
Death Game: Full Intelligence Answering System

When Bristol woke up, he never expected to be selected for a Death game! At the beginning of the game, players were shot one by one, blood splattering everywhere, death descending silently. Just as Bristol fell into despair, he unexpectedly awakened the fully Intelligence Answering System! From that moment on, he embarked on a journey full of challenges and adventures. In the game, he not only faced various obstacles and enemies but also had to solve various puzzles and tests. With the help of the fully Intelligence Answering System, he could easily handle various situations and gain a large number of treasures and benefits. For Bristol, this system was simply his lifesaver, allowing him to navigate effortlessly between life and death. However, as he gradually became accustomed to the system's assistance and began to crave higher-level rewards, he found himself in an even more dangerous situation. Bristol began to ponder, realizing that he was involved in a larger conspiracy. Unbeknownst to him, his adventures had become material for viewers in the live stream room to learn magic. They were not just watching the live stream; they were secretly coveting the power and treasures on Bristol's body. Now, Bristol not only had to face the challenges of the game but also the viewers in the live stream room and deeper conspiracies. Could he survive in this world full of danger and temptation and fulfill his mission?

DaoistdBpB8T · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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44 Chs

Weird television

Beads of sweat the size of beans kept dripping down Bertha's cheeks.


Her hands were continuously pricked by needles, and because she was constantly moving other syringes, many of the needles on her hands had broken off.


Only sharp needle tips remained, deeply embedded in her skin.


There were just too many syringes in the pit. Finding the key here was like searching for a needle in a haystack.


Although Bertha was trying her best to search, she still found nothing.


Bertha's eyebrows furrowed tightly, breathing heavily!


Soon, she could no longer bear this inhuman torture, struggling to climb out of the uneven edge of the deep pit.


Arlene and the high school girl, Ann, hurried forward to pull Bertha out of the pit.


When Bertha emerged, her hair was disheveled, her face pale, with many tears still lingering in the corners of her eyes.


Although she had climbed out of the needle pit, she was still in a state of shock, curling up in a corner.


Her eyes were hollow, as if devoid of a soul!


Bertha kept murmuring, trembling all over.


Arlene and Ann quickly crouched down, comforting Bertha gently while helping her remove the syringes from her body.


With each syringe removed, Bertha would let out a painful whimper.


Her originally delicate and fair hands were now covered with needle marks, densely packed, all red little holes!


Ervin and Dale, seeing Bertha's pitiful state, were filled with unease, afraid that the next person to enter the needle pit would be themselves!


The elite guy showed no sign of guilt on his face. He just stared fixedly at the needle pit, ignoring everyone else.


The room fell into a dead silence.


[This is too terrifying, what a heartless beast!]


[Sending virtual comfort to the woman in the floral maxi skirt, let me be your support!]


[Ugh! Can't the person above have some decency!]


[Exactly, I don't want to be her support, I just want to be Goddess Arlene's lapdog!]


The tone in the live stream room gradually became bizarre!


"Tick... Tick... Tick..."


The sound of the timer in the silent room was particularly clear, like a heavy hammer pounding on everyone's hearts!


Seven minutes and twelve seconds, six minutes and forty-eight seconds, six minutes and thirty-two seconds...


Time was slipping away bit by bit!


The despair and fear of imminent death flooded in from all directions, engulfing everyone.


"I can't take it anymore! I don't want to stay in this damn place any longer!"


Ervin held his head in his hands, howling in agony!


Then Ervin rushed towards the door with the timer, wildly swinging his fists!


"Boom boom boom!"


Ervin kept hitting it, but in less than a moment, he was exhausted!


His hands were dripping with blood, flesh mangled!


But the timer showed no signs of damage, still ticking away incessantly.


Only the bloodstains on it served as a reminder to everyone of the force it had endured!


Ervin slowly crouched down, his face full of pain, hands tightly gripping his hair, whimpering softly, constantly muttering:


"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"


Dale, standing nearby, saw her boyfriend so out of control for the first time, she stood dumbfounded.


Finally, his emotions completely collapsed, Ervin collapsed on the ground, wailing and crying out loud!


Despair filled the eyes of everyone!




"We must find the key! We must find the key!" muttered the elite guy.


Then he suddenly looked up, gazing at everyone, his eyes scanning around before finally settling on the high school girl.


The gaze was terrifying, as if he wanted to devour her alive.


The high school girl, frightened, quickly hid behind Arlene, her face full of fear.


Arlene looked at the elite guy, anger surging in her eyes, and shouted sternly:


"Why don't you go down yourself!"


The people in the live stream room, seeing the elite guy being so cruel, not only throwing Bertha down but now targeting a student, couldn't help but angrily curse at this beast!


[He's not even sparing the student, I suggest we push him down!]


[Can someone tell me what just happened? I went to get takeout!]


[Is this even human? Someone take care of him!]


[No, I'm going to expose this animal online!]


The Billy doll in the room watched as everyone pushed and shoved, their emotions out of control, with no change in its expression.


Such scenes had long been commonplace for it.


In the face of life-threatening danger, the ugliest side of human nature always seemed to surface so quickly!


Meanwhile, Bristol stood quietly to the side, wearing a pensive expression, but in reality, had already used their mind to input their question into the search bar.


[System, what is the safest way to retrieve the talisman?]


After a few seconds of loading, the system displayed the answer.


[Simply create a makeshift magnet, and you can use it to extract the talisman containing a large amount of iron element from the numerous stainless steel needles.]


Bristol looked at the answer, a hint of realization flashing in their eyes.


No wonder when they had just placed the talisman in their pocket, it stuck to the metal button on their pants. The talisman contained iron elements.


But there was no ready-made magnet here. It seemed Bristol could only make a makeshift one using the materials at hand.


Bristol looked around, trying to find some tools to make a magnet.


"Creak... Creak..."


A row of wooden beds in the southeast corner gently swayed, as if it would collapse in the next moment.


Next to it was an old television set, still on, displaying a chaotic jumble of static.


Bristol turned their head and continued searching.


A wardrobe with claw marks, bandages scattered on the floor, a kettle containing an unknown liquid...


Suddenly, a gleam appeared in Bristol's eyes, and they strode quickly towards the other corner.


There, a very dilapidated radio was placed, its antenna raised high, but unable to pick up any signals, only emitting a constant "hiss hiss hiss" sound.


Though it was just super ordinary static noise, it brought an indescribable sense of fear to everyone. Perhaps it was the inherent fear of the unknown that was haunting them.


Bristol gently pressed the pause button on the radio, and the static noise abruptly stopped.