
The tale begins...

"Hello my name is Visha Kortana of house Kortana and this is my story. I am currently a princess well you can say a villain princess of this story. One day I woke up in a bed with people surrounding me. Their clothes their expressions their hair were all strange to me. I wondered why I wasn't in my apartment but soon I figured out that I must of had reincarnated just like in the comics I use to read. I had to adapt quickly but finding out that I was the villain already gave me chills. My "Mother and Father" told me that I had fallen ill and I was near to my death but luckily I recovered in a few weeks and I was back on my feet. For the couple of months I had to fake my identity until the ball was coming up. That's where the male and female protagonist will meet but I need to find out how to change my fate. You see I'm supposed to die soon in the book because of my selfish love for the prince and my hatred for the princess. I don't know why she hates her but now I have entered her body and I want to stay alive for as long as possible. This is where my story is beginning".

"My lady please wake up its time for you to get ready your father is waiting to see you in the dining hall!".

My eyes start to flutter trying to wake up. I sit up on my bed stretching my arms ready for the day to begin. My room smells nice like fresh lavender flowers that were newly picked from the garden. The day has finally came were my plan will work after so many attempts. I will not let myself die like last time.

"Oh good morning Aanya why are you in a hurry in a time like this?" I asked looking at her red puffy face. She was my personal maid and I always trusted her ever since I came to this world.

She was kind and soft hearted which made her weak but I didn't mind at all. Most of the maids where scared of me but she was always trying her best to please me. In the book she died as well trying to protect me but she ended up getting executed.

I hope that I can be the one to protect her since she was my sisters favourite character. I cant remember most of my memories but as long as I have some left I will be the girl I use to be.

"My lady have you forgotten its your fathers birthday and your still in bed sleeping away like a child!" She looked frustrated.

"Oh Aanya of course I didn't forget why else did I go to the market yesterday" I chuckled seeing that her face has gotten bright red.

She huffed in annoyance and walked towards my closet taking out a dress that had red fabric for the skirt and a white collared shirt with a red bow and a gold pin attached to it. I liked the design since it was unique and was just bought last week.

Aanya carefully put down the dress on my silky bed and sat down on a chair waiting for me to get dressed so she could do my hair.

I put my dress on feeling the gush of wind flowing around me. I knew it was going to be a windy day but luckily with all the layers I put on surely I wouldn't catch a cold. When I finished clicking on the pin to my bow I sat on the chair facing my vanity.

Aanya stood up and started brushing my hair softly. Something wasn't quite right. A few weeks ago I found a letter under my pillow from a girl also called Visha. She said she was in my body and that she found a way to contact me.

This was the only hope I had left in me but after that I didn't get any replies yet. I hope something didn't happen to her or that she found something she wasn't supposed to. Aanya put the hairbrush down and slowly clicked a rose clip on my hair.

"You look stunning my lady!" She claps her hands in a dazzled way.

"Really?" I said.

"Of course why else are you nicknamed the Scarlett jewel!".

"Well thank you Aanya your the only person I trust in this mansion".

She turns bright red and looks away.

"Your to nice my lady all I'm saying is a compliment really" She clutches her hands together feeling a little shy as usual.

I laugh a little and walk downstairs to see maids and servants rushing around in a hurry. I was a little confused at what was happening but mother was their complaining again about the horrible curtains that didn't let a single light in.

Was the ball really that important?

I kiss my father on the cheek wondering what he was reading again.

"Happy birthday father!" I cheer in excitement.

"Who are you calling father!?" He looks surprised and annoyed at the same time. He looked away from me like a child not wanting to eat their vegetables.

"Aaaw father are you that annoyed at me!".

"Well yes! You didn't come down from your room and I thought you forgot about my birthday young one!" Seeing father like this reminded me of my old life when my real dad didn't have any time for me because of work.

I didn't know how to react for a moment but I came back to reality cheering him on for his birthday and finally growing up. Lord Kortana who is my dad in this story makes me marry prince Azazel so that our kingdoms would finally grow stronger.

