
DC: The Keeper of Chronos named...

{Author: Pisatel_Darius} Translation by Vandalizer_z Reincarnated with a Player System, possessing a unique starting ability - Time Manipulation. However, even with this seemingly overpowered ability, the DC universe will still present the hero with challenging trials.

Vandalizer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Chapter 9: Preparing for the Next Dungeon

The meeting was supposed to take place in a special location, and, of course, they didn't disclose exactly where. Oh, this obsession with security and paranoia. No, I don't have anything against it. I sometimes see a hidden agenda where there is none. I was invited to a personal meeting, and they even decided to accompany me in a dark car with tinted windows, a certain woman between twenty and thirty years old. Strangely enough, on the edge of my consciousness, it felt like I had seen her somewhere before, but I couldn't remember where. Chestnut long hair, an Asian face, a red vest that the Chinese people like to wear on holidays, and a wide loose brown cloak with long sleeves. Black gloves and boots. A knife in leather sheaths hung from her belt. Despite her relaxed posture, I felt her cold concentration. It was as if she was assessing every move I made.

"Ah, you're one of those silent types, aren't you?" Her completely emotionless expression and silence confirmed my theory. Alright, if you don't want it the easy way, we'll do it the hard way.

Name: Lady Shiva

Real Name: Sandra Wu-San

Age: 28

Titles: Executor of Her Lord's Will, Flawless Assassin

Race: Human

Class: Assassin

Level: 67

Specialties: Member of the League of Shadows, Enhanced Sixth Sense, Master of Hand-to-Hand Combat...

I had to quickly stop my curious examination of her characteristics because she sensed something. I didn't want to reveal my abilities before meeting their leader. And their leader was none other than the dark horse named Ra's al Ghul. Although I had an interest in comics to some extent, I had no idea what he represented. I only knew that he had his own secret organization of assassins called the "League of Shadows," and that he was, in a sense, obsessed with Batman. Or more precisely, obsessed with the idea of making Batman/Bruce Wayne his successor. However, it was a bit strange that he seemed to have some sort of "Lazarus Pit" that could extend lives and even resurrect people. So why did he need Batman/Bruce Wayne as his replacement? "Old age is not a joy"?

I even dressed up in a formal white shirt with a black jacket and pants and wore my favorite "Fedora" hat for such an important occasion. We traveled for quite some time and left the civilization behind, ending up somewhere in the Canadian forests. After some more time, we passed a checkpoint with guards, and I saw their young generation in training, along with a few adult instructors. We continued calmly to the main building, cone-shaped and reminiscent of Chinese style. Inside, there was a huge network of corridors where it was easy to get lost. Apparently, this was designed to trap intruders who ventured in search of their enemies. Also, judging by some indentations and holes in the ceiling, this place was used as a training and deadly testing ground, which could also be used against invaders. Finally, after all this time, I met him—a middle-aged man sitting on his sort of throne, dressed in a black robe. The only notable things were his ash-gray hair, well-groomed beard, and emerald-colored eyes that seemed to shine in the dim light of the spacious hall.

"So, we meet, Snake, or would you prefer to be called Alex?" He stood up from his throne and walked towards me with slow steps. I took off my hat, held it against my chest, and gave a slight bow.

"However you find it more convenient. I am very pleased to have the opportunity to meet such a legendary figure."

"Do you consider me a 'figure'?" He said, slightly interested.

"Of course. Every figure proves its significance and value through its achievements."

"Then, which figure would you compare me to?"

"Card or chess?"

"It doesn't matter."

"I think, if we look at it from the perspective of chess positions, I would undoubtedly grant you the title of 'King.'"

"Why?" He seemed genuinely amused by our conversation. Perhaps he was trying to understand why I could converse with him so freely, even in a situation like this, as if I were talking to a friend or a "grandfather."

"You make exactly one move in any direction. Insignificant but, at the same time, crucial for the entire game. It's all about secrecy and the cleanliness of the job. The vision of how it all looks from the outside... I won't wait for you to ask again. Suppose there's a mysterious large organization of assassins in the world that has been fulfilling its duties to maintain balance for a long time. Let's call it just that, shall we?" I placed my hand on the inside of my hat and began slowly twirling it in front of me, simultaneously curiously examining the room. There were mannequins and training equipment everywhere. "...And the only way to remain as powerful and mysterious as we are is to constantly stay in the 'Shadows' and assign the dirtiest work to ordinary mercenaries who wouldn't mind doing it. Exceptions can be made in cases where a more delicate approach is needed. We started this conversation rather strangely, don't you think? You probably know me very well, and I don't know you at all."

