
The Talk, discover and rescue mission

"Yohohoho" laughs while looking at Tony as he is looking at a curious child but didn't answer

Looking at him not answering any of his questions Tony got a bit angry but managed to calm and said " Mr Brook " started Tony only to be interrupted by brook saying " No need for formalities, call me brook"

On hearing this Tony said " Then you can also call me Tony but can you tell me more about yourself "

Brook remains silent after hearing Tony question

but instead sadly said " Maybe next"

On hearing this Tony understood and didn't bother him more knowing he will answer it sooner or later

Brook began to observe Tony for a moment before saying

" Why don't you rest for a bit you look like someone who fought for your life and escaped " said brook

On hearing this Tony felt a bit uneasy but still accepted brook offered as he trusts him

"Well followed me I will show you your room where you can rest " said brook as he begins to walk towards the thousand sunny

Seeing him going towards ship Tony began followed him

After following brook for a while brook turn towards Tony and said

"Tony wait here for a moment while I clean the room" said brook to which Tony nodded and began to look around and observe the graveyard Those graves looked very unique from what he had seen... There were a total of 11 graves there

1 was bigger than the rest except for one and in the tomb nameplate it was written by Rumbar pirates with a lot of names and jolly Roger

While the other one was in the shape of a whale and it was the biggest one here and in the tomb nameplate it was written Laboon

the rest of the nine graves were very unique from each other

The centre of the grave has a pirate flag which has a drawing of a jolly Roger of 'straw hat pirates' and the in nameplate it was written

' Pirate king: - Monkey D Luffy '

Followed by a grave with 3 swords on top and in the nameplate it was written

'The World Strongest Swordsman:- Rononoa Zoro'

Then next to that was a grave with a book and map charts paper folded , and behind the grave was a Tangerine tree then a metal staff ? which Tony wasn't sure but that grave nameplate surprised Tony as he read the name written in it

' World Best navigator and cartographer :- Nami

Next to that grave was a unique one in its own way as one top it was big black slingshot with a strange mask attached with it and below there was a book and a bag and near that grave was surrounded by a beautiful garden which surprised tony as without sunlight how these plants manage to survive and in the grave nameplate it was written

' World Best sniper :- Go D Usopp '

'World best Sniper? this guy Usopp with a slingshot? Is it a joke or something ' Thought Tony but igonre and began to look at the next grave which has a unique chief hat with a very big an thick book label ' All blue recipe ' and next to that book was medium size book label as ' Black/Red leg martial arts ' and in the nameplate it was written

'World Best Chief :- Sanji '

'Chief and martial artist huh ' Thought Tony. as he saw he books and began to wonder how his cooking tasted 'oh well it is already too late to taste ... on to next one as next ' as he continued to observe next which has a cute blue, pink hat and next to it was 3 very thick books label as ' All cure 1,2&3' and in the nameplate it was written

'World Best Doctor:- Tony Tony Chopper '

' Does every grave here is world best ? of this pirate group ' thought Tony as he was surprised to see so many world best names which he never heard before he didn't know whether it is real or fake but he continued to look at the rest of the graves

Next one was unique as it only has two books which are bigger than the rest of the books he ever seen here. .... the 1st book was label ' History of the void century ' and the 2nd book was label as ' History of the entire world '

On seeing the books name Tony was curious about so call void century as he never heard of it before and thought of it as a story book them he look at the nameplate which has written name is

' Best Archeological of the world :- Nico Robin '

'Again a name I haven't heard of....Who are these people? when I get back I will tell Jarvis to find everything about them ' Thought Tony as he continued to look at the next grave which has Two rectangular box a half star in each making a full star and book next to it where it label ' Blueprints of super franky' and nameplate was written

' World Best Inventor and Shipwright :- Franky '

'Best inventor ?' thought Tony and began to wonder what are the things he Invented to be considered world best invertor as he in now considered as the world best inventor of weapons and technology

Those weapons he created for peace..... Those very weapons are used by terrorists for wars ..... those very weapons nearly killed .....those very terrorists wanted him to develop weapons for them..... because of them he lost his friend and saviour...

'Calm down Tony ' thought Tony after taking deep breath and calming himself down he began to look at the last grave which has piece of cloth with a sun ☀️ symbol and book label as ' Fishman Karate'

And tomb nameplate was

' World Best Helmsmen and Martial Arts:- Jimbei '

' Martial Artist huh ..... I wonder if this guy and that cook compited against each other who will win '

As he was looking around those grave

Brook return from the room after cleaning it

" Tony the room is clean you can go now" said Brook

Seeing brook return Tony went towards brook and ask " Who are these guys " pointing towards the graveyard


Brook lived for many years or he thought so .... so much that he lost the count

During this many ask Did you really Work with The pirate king ....

and after so many years passed people forgot the pirate king luffy like what is happening (brook doesn't remember what happened when lost his control) for brook around 50 years have passed but in truth more 50 centuries have passed and he have no idea

Looking confused brook ask "Don't you know the pirate king luffy "

Tony looking more confused said " No it Blackbeard"

Upon hearing this name brook felt soul shocked

'What the hell is going on ! Blackbeard died during the fight for the throne....so how did he become the pirate king ' thought Brook feeling something is wrong he ask " Can u tell me more about Blackbeard" while trying to calm down

Tony told everything he knows about black beard

Upon hearing this brook now was sure this is not that Blackbeard he knew but someone else

So he ask " What year is it ?"

On hearing this Tony became more confused but still answer " 2008"

"What !!!!!!" Brook shouted

For brook everything went blank as he trying to digest the information



Location:- Nepal Kamar-Taj

A certain beautiful bald woman and old man with a golden helmet are sitting together

The room was silent until

" Anicent one are you sure he is awake" said Dr fate looking at her very seriously

"Yes he has awakened I sense it and I am also sure you too have sense it right fate ?" said anicent one seriously

" Yes " said Dr fate as he sighed knowing the great void century

" Brook who many centuries ago became a D because of his captain and now that he is the last D he will create huge changes in the entire world" said anicent one

"The changes will either for the better or for the worse " said Dr fate

" Rumbar D Brook" said both ancient one and Dr fate at the same time


Location:- Shield Helicarrier

Certain black pumpkin or Nick fury is stressed as one of the founder of shield son is missing for 3-6 months and he couldn't find anything about his whereabouts until a door opened

Looking who have arrived Nick said

"Coulson give a good news " said fury tiredly

" Well sir I infact have a good news " said Coulson with a slight smile

Upon hearing this Nick fury felt a relief and asked " What good news"

"We found the location of Tony stark" said Coulson with a smile on his face

On hearing this news Nick fury felt extremely relief and immediately told him order

" Coulson take Hawkeye with you and bring back Tony back understood " said Nick fury seriously

"Don't worry boss I got it " said Coulson with a smile on his face

" Operation: rescue Tony Stark"


Bwahahaha hahaha you thought here we are here the mighty cliffhanger sama now suffer Muda

Thanks for reading my story