

"He used Bai Meng as an alias, for that night. He says they were in a pub together. I think both of them are covering for each other." Xiang Li stated.

Shu XinYi wasn't surprised at Xiang Li telling him all this confidential information. He just asked "Was there any incident that occurred around that time that Bai Meng was involved in?" Shu XinYi said more to himself then to Xiang Li.

"Wait let me check." Both of them said. Shu XinYi was in his car right now and he looked it up on his laptop. While Xiang Li was in his private office looking in his computer. Obviously Xiang Li found it earlier saying "Two nights after the show, 3 bodies of young girls around their 17s were found in the remote area from district 2. They are first year in the same college as Bai Meng. Bai Meng was just regularly investigated and the case was closed 2 days ago for still being unsolved."

Shu XinYi asked "Cause of death?"

"Drug overdose. There were 3 different kinds of drugs found in their system and even a high dosage of aphrodisiac. Marks of abuse found on all their bodies. Should I reopen the case?"

Shu XinYi was suprised at the last question saying "Are you asking for my opinion on even a matter like this?"

Xiang Li honestly replied "What if you plan not to get Bai Meng arrested?"

"If you keep being like this you can get in trouble Mr.Xiang Li." Shu XinYi said.

"I won't. Tell me should I reopen the investigation or not?"

Shu XinYi sighed saying "Yes do it. It will help with Song XingChen's case as well."

"Okay then. I gotta go work some things out. Bye."

Shu XinYi visited his shop to see how the work was coming along, then he went back to eat some dog food.

The next day Xue An made a new attempt by sending those pictures directly to Xue Yao. Saying that it's their fault father has to face all this. If only he was "Man" enough he would protect father.

Xue Yao had a strong mental balance, once they make a decision they stand by it. They had already given up on their family so they didn't let her words get to themself, but seeing those pictures again, Xue Yao was a obviously effected for the next few days.

After a week though, it all had stopped. It seems like Xiang Li's plan worked. She won't have time to worry about what her sibling's doing now that she has someone unknown tailing her. Xue An probably thinks that it is one of Xue Fan's debtors. Xue An knows well what those people are capable of doing.

First, it started out on my way to the academy, now I can see shadows in my own room. What do they want? I don't even have money. Along with this fear that Xue An had, also came hatred for her father for making her live a life like this. She can't even safely go outside anymore.

Today Shu XinYi posted on his social talking about why he took a break. He also uploaded 3 days later since he could go back to his home and start working in the studio again.

Xiang Li was obviously buzy so Shu XinYi recorded by himself and even edited everything himself. This kind of thing was not anything difficult, but what Shu XinYi was worried about was, letting Xiang Li have a break. For the past 3 4 weeks he had been working non stop. The Song XingChen case was coming around and Bai Meng was also in hiding.

As Xiang Li had instructed, Shu XinYi was focusing on his career and once the shop was completely renovated and designed, Shu XinYi started preparing for his gallery show.

To begin with, Shu XinYi first made sure that all the articles were transfered from his house to the shop safely. It was no joke trying to accomplish this. Shu XinYi had already found managers and staff for the shop. The manager was his fan from his channel, he knew and understood how to present art in different unique ways so Shu XinYi wasn't reluctant to appoint him.

The nights were only getting colder as time went on, Shu XinYi was walking outside his shop. Tommorow was finally the day he would host his show. He had placed, his own art and "Lan Xiao's" art without any biases.

There was an elite jewelry shop, two shops behind his'. From the day Shu XinYi had visited that shop, he had his eyes set on a ring he wanted to buy for Xiang Li. At that time he didn't have a lot of money since he had put all his money into buying the shop. But today he finally had enough money. So he went to buy it. It was warm inside the shop. Shu XinYi didn't take much time to buy the ring, which obviously Shu XinYi had sized.

He like being out in the cold night. So he went out for a walk.

All the 3 protagonist, had reached 0% probability of having their original fate so Shu XinYi wasn't worried about a lot of things.

The next day Shu XinYi was woken up by Xiang Li. He didn't speak much all day yesterday, today too he was quiet. Xiang Li didn't question anything and just let him be. Accompanying him. Being beside him. It was good enough.

The Song XingChen case was still not closed but Xiang Li took a day off. Dressing up together, they headed to the location early. Since later on it would become more crowded. Xue Yao and Lan Cheng had also joined them.

Soon enough, the media and a crowd of visitors had gathered. Obviously since it was the first day, there would be a lot of visitors. Shu XinYi, didn't allow anyone to take pictures, so obviously the media crew wasn't allowed inside.

Shu XinYi was kind of lost during the whole day. Many people came to see his work and they would talk to him about how they perceived his art. It was like an out of body experience that Shu XinYi was having right now. As If at any moment if he blinked his eyes, all these people, the art, everything would vanish. He too would vanish. Existing as nothing.

