
Death March Danmachi

Haru is your everyday 12 year old, nothing special about him. Until one day on a playground a large delivery truck comes out from nowhere and Haru wakes up in an anime world he’s not familiar with. More shocking it the system he awakens with! “Wait I have three meteor rains?” *ROAR* Seeing the large black dragon with only one menacing eye in the distance, coming slowly towards him, Haru panicked! “This is off script you bitch!” Will Haru survive? . . . 1.) this fic is the ‘anime’ version of Danmachi! 2.) MC doesn’t step foot into the dungeon often at all, only when asked due to emergency! 3.) MC is young, 12 to be exact. And cute as a button, the little brother you wish to protect sort, and incredibly innocent yet mischievous at the same time. 4.) MC is extremely OP, he has the death march through a parallel world UI and system (tweeked a bit) if you’ve ever seen that anime. 5.) No harem and I don’t know about romance, this is more of a slice of life/ wholesome journey type story. 6.) MC is an Orphan so when he gets to know and trust someone he grows close and caring, so even if you dislike a character in Danmachi, don’t expect me to care if you rant because my MC treats them well. 7.) Speaking of treating them well, most major characters in the show will be in this fic, and Haru treats everyone with kindness as much as he can, because in a world where you can be anything, he chooses to be kind. . . . cover is not mine, if owner wishes it removed contact me with proof and it will be removed immediately.

Shadow_of_death · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Ch15. Killing them Softly

(AN:Warning, this chapter will show brutal acts of violence, skip if you are light of heart and weak of belly.)







Bell watched in horror as Ais's neck bent at a horrifying angle, her body collapsing to the floor with a thud as her lifeless eyes stared at everyone in fear and regret.

"NOOOOO! You bastard!" Riveria shakily tried to stand, tears marred her beauty as she clutched at her painful belly, one punch from him felt like being smacked around by the Goliath as a normal civvie.

Most people lay dead or dying around her, only those above level four stood a chance, many of said adventurers were unconscious or to injured to continue.

"Why! Tell me why!" Riveria began to sob as she took one painful step after another, Gareth and Bete both stood up, both barely hanging on as a smile adorned Jahovah's innocent visage.

Jahovah took one step and seemingly disappeared.


Riverias eyes went wide then blank as she looked down, a small dainty hand holding her heart out in front of her chest from her back.

"Because you're all to weak to stop me, that's why, hehe."

Jahovah crushed the heart and pulled his arm out, pulling Riverias body along with it, throwing her so hard she hit the opposite side of the wall with a thud, her skull cracking open as she slid down the wall dead.

"YOU MURDER!!!" Jahovah stepped to the side as a large hammer smashed into the floor where he once stood, he chuckled as he once again seemingly disappeared along with Gareths hammer.

Not even a split second later he once more appeared beside Gareth, with one quick yet vicious swing he brought the hammer in a horizontal swing, right at Gareths knee.

"AHHHHHGGG" Gareth fell onto his opposite knee as Jahovah once more disappeared and reappeared in front of him, now with the hammer held high above his head.

"You're a little tall for a dwarf, how about I take a little off the top!" With a powerful swing that moved nearly faster the Gareth could follow, the hammer came down.

With a splat and wave of blood,bone and brain, the hammer came to a rest inside Gareths chest cavity.

"Wooooo, home run ladies and genitals! Who's ne—-"


Jahovah caught the small bolt a mere inch from his face, looking towards where it was shot from, he was pleasantly surprised that such a small weak girl would have such heavy nuts dangling between her legs.

With a cruel smile he appeared in front of her, both hands clasping around her head as he lift her up till her feet we're almost a fort and a half off the ground.

Seeing this, Bell finally sprung into action, he grabbed Haru and tried to pull him away, to free the pallum girl named Lily.

His eyes closed and tears on his face,he pulled with all his might! But Jahovah wouldn't budge.

"Haru! Let go! Don't do this, Please!"

Bells stomach violently urged as he heard lilys screams for mery, his mind numbed as he heard the cracking sounds and increased screams of pain, then the silence followed by a tell tale splashing sound and loud thump.

"Let go you fucking weakling…"


That's all Bell could feel as his body flew into a wall.

Looking down, the sight made his mind go into shock.

His collapsed ribcage, his ribs poking out through torn flesh as pieces of his innards slinked out of the horrific wound he just obtained.

Looking up with a fading consciousness, he saw Jahovahs cruel smile still plastered on such a delicate face, his last thoughts were what he had done, why did his baby brother do it?

