
Chapter 1-2

"System, on."

"Hi there, player. Welcome to the Adventure Quest, where everything you desire comes true."

Where am I? What am I? Who am I?

"You are the player, and you are bound to play the game and finish all the quests, starting from picking a side. Are you good or bad?"

"Good side, I guess."

"What do you like?"

"Big boobs that are petite, that's what I like," I said shamelessly.

"No, that's not what I mean. Which class do you prefer?"

A big screen appeared in front of me, displaying a list of classes that included warrior, mage, healer, rogue, ninja, paladin, etc. Mage seemed cool, I thought.

"Excellent choice. Now, you are a mage class."

"Wait, that's not what I picked! I just-"

"Sorry, player. Once the choice is made, it's final. Now, prepare yourself for the magical journey that awaits you," announced the system.

World is creating in 3...2...1...

"Welcome to AdventureQuest Worlds!"

"After creating your character, you must begin your journey by completing the tutorial in Breakstone.


"wow, so detailed." I said it, was amazed by the structured of the game

Woah someone pressing in my back, some huge bump, that made me feel slightly flushed.

"Sorry, im very sorry, I did not see you" she said, panicking

"Its okay," said it, while fondling her boobs.

"Um, you know, your hands were on my chest, right?" she said, her face showing clear disgust.

" oh sorry, it was a reflex," I replied, quickly removing my hands on her chest.

"Am, so whats your name," i try to change the topic

"My name is Cleric Joy, nice to meet you," she said it in friendly tone

"Nice to meet you big boo- i mean cleric joy," I stuttered

"so am whats your name" She asked

" my name is-"

the world paused, the system said "type your name

"I can't think of any," i seems to be in a pickle of finding a name

Wait what is that on her shirt at her boobs, it says dear4210.

"ok Dear4210 It is," system out

" its not what you think," i sounded like a pervert there.

World is no longer pausing.

"so whats your name," she asked

"my name is dear4210, nice to meet you" i said it, while making an impression

"okaaaay" she said with a cringing expression

"he looks weird" she mumbled

"So where were you headed?" she ask

"I'm on the quest right now" I said proudly

"then what is your quest?" she replied

"Um something about-" I paused

"help me system," I mumbled

"You need to register yourself as an adventurer at the adventure guild where you can see your rank as an adventurer," System replied

"I need to go to the adventure guild," I exclaimed.

"Oh, the town guild?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah, the town guild, that's the one," I said it, with enthusiasm.

"Coincidence, im on my way there too," she said

Cleric and I are going to the town guild to register ourselves as adventurers. We finally arrived at the town guild, and it seems to be a gathering place for adventurers. There are many high-rank individuals here, and there is also a big bulletin board where tasks or missions are posted, categorized from F to S. F seems to be the easy ones, and S appears to be the challenging ones, I guess.

"Look, Dear4210, it's the easiest one of all the tasks, and it's ranked E. It says that you have to kill 10 skeletons, and you get 100 golds," Cleric explained casually.

"Let's do this task," I declared with determination.

Excitement filled the air as me and Cleric Joy decided to take on the task of defeating the skeletons. We approached the guild receptionist to register for the mission.

"We'd like to take on the E-rank task to defeat 10 skeletons," Cleric said to the guild receptionist.

She seems very excited. Her boobs is jiggling hehe. Cleric notices me looking at her boobs

"Pervert," she said, a mix of disappointed and disapproval.

Suddenly, we heard a loud scream echoing from the direction of the guild's bulletin board. Startled, Cleric and I exchanged glances before rushing towards the source of the commotion.

As we approached, we discovered a distressed group of adventurers huddled around the bulletin board. A panicked voice rose above the murmurs, explaining that a village on the outskirts was under attack by a horde of undead creatures. A new mission, labeled as 'D-rank,' had been posted urgently.

Cleric's eyes widened with a mixture of concern and determination. "This is more serious than we thought. We need to help that village."

" What are you crazy, we are still a newbie we might die out there we are not main character!" I protested.

"But we could not just leave the people out there, please" she begged, puppy eyes look

"Fine, but there is a condition" I said, with dirty smirk

"Whats that smirk thats seems creepy," she said, uneased face

"nothing, you promise to owe me," I replied

"Okay, fine," she reluctantly agreed.

Setting aside my mischievous smirk, Cleric and I got ready for the D-rank mission. Leaving the guild, the air was tense, a mix of nervousness and determination. We hurried toward the village on the outskirts that needed our help.

