
NOTICE + Extra Synopsis

I MIGHT be publishing my other drafts, however, I don't feel like it right now. So this "book" will be on pause until I get settled on an idea for my main book unless I completely drop the idea of creating a book or drop the idea of publishing my other drafts, in that case, this "book" will be put on complete.

Anyway, here is a synopsis that I would have used before:

Clara, that was her name. Or, was it Calvin? No one remembered. She changed so much, in so little time that they couldn't even react, and she left.

She didn't live in that world or this world. She lived in the heads of those who knew her, who saw her, who understood her. That was the only way they would remember her. The only way she would exist.

She lived a good life. A fulfilling life that didn't want her.

Clara, or Calvin, whatever you want to call her, wasn't here. So turn back and follow your own path, she wouldn't like others following hers.

LOLOL, not gonna remember this tomorrow.

ScribblesScriptscreators' thoughts