
Death Leveling

A world filled with magic, systems, and monsters—in a closed society of the Immigrant City, lives an 18-year-old boy with the dream of leaving the walls and exploring the unknown outer world. However, upon getting evaluated, he scores so low that not even a system shows up—not wanting to give up, the boy insists and becomes a Player regardless. In a team with three others, Dantes sets out on a difficult journey outside the walls—quickly, follows an incident that turns everything upside down—including his own fate and role in the world. Plans: 2 chapters/day Synopsis: Going to change as I write more of the story Note: Nothing will go as you expect Cover Credits: Some Random Pinterest Image

rulerofeverything · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Black Hole

Continuation from the perspective of Arial:

"Now that they're gone, let's get this started…"

Dantes got bitten all over though, that worries me.

Well… I don't have the time to worry about others right now…


Immediately, dashed through the nearest street—gushing sounds vibrated loudly, heads went flying.

Time to make these fuckers extinct.

I started grinning.

Blood spilling all over me, as much as I was already soaked in blood, began feeling like an accessory or a reward.


Looked to the building and another one was looking through the window.


Ripped off the head at the same time as I warped to his shadow. "To think even children are dragged into this," I said without a pin of emotions attached to my voice.


Small radius this time.


Had the child lived and listened, it would've been the sound of his parents downstairs exploding into nothing but blood, all in the span of one second.


Exchanged to the next street—this one was filled with them.

The grin on my face escalated further, as I voiced, "you can run at me or away from me, but you'll all get decapitated before you even start doing it."

This time, I used my palms to make their heads explode rather than just decapitating them—I noticed some of the ones at the back, started to run away while witnessing the process of their friends' heads exploding.






My mind was blanked out as I was on the spree, so I didn't take into account the possibility of their strength being substantial before attempting the singular attacks of instant-killing them.



Then… it happened…

As my palm was going straight onto one of their heads, it dodged and its hand was already going straight at my stomach. Glaring at his hand moving towards it, my expression changed.


Went behind him—my shadow blade had already materialized and it was going through his neck, but half-way through it, my blade froze because he began holding it with his left hand.

Being put in an awkward position of a stalemate, I did the only thing I could.


Went up to his ear, and whispered, "meow."

He began falling over with shadow spikes out of him, then I went and decapitated him with the blade.

"302… toughest one since that one time."

Then, glancing up to the building right next to me, I knew already—both of them immediately turned around in panic and attempted to run away, but I was already on top of it staring at them.

"Hey!" I stated cheerfully; my attitude was getting to them, as they looked at me frozen cold.

Was he their boss or something?


Instantly, I was in-between them and both of their heads simultaneously exploded.

"304… aaaaaanddd… I'm almost out of MANA!"

Took out a shadowy potion and downed it—my MANA began regenerating at an exponential rate, all the way up to 50 percent.

These are only handed out to the elites and we're only allowed to drink them under specific, serious circumstances—I'll have to make a written report explaining the situation, which will come with my justification of consuming one of these; when consumed, the number of total available Shadow MANA potions depletes in everyone's Systems—which doesn't imply we can pump them out until the stock is out, no, each elite is handed out two of them, which would effectively replenish one's MANA to 100 percentage.

Afterwards, I jumped back to genocide! This time I was much more mindful of using my MANA.




I ran into some tougher ones as well, but they were all pathetically weak in comparison to the other two.



At nearly a thousand kills, the total MANA of the Town began dwindling—I retained my guard and didn't let that get to my head, however, knowing the stronger ones can not only suppress their MANA, but also communicate like humans do. Furthermore, this "Kowareta" was still clearly out there; I knew I'd run into him, sooner or later.




Two hours had officially passed since I started the mass genocide…

My MANA was low yet again, so I consumed the second one as well.

I giggled and said out loud for no particular reason, "hope the Association won't get mad at me!" Then proceeded to decapitate the whole generation of a family!

"1591…" I stated upon killing one of them, then my skin started crawling because of the presence behind me; feeling that, I felt compelled to ask instantly regardless of my back being in front of the creature, "you're Kowareta, I take?" 


Standing behind it, I attempted to behead it without any delays—however, it spun around faster than my blade, and its hand was already going towards my neck; this one was faster than any of the previous ones.

Right as his hand began touching my neck, I used shadow exchange to teleport to the shadow of his hand below—my palm was held against his stomach.


Not wanting to take any risks, immediately I backed off.



Instantly, backed off over a mile away from it.


Along with my max MANA radius… I knew I had to spot it before it came to me.

Suddenly, chills ran down my spine—it was going straight at me, destroying all the buildings in the process.

I prepared for offense and materialized a megaphone; it was no time to play around.


Understanding the stakes that come with this creature, I didn't want to get close to it again—waiting for it to come to me, I began screaming at the top of my lungs as it was almost next to me.


The spikes from it made the entirety of his body splatter—they were so large that they impaled buildings around him as well.

Dropped the megaphone.


Got next to him in an attempt to decapitate its head.

My eye flinched.

Tried to dodge but my arm got cut off by its hand.

"Damn," I said in surprise.


I jumped backwards at immense speed, but it was going straight at me at the same pace.

The possibility of losing still didn't cross my mind.



Jumped to the sky as high as I could—went all the way beyond even clouds.

Materialized my blade; closed my eyes; took a deep breath from air that was luckily not polluted by the foul stench of blood.

Then, I swung my sword at the air.


Its head went flying, as I teleported behind him in the motion of swinging my blade; this ability works from a distance only if you plant a seed, which was the shadow infection that I put on him earlier.


In the process of decapitating him, his hand was already going straight at my neck—I really can't tell if these creatures consciously think or just use pure instinct to attack, given how quickly they respond to attacks.

Backed off.

"Now, is he…"

For the first time, fear entered my emotions—excitement wasn't lost, however, it was still strongly there without any signs of leaving.

"No way…"

His body regenerated from the head whilst in the middle of being in the air.

He dropped down and just looked at me without attacking—is he hinting that I lost? That it doesn't even feel the urgency to attack me anymore? Is that it?


He's partly right… no System ability is strong enough to kill him.

"I'm not Kowareta," stated the pale skinwalker.

"Oh? Is that so?"

Afterwards, I lifted my hand and pointed a finger at him…

"Are you thinking… that you won?"

His expression went from displaying nothing to being serious.

"Are you saying you didn't lose, human?"


Got behind him while flying upside down and then flicked my finger.

"Black hole."

I said in a sinister voice.

If System abilities aren't enough, then I won't use them.