
Death: falling for a mortal

and death cried, as she kissed him goodbye --- A story about death, an immortal responsible for taking lives of the mortals. Falling in love with a mere mortal who he was reluctant to let go of.

cosmbin · Sports, voyage et activités
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His eyes were shining

Her eyes were glossy

His lips formed a smile

Her lips were quivering

But then

Both of them were empty inside.

Both of them knew what was to come

Both of them knew the fate


Both of them didn't want to admit it.

He once again looked at her only to regret it

Now all the emotions he was hiding were shown.

He fell down beside her still trying to muffle the sobs that left his mouth.

He knew she was in pain

More than he was

He knew she gave up

She couldn't go through it anymore

She wanted it all to end.

So he stood up and looked her in the eyes

This was it

This was the only way to end it

To end her sufferings

So he did the only thing he could think of

He pulled her towards him gently.

As if she was a beautiful butterfly,

who would break with just one touch.

He bought her closer to himself

As if he was trying to remember the touch, the warmth,

For forever.

They shared a slow and sweet kiss holding onto each other

Their tears mixed together

Just like their souls.

But as they say, nothing lasts forever

Not even her.

Soon the warmth of her lips faded as she closed her eyes.

He moved back placing her back on bed

He tried to smile but failed.

Once again tears streamed down his face

His body trembled

The warmth was gone.

The love was gone.

She was gone.

He wiped away his tears but there were soon new forming.

He felt weak, because his strength was gone.

All those moments he had spent with her flashed in his mind.

With tears in his eyes he dropped the dead rose on ground.

He cried as he saw his love's lifeless body in front of him

Death cried as she kissed him goodbye.


Yep, my first ever story <( ̄︶ ̄)>

Thank yoiu for reading it!

Please tell me what you think. (o´∀`o)

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