But to be honest I don't even want to marry the prince. He may be the handsome male protagonist in every story but he gets jealous very easily and wants to claim the princess as his own. But marrying a man like him would only cause trouble.

I sat down at the table waiting for the servants to bring my breakfast.

"Visha darling are you ready for tonight's ball?" Mother wasn't the best of all woman. She only married father a year ago because of his money but finding out that she is a wicked person only makes my stomach tight.

Why did I have to be reincarnated in this body?

I still need find the old witch in the market but having guards looking after you twenty four hours a day was harder than I expected. Luckily I had a golden card up my sleeve.

"Hey Visha you still alive?" Mareena hugged me from behind.

"Ow your hurting me and yes clearly I am!" I try to breath but having her squeeze me was like a thousand men attacking me at once.

Mareena was my little sister the only person in this story that knows my true identity. She found the letter of the "other" Visha two weeks ago and she is helping me to tell my tale. Without her I wouldn't have learnt the simple manners and languages the girls my age needed to know.

"Well make sure your ready for tonight we don't want you to miss out this chance now do we" She takes out her notebook and starts writing words that I cant even make out at all.

The servants finally came out of the kitchen and served us our food. Pancakes and porridges and even eggs filled the whole table. I always wondered if we can even finish this food or not. The tables where neat and tidy and the floors polished from every corner.

The family's crest was already lit up and the new day of the Kortana family came again.

I took a sip of my tea and a bite out of my pancake. They were so delicious! It was soft like a cloud and dreamy in my mouth. I loved the chefs food since whenever I felt down they would give me a tiny piece of fruit cake to eat.

The normal instant noodles I had at home couldn't come close to the appetizing meat drizzled syrup we would have every dinner.

"Hey father can I miss out classes today!" Mareena begged with her puppy eyes.

"You know I cant do that your already failing your classes missy".

"Oh common darling it is your birthday today and tonight the ball is happening and we have been waiting for this day for ages now so why not let her miss classes for one day" The greedy mother already had her hands filled with dirt.

As the villain of the story I hope she will get out of my life sooner rather than later.

father agreed to it and Mareena was already jumping in joy. She hated going to classes but I cant argue with her. Everyone hated classes but the worst thing about them was that all the teachers where old and didn't have much patience.

After breakfast I excused myself and went to the garden to my secret hideout. I carefully ducked my head under the trees and sat at the swing which I decorated with roses and beautiful flowers that where rare.

The mystic scent and the natures perfume made me calm and easy to collect my thoughts.

The birds were tweeting their songs and everything felt safe like my home once was.

I took out a small piece of paper and pen from one of my boots that I was wearing and put my hand into the bush where my ink pot had been hiding.

After I pulled it out I dipped the pen into the ink ready to write a letter to the "other" Visha and see if she will finally reply after so many weeks.

Dear Visha, Thank you for writing the letter and I'm pleased to know that you are alive and well. You must be frightened by now but please don't worry. Me and my sister are here to help you get back into your body but I'm still confused about the whole reincarnation thing. If you are wondering by now yes I have a plan and your life will be kept safe in my hands. Tonight the plan will start and I want you to listen to me carefully. Prince Azazel must not be trusted even though he is the male protagonist. I have been looking at everyone's movements and actions and its quite easy what's going on here. They are all plotting something for their own selfish needs and I feel like if we try to change the story itself something may go wrong so what I will do is not change the story but the person I am myself. I am supposed to die soon but it will not happen if you co-operate with me. I only have little time but for now open the drawer on the left side of the table and you will see a diary. Read it and remember don't act suspicious and pretend to be me until we switch back.

Sincerely Visha Kortana

I then heard footsteps coming closer to my direction and I had to rapidly hide my paper and pen back into my boots and the ink pot into the bushes were it once was.

"Princess Visha are you their?" Someone called out.

"Oh yes wait one minute!" I try to act normal and not out of place putting my acting skills to the test.

The person enters my hidden place bowing down and kissing my hand.

