
DC: With Time Dilation Button

being reborn in the body of a young wana be boxer, follow the journey of kai fox on his journey in becoming world strongest fighter, follow as he learns every martial arts, every weapon, follow as he learns every subjects, follow as he reaches the limit of martial art, follow as he reaches the limits of human body and mind, follow as he searches a way to break the limit, hopefully reaching all forms of combat. -------------------- *WARNING* this isn't a hero story, nor is it a villain story, this isn't a story about a anti hero, this isn't a story about a guy wanting to save Gotham or even the dc, this isn't a saviour story, this is strictly a story about kai and his journey to the peak of martial, not him saving the universe or the world, so don't ask me why he isn't saving the world when he invents immortally,

Lythan_Page · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

another fight 2 (chapter 8)

Chapter 8

Time seemed to suspend as the punch connected. Razor Reed's body swayed for a heartbeat, suspended on the edge of consciousness, before gravity claimed him. He crumpled to the ground, the crowd's cheers thundering in Kai's ears.

The announcer's voice boomed through the arena, riding the wave of electrified excitement. "Ladies and gentlemen, what an incredible display of skill and power! Razor Reed put up a valiant fight, but it's Kai who emerges as the victor!"

The crowd erupted into a cacophony of cheers, their voices merging into a harmonious roar that reverberated off the walls. The announcer's words were punctuated by the euphoria of the spectators, a symphony of approval that filled the air.

[ 1 hour and 30 minutes later ]

In the midst of the dimly lit underground arena, Kai could be seen standing in the ring once again. The air was charged with anticipation, the echoes of the previous victory still resonating within the makeshift battleground.

This time, his opponent was a stark contrast to Razor Reed. The figure that entered the ring was a mountain of muscle and menace. Towering over Kai, his shoulders were broad, his frame imposing. His bald head glistened under the stark lights, and his eyes held a glint of arrogance that danced with his confidence.

The announcer's voice broke the silence, his enthusiasm palpable. "Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves for a clash of titans! In this corner, we have the unstoppable force, Titan Troy but we all known him as maximux dickus!" The crowd erupted, their cheers echoing off the walls as Titan Troy flexed his muscles, basking in the attention.

Kai's gaze remained locked on his opponent, his mind already calculating the best strategy to unravel the enigma before him. He knew he was facing an unfamiliar adversary this time, someone who hadn't been studied or analyzed. But that uncertainty was precisely what intrigued him.

The bell rang, and the fight began. Titan Troy advanced with deliberate steps, his massive form radiating a sense of raw power. Kai held his ground, his stance steady as he assessed Titan Troy's approach.

In the early moments of the fight, Kai made a calculated decision. He chose to absorb a couple of Titan Troy's powerful hits, a strategy to gauge his opponent's strength and style. The impacts were like a battering ram against Kai's defenses, the force of Titan Troy's strikes testing Kai's resilience.

Kai's mind whirred as he absorbed the hits, his analytical instincts working overtime. He recognized the rhythmic pattern of Titan Troy's attacks, the subtle shifts in weight and the telltale signs that foreshadowed each blow. It was a risky strategy, but Kai knew that understanding his opponent was crucial.

As Titan Troy unleashed another barrage of punches, Kai's body absorbed the impacts with a calculated grace. He sensed the frustration in his opponent's movements, the growing impatience that tainted Titan Troy's confidence. Kai's decision was made. He had deciphered the patterns, he had unlocked the puzzle.

In a heartbeat, Kai's movements transformed. He sidestepped a thunderous Cross from Titan Troy, his body pivoting with a dancer's precision. With an economy of motion, Kai executed a swift [Duck], his form dipping beneath an oncoming Hook that sailed overhead.

In that moment of vulnerability, Kai seized the opportunity. His lead foot shuffled, his hips pivoted, and he unleashed a devastating Uppercut that targeted Titan Troy's exposed chin. The punch struck with unerring accuracy, the force of impact reverberating through Titan Troy's skull.

The colossal figure staggered back, his aura of invincibility shattered. Kai's strategy had paid off. He had tested his opponent, analyzed his movements, and unveiled the chinks in Titan Troy's armor.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Kai continued his assault. He closed the distance with a lightning-fast Step Around, positioning himself at an angle that Titan Troy hadn't anticipated. Kai's lead hand shot forward, executing a precise Jab that found its mark on Titan Troy's nose.

The punch disoriented Titan Troy, his massive frame swaying like a mighty oak in the wind. Kai's moment had arrived. His body coiled like a spring, and with a controlled explosion of power, he launched a devastating Cross that connected with Titan Troy's jaw.

The impact was seismic, the culmination of strategy and precision. Titan Troy's eyes rolled back, his consciousness slipping away like sand through clenched fingers. His colossal form wavered for a moment, a monument about to crumble, before gravity claimed him.

As Titan Troy crumpled to the ground, the arena fell into a hushed silence. The crowd's cheers from earlier were replaced by a mixture of astonishment and awe. Kai stood victorious once again, his victory a testament to his strategic brilliance and adaptability.

The announcer's voice broke the stillness, a mixture of disbelief and excitement evident. "Ladies and gentlemen, Kai has done it again! He's overcome the odds and emerged triumphant against the mighty Titan Troy!"

The crowd's reaction was a blend of cheers, applause, and stunned murmurs. Kai's name was on everyone's lips, his reputation as a fighter of unparalleled skill and adaptability solidified. As he left the ring, his eyes glinted with a mix of satisfaction and contemplation. In the underground arena, where battles were fought in shadows and secrets, Kai had once again proven that strategy was the ultimate weapon.