"I am Ra's al Ghul."

"What a strange name. Hasn't anyone ever told you about it?"

"No one. At least not among the living. We invited you here not to have a pleasant chat. I'll get straight to the point. I am interested in your... 'special' abilities, and I would like to offer you a place in our order known as the League of Shadows."

I had expected something like this. The thing is, this kind of offer is very advantageous, and refusing it would be highly unpleasant. I just don't like it when someone wants to control me. After the day I left the place of my birth and becoming a new person, I decided that no one would ever control me. I would do what I want and what I deem necessary. If I accept his offer, I would just be playing the role of a "subordinate" and eventually, at some point, I wouldn't want to do what he wishes or asks for out of my own whim. This would automatically make me a traitor and him an enemy, and I don't need such influential enemies.

"That's certainly very nice when your abilities are appreciated, but I think I'll have to decline."

"What's the reason for this response?" He calmly asked me, and not a single muscle on his face twitched at my refusal.

Attention!!! In case of unsuccessful explanation of your point of view, the Head of the League of Shadows will consider you a threat!

"I'm quite an independent person and don't want to attend any very serious and grim gatherings. Besides, I'm very undisciplined and have a mind of my own. As for positive qualities about myself, I can only say that I'm very sociable, polite, and courteous," I shrugged.

"I've noticed that. Are you afraid we'll restrict your 'freedom'?"

"Yes, that's what I want to say. Can I simply be a very valuable mercenary for you?"

"Too bad. However, I expected something like this, and to improve our relationship, I'd like to clarify something with you..." There was a somewhat ominous pause, and I still had to ask what he meant.

"And what is that?"

"What is your ability? We've been monitoring you for this past month, and we couldn't figure out what your special power actually is. We had our suspicions, but unfortunately, we had no way to verify them in any manner. It all boiled down to the fact that in one moment, everything was 'as it is,' and in another moment, there were only 'consequences' left. No traces. This power... it's frightening, you see, boy."

To tell or not to tell...? In essence, anyone who encounters an unknown and frightening power wants to understand it, harness it, and control it. If I refuse, it will worsen the relationship between us, and I don't want to experience that.

"Well, it's not that frightening. I'm still learning to grasp it myself. Time is my power."

I gave him some time to ponder this, as he allowed himself to be surprised and scratched his chin thoughtfully with his right hand.

"Time... you say. Quite a dangerous and impressive power. Do you even realize the possibilities it opens up for you?"

"At the moment... no? I'm just a novice at this."

"Alex T. Keeper." He chuckled, "Alex Time Keeper?" "At one point, I considered time my chief enemy because I never had enough of it to execute my plans. Now, however, I fear only for the preservation of my legacy."

"...Preservation of your legacy? But isn't time no longer under your control? So why do you speak as if you can die at any moment?"

"It's all about our 'Soul,' boy. Suppose you've lived for three decades. You've fallen in love, started a family, and created a clan that follows your every word. More time passes, and you realize that your family and love will ultimately vanish before you can truly comprehend it. Maybe they'll meet their deaths at the hands of your enemies? You'll kill your enemies, and then what...? All of them will meet the same end anyway. I realized what truly matters in this world. I found my purpose. I can raise my hand and encompass the entire world with it," he gestured this before me.

"But it won't change it. People will resist and hate me because that's human nature, so I've decided to change it subtly and imperceptibly. Like a Shadow... I once met a man who also understood my goal and motives, and we quickly became 'friends.' There's nothing better in this world than sharing common ideals with someone else. Although for him, I was like a child, as he had been doing what I had never noticed my whole life. He even envied me in a sense because I could 'rest' at any moment and stop pursuing my dream, while he couldn't," he fell silent and seemed lost in some pleasant memories, judging by his gentle smile.