"Good morning young princess how are you in this lively day?" A boy with caramel like hair and dark crimson eyes stared right at me.

"Caliban its you! You gave me quite the fright back their" I laughed a little swinging back to front.

"Why did something happen!?" He put his hands on my shoulders like something may of had happened to me.

His presence was always exciting and ever since I was sick in bed he would always come over buying me new dresses and sweet treats.

Sometimes I forget I'm even royalty but if I ever needed a wing man he would be great for the job.

"Caliban does it look like I'm not ok" I stare at his eyes not blinking one bit. These days boys can be very overprotective.

"Oh right um sorry princess..." He scratches his head looking down.

I could tell he felt ashamed from the expression he was plastering on his face.

A small laughter escapes from my mouth and I gently pat Caliban on his head like the small puppy he already is.

I wish that I could stay in this world for longer but I always have to remind myself that with my personality I can never be normal.

As a child I would always be a kind and nice kid like the ones you see on on TV but sometimes people can pull the trigger that I have been hiding and well my mothers personality would kick in.

My mother was a sly, tough and manipulative woman who could rule over anyone. As a kid I would remember when my mum would run a sword fighting class and even a dojo.

I had to hide my identity and who I really wanted to be. Father always taught me to never go through my mothers footsteps and I did listen ever since she passed away from an unknown death. I had to pretend to be the fake girl everyone wanted.

This world will never be sunshine and rainbows. We live in a world filled with greed, jealousy, murder and a game of chess.

Play with the right parts and you survive and if you don't everything will be gone. People with high status want more and people in poverty want money for greed that's how I looked at the earth.

People will tear you to pieces and no one will be your friend fake it if you have to but I have read this book multiple times and it always ends up in death or taking each other down.

"Princess you alright you seem out of the weather?" Caliban asked.

"Oh um yes sorry if I troubled you. Their are a lot of things on my mind right now" I brush of the thoughts I had and stared at the blue clear sky.

It shines brightly than any star I have ever seen.

"Well if you ever need support I will always be their for you that's what friends are for right?".

"Thank you Caliban".

Caliban sat down on the grass and handed me a crumbled letter that seemed to not be kept well.

"What is this?" I requested.

"A letter from my fathers study about a wedding that is going to take place in the holy temple".

"In the holy temple!?" The shocked expression on my face was clearly showing.

"Yes and it looks like the king doesn't know about it".

"Well of course he wouldn't know about this! Now that the fight for the throne is already happening the temple would be busy receiving letters and planning the ceremony".

We both didn't know what to do but sit down and think about the wedding.

"I have an idea! I can try finding any more information by renting a spy" He looked confident on what he was doing but I knew it would be to risky to even try.

Renting a spy in a time like this would only cause the risk of getting executed or false information coming around.

I cant even think about risking his life just because of a mere wedding going on.

"I don't think its a good idea Caliban".

He looked speechless but I could tell he was trying his best to think of something right away.

"If you say so princess but sooner or later something is going to happen" He stands up turning to face me.

As long as I don't interfere with the high court ill be safe from a distance while the story is just unfolding.

"Just a reminder princess Adria was summoned to the mansion by lord Kortana so you better be on your best behaviour" He plasters a grin on his face waving goodbye.

I wonder what he means by that. Adria wasn't the best of people but she does have a good connection to my family. I guess that's why father kept introducing me to them even though she has an unsettling aura.

When I couldn't hear any more footsteps I knew the coast was clear so I took out the piece of paper and put it in a envelope that I kept hidden in my other boot.

Writing a letter was to dangerous for me. If one of the servants even caught one glimpse of my letter it would be the end of me and Visha.

Father and mother are already on my lead and having everyone else around me was like being stuck in a small box with no air to breath.

I quickly put the letter back into my boot and started walking back to the mansions front gate.

Most of the servants and guards where already taking in the luggage which had the Morando crest on it.

What was going on?

Why are the Morando family bringing in luggage?

I had to go find my father and ask what was going on since Caliban did say they where coming but are they really staying just when the ball is about to begin tonight.

