
death trait

Samantha dreams was to become an actress but that dream came crashing down when are mother was brutally murdered by an unknown mask , since then she pursue the career of becoming a lawyer to solve her mother unsolved case.... will she be able to find the killer who is behind the reason of her mother death and why was the case left unsolved

08emily · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

what's next


" I love you pumpkin"

hmmm*sigh* my mom never called me pumpkin is she giving me some kind of clue or something I have to find out what it is before it too late *sigh*

" so you can't sleep without those pill"

"yes " I replied with a smile

"I can see that was a bitter smile quite impressive" she crossed her leg while checking on a file

" I see " she looked right into my eyes


" do you take cocaine or are you addicted to some kind of illegal stuff"


"am your new therapist just be free with me like how you treat your friend"

"I do not have that thing called friends"

" hmmm you are hopeless "muttered


"nothing" smiled


" you don't have friends neither a lover or a pet " close the file

" you just graduated from school and now you want to reopen your mother case "


oh yeah about that

3days ago...

"dad I want to reopen my mom's case"



"because I want to"

"Olivia honey" he yelled while reading his new paper and giving me that deadly glare every ten seconds

"yes honey"

" Samantha please repeat what you just said"

" I want to reopen my mom's case"


"please call the family therapist now"

"okay "


3days later.....

"yes that my number one priority for now"

" yeah it may be but it's not necessary"

"and why" I glared at her intensively

" because you are too young for that and not capable how old are you twenty one twenty two or three"

" and so" rolled my eyes

"you are not mentally stable do you know that you have some kind of disorder"

"yeah" I replied with a smile

" young woman please take a deep breath now"

"and why ? "

"to redeem your self " she replied with a worried face


"okay whatever"

" I know is hard but you have to learn how to abide with thing darling"

"am already abiding with your face" muttered

"hmmm you are quite of a silent talker "

"can I go now "

"no "

*sigh* " their is nothing else to say why bother "

"because I got paid for two hours section "

she smiled

" argh !!" *sigh* " let get over with this "

"that's more like it"

2hours later...

"bye "

"hmm" I need to look for a new house to move into but I still need to look into that so called house my father called a home

"pumpkin do we have a pumpkin statues at home or maybe a painting " muttered



" hi my is Samantha "

"nice to meet you Samantha "

"yes sir "

"my name is Mr Philips "

"it a pleasure to meet you too sir"

"just call me Mr Philips okay "

"okay sir "

" okay show me your certificate and some other valuable documents"

" here is it sir" hand it over to him

"hmm okay that's good "

I hope I get this job

"oh you are Betty daughter right"

"yes sir "w

"that's good your mother and I were great friends aside from work you really look much like her" enough with the stories let get over with it

" sorry about your lost" I replied

"wait what it supposed to be the order way round"

" hmmmm she was also a good friend to you , if she was why don't you reopen her case"

" your father said that I should close it "

"and you .." I can't let my anger get over me, Mr Philips you are already part of my suspect list

"listen Sam is for the better "

"oh so do I get the job"

" come back tomorrow how about that"

"okay bye"


"gosh lily can't you just knocked for Christ sake"

" Philips we have a server problem " patting

"Sam you can go now "

"okay bye " close the door

" it about that mafia freak his on to us again" muttered

"hmmm who is that mafia freak any ways not my problem" muttered to myself


"what should I do next "


" what will you like to order miss "

" hmm ... I could like to...."

"hey give me the usual" interrupt

" hey do you mind" I replied

"okay sir in a sec"

"wait what but I was here first" should I course a commotion or not

"hey!!! who do you think you are " held his shirt

hmmmm maybe it was a mistake , I think I shouldn't have held his shirt

"hands down dog" a man in black

looking around , wait who is he talking to

" I said hands off "

oh wait why am I doing this

" hmm sorry my bad ... bye!!"

ran out


"that's was close I almost lost my head"

"Jojo "

"Jojo where are you"

"why is she looking worried over some dog or something"

"excuse me ma'am but can I help you"

"oh thank you am looking for my son Jojo please help me find him it getting too dark "

"okay calm down and try to remember where you lastly saw him "

" around 4:pm"

"oh okay but where " checking the time on my phone


how could she lost her child