
Finally, I Get Some Answers.

We're in the middle of the City square and people pass us by, minding their own business. I think about how everyone is living the life they've always lived, some are struggling, some are happy, some are barely surviving. I wonder if they think about the rest of us, because I sure hell didn't.

As Jace Cross, I was on top of my game; I was conceited enough to think that this City was mine. I didn't give a shit about how other people were faring, I had everything that I needed and more. Fuel City - even if it had the resources other cities needed, was not the wealthiest city because we didn't have any food. The only other resource at our disposal is our skilled fighters and in here, if you can't fight, you starve.

Fate's got a funny way to letting you see things, because now I feel like I'm the one struggling. I'm the one who doesn't have anything. I lost everything I've worked hard for and these people pass me, by not giving a fuck.

I feel my skin get hot as I stare up into the board and I want to hurt someone.

There's no Jace Cross on the board of assassins – not anymore.

Three months, just three months and all I've worked for means nothing.

I shake my head, "There's no hall of fame or something?"

Grizz shakes his head, "Nope."

He sighs, "For all it's worth it took them two months to finally bump you off of the list."

I grit my teeth, "But someone's using my signature."

Death Looks Good On You written on a black matte card is my signature, to identify my kills. And looks like someone took my idea and went with it.

I nodded towards the board, "Who is it?"

He scrunches his nose like he smelled something foul, "It's number ten, Vice."

My eyes go wide, "Vice? The same guy who almost stole that last hit from me?"

Vice is a new guy, came from Fire City and tried to make a name for himself as one of Fuel City's top assassins, he's been annoying the top guys here because he doesn't have a fucking code. No respect for the rest of us. The last hit I made, he was there – he tried to kill my target. He was lucky I didn't end him, I didn't want to waste life especially if I wasn't getting paid for it.

This guy has a death wish by stealing my fucking signature.

"He's been walking around telling people he killed you."

I snap my head to his direction, "What?"

I laugh and he shrugs, "Not everyone believes him."

I look back at him, "You mean some people do?"

He shrugs.

Oh no, this is getting out of hand, I have to tell people I'm alive. I'm a fucking nobody now.

I turn around and walk back to our apartment, when I get inside I open my safe, getting all the stuff I need. I get my knives and carefully pull out my katana from the back.

Grizz just watches from the living room while I prepare to kick Vice's ass.

I slowly pull it out of its case; I admire the exquisite blade and try to remember the weight of it on my hands. I grip the handle and close my eyes. I know this is not my body and the feel of this blade in my hands is wrong, this body I'm in now probably have never wielded a sword before.

I grit my teeth and open my eyes.

I probably will get beaten up or worse, killed but I need to teach that Vice a lesson.

I put the katana back to its case and get my hood and cape.

Just when I'm about to reach the door a voice comes from behind me.


I turn back around and see a dark haired woman gliding on the floor. I mean it looks like she's gliding but she's actually hovering.

Her feet are not touching the ground.

I look back up and see her face, it looks eerily familiar but I'm not sure where I've seen it before.

"Hey Grizz, who's the broad?"

I look down to see Grizz sitting on the sofa but he isn't moving. He's frozen.

I walk around to check on him and he's just looking at the TV screen but the scene's frozen too. The watch's time is stuck on seven o'clock – exactly.

I look back to the lady in black and ask, "Who are you?"

She looks at me with her black eyes, "You know who I am, Jace."

I put my hand on my hip, "Hey lady, I wouldn't ask if I knew. Just answer the fucking question."

She laughs lightly, "Still cocky even in a woman's body, I see."

I look at her seriously, "Do you know what happened to me? You know I'm Jace?"

Her feet hit the floor gently and she starts to move around, her dress is so sheer that her body is visible underneath. Her dress is black but it twinkles like stars.

Her skin is paler than mine and her hair is black as night. But the scariest feature is her eyes, black as death.

She starts, "Tell me, how does it feel to be in a woman's body?"

I roll my eyes, "It's absolutely life changing. You girls have it bad."

She laughs, "You're stronger than I anticipated. Others would have lost their minds."

I shrug, "I'm confident in my manhood."

She smiles, "I can see that."

I sigh, "Lady, can you just tell me what you want? Also, how do you know me? As Jace?"

She tilts her head to the side, "Of course I know you. I brought you back from the dead."