
Death’s Lover: The Object of Death’s Desires

Delilah never expected to be the object of Death's affection, but when the mesmerizing Doctor Morian (Death) appears, she can't resist his allure. Despite the consequences, Mori risks everything for a chance at a life with Delilah, hindering her reunion with her soulmate Ciaran. Delilah is plagued by blackouts and nightmares from her past lives, struggling to uncover the truth of her existence. But Delilah soon discovers the truth about Morian and her complicated love for Death. With Lance's help, she fights to free Ciaran's soul and faces an impossible decision. **Mature Content** New episodes are updated everyday

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44 Chs

I know what you are

"I dare you to look me in my eyes and deny our connection. Yes, you and Ciaran were created side by side, destined to reincarnate together, but you and I, what we have happened by our choice away from the control of destiny or the divine order. What we have is the closest I have come to feeling alive and I know you feel it too, so I dare you to deny it."

Delilah's mind raced as he spoke, she hated how magnetic he was, his every word pulled her in, threatening to seduce her out of her common sense.

"I do not deny that I fell for you, even in this very moment I battle those very feelings. Which is why this betrayal is much too painful to bear. How am I supposed to be with you? You are immortal, you are death Morian and I am just another soul, in an endless sea of souls."

"You could come with me to the Nether realm, be my queen."

Morian said as he walked closer, he held her hands in his and kissed them gently, his eyes searching hers for answers.

"And what of Ciaran? where does he stand in this grande plan of yours? Even if I decide to be with you, there will always be a part of me that longs to be with him. We belong together."

She pulled her hands out of his and walked away to the other side of the living room, tears fell from his eyes.

"So this is the end of us ?" Morian asked with a heaviness in his voice.

Delilah looked in his eyes as he walked closer again, there was little to no space between them.

She could feel his breath on her face.

He was engulfed in her scent.

She closed her eyes, and for a moment she felt her resolve slipping away.

Their breathing intensified.

She opened her eyes and looked up into his.

Those bewitching eyes of his fixed on her as a predator to its prey, his eyes glowed more unusual than ever, she could finally make sense of him, he wasnt human, thats why everything about him was otherworldy.

She whsipered;"I beg you Morian do not make this any more difficult than it already is. You've caused Ciaran and I enough pain, if you truly love me as you claim, let this be the end."

Her own voice threatened to betray her.

"What of our child ?"

His eyes darkened and settled on her face once more.

Delilah swallowed; "I'm no longer pregnant Morian."

"You are lying ?"

"I lost it." she began to cry, she walked to the couch and sat down.

"You did what ?"

"Its in the bathroom's rubbish bin, I miscarried it a few hours ago. Why do you think i am covered in blood?"

Hearing this dealt the final blow to his heart.

"My child is dead?"

All his plans to be with her evaporated with the death of that unborn child.

Morian's intention was to father a bloodline, one that he could always reiencarnate into that could easily house his being, and now all that was dashed.

Delilah straightened, cleared her throat and wiped the tears from her face.

"That child was going to be an abomination, You aren't human."

She turned to him.

"Did you killed my child?"

"The fact that you think i would harm my own child? are you insane Morian?"

His eyes welled up with tears, his voice cracked as he spoke.

"This is for the best, I'm sorry but I do not want to carry your child. It's over Morian."

She got up from the couch.

"For me, when it comes to you there is no end. You are the light in my dark existence illuminating the way to my salvation Mortala. To show you how much I love you I will concede. I will let you and Ciaran be free to live out your love, I will step back because that's how much I love you. I know I have caused you great pain. I waited eons what's a few more if that's what it takes."

He walked closer to her.

Delilah was shocked by his statement, she had expected some type of pronounced protestations, bouts of violent outbursts.

But he just brushed her face gently with his hand. His face the picture of sadness and grief.

"I never imagined in all my years of existence that you would love me Mortala and you did. And for that I am grateful, you have no idea just how special you are my Mortala."

He kissed her forehead, tears streamed from his eyes, down his face.

"I am so sorry for all I have done to you Mortala."

He stepped back with sadness in his eyes, he began to chant in an ancient tongue.

His body fell to the floor unconscious.

Delilah was shocked, she rushed to his unconscious body.

"Morian ? Morian wake up! What have you done ? Morian ?"

But he didn't reply, he was dead.

She held him in her arms and cried.

She was confused, not knowing what to do she quickly grabbed her phone and called Lance.

She was hyperventilating, crying and distraught.

The phone rang and Lance picked up.

She could barely piece together words.

"Calm down Delilah what happened?"

"He is dead, Morian is dead please come quickly. I don't know what to do, should I take him to the hospital or call the police?"

"You will do no such thing Delilah. Stay put, I'm coming to you right now." Lance replied and the call ended.

She was shattered beyond words