When we got to the troubled village, the air smelled bad, like something rotting. Distant moans suggested that undead were coming. The scared villagers looked at Cleric and me, hoping we could help. But i dont any spell and weapon so whats should i do?

"System on," I commanded, hoping that something magical would happen. Suddenly, a menu appeared in my mind, displaying information about my newly activated abilities and the starting weapon, a Default Staff.

The menu read:

Weapon: Default Staff

- Weapon Damage: 90%, 2.0 speed

- Recommended enhancement: Wizard

- Special Effects: Mages gain mana from all hits landed in combat, especially on crits.


1. Auto Attack

2. Fireball

3. Ice Shard

4. Explosion

5. Hot Headed

6. Chilled Out

7. Arcane Shield

With a sense of relief, I realized that I now had a set of magical abilities. I gripped the staff, feeling the surge of arcane energy within me. I turned to Cleric, a newfound confidence in my eyes.

"Cleric, I might not have a traditional weapon, but I've got magic. Let's face these undead together!" I exclaimed, ready to put my newfound skills to the test.

With a determined nod, Cleric and I prepared for the battle, armed with my newly acquired magical abilities. The villagers watched, curious and hopeful, as we faced the approaching undead.

Faced with the approaching undead, I decided to test my newfound abilities. I focused my attention on the closest zombie and initiated my Auto Attack. With a quick wave of my staff, a burst of magical energy surged forth, hitting the zombie. The simplicity of the action surprised me, yet I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as the undead creature recoiled from the impact.

"Whoa, did you see that, Cleric? I can shoot magic from my staff!" I exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and awe on my face, resembling a puppy discovering a new trick.

Cleric, equally intrigued, nodded in acknowledgment. "That's impressive! Keep it up!"

Energized by my newfound ability, I decided to try another skill. Focusing on a slightly larger group of zombies, I channeled my mana and cast Fireball. A fiery projectile shot from my staff, hitting the center of the undead horde. Flames engulfed the zombies, and a debuff called Scorched appeared on them.

"Fireball! This is amazing! Look at them burn!" I shouted, an expression of wonder on my face.

The battle raged on, and I continued to experiment with my magical skills. I used Ice Shard to freeze a particularly aggressive zombie, making it easier for us to deal with. Then, I triggered Explosion to handle a group of undead, causing a burst of energy that sent them flying. The newfound versatility of my powers left me amazed and fueled my eagerness to explore more.

Cleric fought alongside me, her eyes reflecting a mix of pride and amusement as she witnessed my magical prowess unfolding. The system, seemingly responding to my excitement, echoed with a digital chime, adding an extra layer of intrigue to the unfolding battle.

The undead horde continued to press against us, but with each spell I cast, we gained the upper hand. The villagers, initially frightened, started to look more hopeful as they saw our abilities in action. The digital chime from the system added a sense of accomplishment to each successful spell.

"Dear4210, you're doing great!" Cleric shouted over the commotion, a genuine smile on her face.

The village, now safe from the undead threat, echoed with cheers. The tense atmosphere shifted to one of relief and gratitude. Cleric and I shared approving glances, a feeling of success lingering in the air.

The system's voice echoed again, "Congratulations, adventurers. You've completed the D-rank mission successfully. Rewards: 500 gold, experience points, and a new level unlocked."

Excitement surged within me as I took in the information. Leveling up and receiving rewards added a new dimension to our journey. The villagers, thankful for our help, gathered around us, expressing their gratitude.

Cleric turned to me with a grin. "Not bad for a newbie, huh?"

I chuckled, "Yeah, not bad at all."

Little did I know that this victory was just the beginning of my adventure, and more challenges and mysteries awaited me in the vast world of AdventureQuest.

We were wrong to think the mission was complete.

Suddenly, a massive undead creature emerged in our path. The sky turned red, and a thick fog enveloped the surroundings, instilling fear in the hearts of many.

"System, you said the mission is complete. Why is there an enemy approaching us?" I questioned.

"Warning: Undead approaching. Rewards unknown. Levels unknown. Continue at your own risk," System responed

Without warning, the undead attacked, catching us off guard. The chaotic scene unfolded before my eyes, and as I tried to comprehend the situation, my vision blurred. The screams of people echoed, and the air became thick with the scent of blood, creating a horrifying and gruesome atmosphere. I heard Cleric pleading for her life, her voice filled with desperation. The undead ruthlessly attacked her, revealing her skull as her lifeless body fell to the ground.

"She died, didn't she?" I uttered in shock.

To be continued...