"Feel free to think all of think all of this unreal, unless you think that even I don't exist. But know this. Right now you are you. I am me. and all of them are just well.. human." Someone said close to him.

Shu XinYi turned around to look at Xiang Li smiling at him with innocent eyes.

Xiang Li then said "Wanna run away?"

Shu XinYi smiled a barely noticeable smile. So Shu XinYi ditched his own show handling the responsibility to his twin brother.

Xiang Li drove with him for a long time until the moon was at it's seems, who knows where Xiang Li was driving him. But Shu XinYi was okay with it.

He didn't know what he had been feeling but for the past few days, it was like something in his mind couldn't adjust to the world around him. For the past 20 worlds Shu XinYi had experienced different realities but never had he found himself not adjusting to a place. Maybe he finally crossed a line.

Shu XinYi saw the cloudless starry sky and the beautiful moon and said remembering something "Oh stop the car."

Xiang Li did as he was told. They were basically in the middle of nowhere. There was not even a street light miles away.

"Get out of the car." Shu XinYi said. As he too got out of the car.

Shu XinYi stood in front of the car looking at the moon. Xiang Li stood beside him, looking at him.

Shu XinYi, didn't pause to think as he went down on his knees taking out a ring box from his pocket saying in an evasive yet thoughtful tone, "I .. I don't even know why I love you this much. I really don't understand a lot about what's going on, but Thank you for being with me all this time. So will you stay with me?" This was a first proper proposal from Shu XinYi to this man infront of him.

Xiang Li's eyes were a bit tear stained as he too took out a ring box from his own pocket saying "Um, will it be awkward if I get on my knees as well?"

Shu XinYi and Xiang Li started laughing, both had tears in their eyes.

Three days later the news of Song XingChen's conviction took the media by storm. He was sentenced to 22 years in prison. Yong Yu entertainment, had very tactically avoided getting in the midst of all this.

Bai Meng had to escape from the country and stay out of sight. His mother had transfered the business management to the second branch of the Bai family. She too escaped with her son. Although there was a chance that Bai Meng would come back to take over the business, but knowing what kind of person Bai Meng was, he wasn't too worried.

After the proposal, obviously Shu XinYi couldn't get legally married until 15 years later. Until then Shu XinYi had become a world renowned artist and did much bigger projects than just gallery shows. Once gay marrige was legalized both Lan Cheng and Lan Xiao married the love of their life on the same day. Mrs.Lan was still alive so she led both Xiang Li and Xue Yao to their husband's.

Xiang Li had resigned as a detective some 20 years after the proposal. Working full time as a husband manager.

Shu XinYi spent another lifetime with his amnesiac husband. It was not surprising that they never once had a serious fight, since both of them understood each other to an extent that they themselves couldn't anticipate. There was only one thing that Shu XinYi found odd.

There'd be times when Xiang Li would say things like "I feel like I have something to tell you."

Shu XinYi understood that it was the unidentifiable being trying to say something from his original memories but how important was whatever he had to say, that even the amnesiac Xiang Li was trying to remember it. Maybe it had something to do with the worlds.

"I really want to say something to you, I just don't know. It's haaa.. I don't know. Just."

Shu XinYi could only wait for time to solve this mystery. At the day Xiang Li was on his death bed he held Shu XinYi's hand. Both of them had weak wrinkly hands. Shu XinYi didn't like how Xiang Li's hands were losing their strength as time went by. Xiang Li said squeezing Shu XinYi's hand a little "Xiao Yi (Little joy), the worlds will become harsher. Trust me, only me okay. Not even other humans. Unless you are 100% sure you can trust them. Okay?"

Shu XinYi nodded lightly saying "You have to take care of yourself as well. Don't become someone who has gone through a lot of pain."

Xiang Li lightly laughed saying "It doesn't matter to me, as long as you are there. So don't worry about it. It's just important that whoever I am, finds you sooner."

Shu XinYi wanted to argue thinking about what Xiang Li and Leo had to face, this man probably chose those characters to be close to me. So he was bit angry. Why go through a shitty lifestyle just to be close to me?

Xiang Li knew what Shu XinYi wanted to say so he assured him. Xiang Li was breathing heavily taking breaks to relax as he said "Xiao Yi, Please, don't argue. It's more painful for me to be away from you. And you can protect me once we meet quicker no? Let me go now. It's time for me to leave. Wait for me."

Shu XinYi felt the hand he was holding lose in strength. He still didn't raise his head, even though he could no longer hear Xiang Li's heavy breathing.

Shu XinYi decided to leave the world right now. He didn't have the strength to look at Xiang Li's lifeless body. So a man on the bed and a man sitting beside him holding hands with him, both stopped breathing one after another.