
The birth of the little boy.....his childhood.... ..the reason why did he die

It was a Saturday morning. The sun hadn't came out then. It was 4:30 in the clock. In the month of October suddenly a sound heard "A baby crying".A remote village in a south eastern part of the world. There was a family " father (who was a foreign employee),mother (who run a small shop), two daughters and a newly born baby boy".

" Yeah you are right that's a family of the leading character of our story, the little boy family or the monster's family".

A village where there was no transportation facility, no hospital near by . All the women gave birth in their own home risking their lives. The little boy's family and the relatives were very happy, they were celebrating the birth of the baby boy.

" In south eastern countries people preferred boy more than girl in that time".

After a year, the family of the little boy moved to the town for the schooling of the children.

After couple of year, the boy also started his school. He was quite good at maths . He used to sing, dance and play different games . He could run very fast. He had a lots friends and was loved by a lots of neighbour.

" Oh sorry I forget to introduce our leading character, his name is Leo and he loves lions very much".

One day Leo was going to school and on the way to school ,he had a very serious accident. His head was badly injured, his head and neck were bloody. He had taken to the hospital by the people near by. His family members were crying outside the operation theatre . its been already seven hours but still no response from the doctors inside the operation theatre and after the long surgery the surgeons came out and said " Sorry, we tried our best. You can take the body after the paper work"

" A body covered with a white clothe came out".