
Death's Substitute

Destroy what stands to my part of greatness. I'm just a lazy boy who wants to leave a lazy life, disturb my peace, I year you to pieces. I am the one "The Devil" fears. I am Death's substitute. Join me on the journey of my lazy life and see how I year down my enemies

The_author3 · Urbain
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43 Chs

Trouble and explotion

**A few minutes earlier**

An uncomfortable hush enveloped the car as it moved along the road. Davis, Paschal, and the driver sat in silence. Earlier, the driver had tuned in to the radio, but news of Paschal's proposal filled the channels. Instinctively, he knew it was best to turn it off.

As the car slowed down at a traffic light, several vehicles were already queued before it, the light shining yellow.

"What's wrong?" Sergeant Davis inquired.

"Sir, the traffic light is still yellow," the driver reported.

"Does it usually take this long?" Davis questioned. The response came as the light turned back to red.

"Sir, there's a problem; I think the traffic light has been hacked," the driver explained.

"Hacked? How do you mean?" Davis sought clarification.

"It changed from yellow to red," the driver responded.

"What the? Who the heck would want...! Dammit, drive!" Davis cursed, realizing the gravity of their situation.

"I can't; there's a car in front of us," the driver said.

"I hate this," Davis expressed in a tired tone, glaring at the seemingly unconcerned Paschal.

"Well, isn't there a way you can maneuver or something? They'll be coming after us soon," Davis suggested.

"Sorry, sir, but there isn't," the driver admitted.

"Call for backup," Davis ordered.

"Okay," the driver said, reaching for his walkie-talkie.

"Calling station 102 to zone 7, we need immediate backup; we're transporting important goods," the driver conveyed.

"Goods? This sucks," Paschal complained.

"Shut your damn mouth; you caused all this," the Sergeant barked.

"Sir, they'll be arriving soon—" As the driver was about to finish his report, Davis saw danger and immediately warned.



"Aahhhhhh!" The scream of people fills the streets,

~pee, pee, pee~ As the beeping cars made their existence known.

It was a bazooka blast that echoed, sending drivers and pedestrians fleeing for their lives. The car joined the chaotic symphony.


Paschal, the Sergeant, and the driver's ears rang, feeling the pain of shattered glass piercing their skin due to the explosion's shockwave.

"Damn, these idiots! I told them to rescue me safe and sound," Paschal cursed inwardly.



~Pew pew pew~

~pee, pee, pee~

Various sounds of gunfire and people screaming filled the streets. The lieutenant noticed his men and the would-be rescuers engaged.

"Don't let him out of your sight no matter what," he instructed the driver, who was yet to fully grasp the situation.

~chick, chak~


After cocking his gun and slamming the car door shut, he left.

"Well, I guess I'll have to sleep; sleeping during such chaos is the best. Besides, the hero needs a sleeping beauty," Paschal remarked as he positioned himself to lie down.

"You annoying b*tch, all this is because of you, and you're about to sleep? Don't think I'm letting you out of my sight, and if you annoy me, I'll kill you," the driver warned.

"Huh, why do you think the Sergeant hasn't done that? It's not because he isn't able to; it's because he can't. I'm the only one who knows where I kept the money—the main theme of this operation is to recover the money, not eliminate the threat. Sheesh, personnel nowadays are so ignorant. I can't believe I'm telling you about your own job. No wonder you're just a driver."


"Please keep the noise down, and also help me turn on the A.C; I'm going to have the best sleep of my life."

"Arghh, Dammit!" The driver screamed in frustration.

**Meanwhile, on the other side**

"There are too many of them; let's stall for time—"

~clang~ the sound of a bullet hitting iron resonated.

~pew, pew~

"Yes, sir!" The men responded to his command.

As they fire back.

"I don't know how you guys operate here, but I'll tell you one thing, do everything to survive, deing means you've failed to properly carry out the operation and it's going to be bad for you. We have to keep the suspect in our possession no matter what it takes.

Don't die, but also use every seconds to make a move that will lead us closer to completing the operation. This is war"