I turn to the front gate and Adria was standing their clearly being disgusted by the flowers we planted last month.

Carriages came one by one beautiful and majestic just like the ones in the book and I couldn't stop looking at them.

"You like them don't you?" I turn around to see Adria standing there grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh Miss Adria I didn't see you there and yes they do look stunning up close" I keep my head high and give of a gentle smile.

"I know right. I told father the old ones looked terrible so he let me fire all the workers and buy new men and carriages from the newer stock just yesterday" Hearing her say those words made my blood boil. To be a lady you must be kind, beautiful and well mannered.

But seeing her she didn't even fit the description. Her beauty was already a four point one and her kindness is a complete zero.

With the manners don't even say a single word. Its a shock to see that father thinks of her as a good woman.

Why couldn't she be the villain instead?

"You girls seem to be having fun! Why don't you two go to the flower garden and have a little tea party there with the other girls?" Father said looming over us.

I could tell he finished his birthday breakfast but thankfully mother wasn't by his side as always.

"Are you sure Lord Kortana I just arrived and didn't want to seem to picky!" Her devilish smile pretends to be innocent but all she wants is attention.

"Of course! You are our guest so please make yourself at home!".

"Lord Kortana you really are a wise man!".

"Well thank you Adria you really are a kind lady" Father already took the bait but I wont!

"Um father is it alright if I prepare for the tea party I still have some un finished business I need to do".

Father kept smiling the whole time and agreed to it.

Fifteen to twenty minutes will give me enough time to put the letter under the pillow and get my special coat.

I quickly rushed to my room and tried to find a coat that would fit the occasion. Luckily I found a dazzling coat that I wanted to wear for quite some time.

It was a charcoal black colour that fitted the night sky and designed with red hints on the top. Its red hints where soft and good for a tea party.

I went to my closet and changed into it hoping it would fit my body and thankfully it did.

I took out the envelope and placed it under my soft white pillow.

Now that everything was done all I needed was to attend the tea party just like my father said.

"Aanya are you still here?" I raised my voice a little.

"Yes my lady do you need anything?" She opens my room door while I sit down on the comfy chair waving at her to sit down opposite me.

"I was wondering who is going to the tea party father was talking about?".

Aanya looked at me like I was a complete different person at the very moment.

"Well my lady it's surprising to hear that you forgot about them but if you really want to know their from the neighbouring regions".

"But haven't most of the regions been closed of due to coronations?".

"Well yes some have but others still haven't like house Manora they are coming for the tea party after there food crisis!".

Hearing about the food crisis shook me a little.

Why would they have a food crisis when their relations between the other kingdoms are so well. Also there food supplies are shared between two other kingdoms.

"Also lady's of the Sanira will be their as well" She took a handkerchief and wiped the small speck of dirt on my face.

The lady's of the Sanira where girls who would get married to young rich men to raise children the kingdom needed. The reason behind it was to help their kingdom grow because of their lack of money or resources they needed to survive.

"Hmm then escort me to the party I want to get a better look of the girls myself" My voice turned harsh all of a sudden scaring Aanya.

"Of course my lady!" She opens the door leading me to the garden party.

The castle was kept well and all the maids and servants where loyal to father.

Everything had to be perfect no matter what so that people can admire out family's reputation.

The walls and floors made out of hard stone and the ceilings higher than a giraffe which made everything seem grand and exciting.

I walked down the halls leading me to the back door where Aanya opened it and revealed a sunny sky and flowers surrounding the grass.

Everyone was sitting down eating scones and drinking chamomile tea and laughter's coming from each others mouths.

I walked up to the table of ladies and sat down next to Eleena my best friend.

Hey guys this is the first chapter of deadly villianess! I really enjoyed writing it and im already tired after writing so many words. Also it may take a long time for chapter 2 to come out but ill try to make it quicker since I have school and online learning going on! I tried my best writing it and thankfully spotify music had so many ideas that I could use so my writing could be near to reality! I hope you guys read the next chpater once it comes out bye guys!

zoey_Jallalycreators' thoughts