Just as the last of his light faded from his eyes he smiled.

'I'll see you soon, mom, dad, grandpa…'





"Loki? What's wrong?" Finn rushed over along with Tione and Tiona as Loki collapsed onto her knees….

"Gone…their all gone…" Lokis eyes were clouded as she muttered her words.

"What do you mean gone?" Finn tried to help her up before her next words left him empty.

"Riveria, Ais, Gareth, Bete and Lefiya…their all…dead."

Finn fell back, he knew such words were no joking matter, that Loki would not lie about such a thing…

Almost an hour past by in silence before his and everyone else's thought's were interrupted as a knock was heard.

Loki calmly stood up and walked over too the door, opening it revealing a Neko.

"Yes Anakitty?" In a flat tone she inquired about the girls interruption.

Noticing the strangeness, Ana simply held out a note, "Riveria and the others are back, she went to the bath alongside Ais and Lefiya.

At the mention of this, everyone was shocked except Loki.

She had felt it, just like their bond disappeared, it reappeared, like their lives were returned.

Something of that magnitude shouldn't have been possible….how did it happen?

Finn looked shocked as a bearded man walked up behind Anakitty and entered the room.

"Sorry I'm late, had to use the restroom." Gareth walked into the Executives office and took a seat as he stretched out.

"Loki snatched the note and began to read it, the note was a quick report she planed on sending if they were all delayed.

"Haru?" Loki knew her familia were killed after they had returned to the city, she had been told they went right to Babel…what's going on here!






"That was incredibly fucking stupid."

The man stood behind Freya as she sipped her wine, her hand shaking in fear…

"I never knew something like that would happen, you must believe me!!!" She dared not look behind her.

"Hm, for the first time in a long time, nearly eight and a half billion years, I was forced to leave my throne." The man placed his hand on Freyas shoulder.

"You do something that stupid ever again, I'll finish what my father started."

The man disappeared in a bright light, the pressure she felt was nearly overwhelming, now it had vanished.

She had seen with her own eyes what had occurred, such brutality. That was not what she wanted, she wanted his power mixed with Haru's morals.

But Lucifer had showed her the errors of her way.

His soul had been pulled from him and brought to Creation, allowing that sliver of Jahovah to finally root itself into his consciousness.

Effectively granting him a new life, but when Haru was pulled back due to the curse that the gods placed on Creation before their banishment, Haru's soul was sent back into the same body, forcing a battle of souls to take place, one that Haru lost when Ais attacked.

Even if their was no ill intent, the moment of fear Haru felt was enough for Jahovah to gain control.

Lucifer's words echoed in her mind..

"He remembers what you did, he will never forgive you all… if I never intervened when I did, you'd all be dead within a week."

No amount of power was worth her own life, Freya was thankful Lucifer appeared after Bells death and knocked Haru unconscious.

He sealed Jahovah in a prison within Haru, at least until Haru is strong enough to fight back and win.

More importantly he brought back the people Jahovah killed and wiped their memories, but…

She had a sneaking suspicion that the other gods knew of the fate that befell their children, she had felt it too, the breaking of the falnas bond signifing death.

She would need to hurry.




"What happened?" Riveria stood up, her head was aching as she used the wall for support.

Looking around, she noticed all her Familia members laying unconscious, a sick feeling rose in her throat as she let out some vomit.

"Ugh. Where?" Gareth slowly opened his eyes, the shops lights nearly blinding him as his head felt like it would explode.

"Gareth..what happened?" Riveria stumbled over to Gareth, minding her step as she tried not to stumble over one of the many unconscious adventurers that had accompanied them here.

"I can help fill you in."

A woman's voice made Riveria let out a shriek as she turned to notice the beautiful woman and her family's vice captain.

"Freya?" The goddess smiled as she looked at the elf in front of her, definitely prettier alive then dead.

'We'll time to smile and lie!' Freya began to tell Riveria her 'version' of what happened.

Jahovah don’t play no games, sheesh.

Also the next chapter will explain in more detail what Lucifer did, also Haru’s guilt of a certain broken sword makes him turn up a skill to ten…

Do you guys like the more brutal stuff? was thinking of having more off shoot chapters that showed Bell and others doing dangerous things!

Also, I’ve decided on a romance for mah boy Haru, any suggestions? or should it be an OC character? *No Harem*

Shadow_of_deathcreators' thoughts