"So, what's the point of all this, Alex? You'll learn not to age, as it's only a matter of time when you'll learn it. Even now, I see that you're simply playing with your life and enjoying it. What will happen when everyone you know eventually dies? Will you prefer to always be alone? Will you always save them, or will you give in to inaction? It will all depend on you. For now, I'm just giving you... let's say... a friendly warning. Your inevitable fate."

I looked at him and saw not just a person, but a person who had accumulated the wisdom of a true sage over hundreds of years. Before me stood a man who had reached his "Limit." Perhaps this was the reason for his obsession with Batman? He was tired and wanted to pass on his knowledge to a worthy successor? And his warning... I know that someday that day will come, and I know I will be ready for it. I will make a decision that will forever change me, but until then, I still want to be human. Why did he decide to open up to me? Why is he behaving as if I'm a close person to him? Maybe he wants to guide me on the right path? So that I'll think seriously about his words and recognize him as a mentor? Perhaps it's that.

"Thank you for your wisdom, Ra's al Ghul," I respectfully bowed to him and placed my hat back in its place. "Perhaps under different circumstances, I would have recognized you as my master, but..."

"The wounds of the past don't allow it. I understand. Perhaps with time, you'll change your decision, but for now, you are free. Do as you see fit."

I didn't expect to be let go so easily. Lady Shiva, on the other hand, seemed bewildered, and in her gaze, I noticed disdain and dislike. Apparently, she didn't like the fact that in just one meeting, I had become something akin to a kindred spirit to her master. As I left the fortress, I caught sight, out of the corner of my eye, of a boy with beautiful emerald eyes honing the movements of his katana. Again, he reminded me of someone, and out of curiosity, I looked to see who he was.

His name was Damian Wayne. Ha-ha, it seemed that Bats was too preoccupied with "Ra's's" daughter if he, at such a young age, managed to mess things up so badly. Why "mess things up"? Because I would never, under any circumstances, allow my child to become a weapon and be raised the way they saw fit. I remember that in the future, he will grow up to be that ungrateful brat with an overly inflated ego.

"I am the son of the Batman!" Maybe you're the son of Batman, but above all, you're a child who doesn't appreciate people's pure kindness. Batman can't justify not knowing about his existence. In the end, he didn't care about his safety and allowed this to happen.

Anyway, let's forget about Batman's son and get back to business. What do I plan to do at the moment? Well, nothing special. Just prepare for the next dungeon. Maybe I'm rushing things, acting impulsively, and taking too many risks, but if you're constantly afraid and don't take risks, what's the point of living? Unfortunately, the system isn't giving me decent quests, and the locals can hardly provide me with significant experience for leveling up. I don't want to depend on others for too long. I want to become a significant figure as soon as possible, and for that, I need strength.

HP: 700/700

SP: 1000/1000

Strength: 64

Agility: 232

Luck: 1 —???

Intuition: 81

Willpower: 45

Wisdom: 50

Constitution: 70

Endurance: 100

Charisma: 62

Intelligence: 65

Mana: 0 (Blocked)

Resilience: 80

+30 to endurance, +70 to agility, and +20 to intuition.

I decided not to increase my constitution since I've never been seriously injured. Now, I need to deal with skill points. I was also surprised that my charisma, intelligence, and wisdom attributes had increased without my knowledge. As it turns out, the system itself removed these notifications for the convenience of managing dialogues, reflections, and so on.

At the moment, I have enough skills to navigate the dungeon. New skills can only make it easier or surprise my opponent in various situations. For example, I decided to create a new skill related to time, which I planned to use in the basement of a half-destroyed and abandoned building in New York.

Learned: REC/Record Level 1.

You create your previously recorded image in reality. All damage received by the copy is mentally returned to the original. Currently, you can only create one copy of recorded events. The copy automatically disappears after receiving fatal damage.

SP Cost: 25 per second. Cooldown: 5 seconds. Activated/Supported.

Again, I decided to take a hint for creating this skill, even when I was just starting and choosing my starting "bonus." Why create a conscious copy of myself when it's so dangerous and carries an unknown risk, when I can create a recorded image from the past? Unlike False Time Erasure, this skill is quite simple to understand. Here's an example: I make a dagger thrust forward and "remember" every movement I made at that moment in detail. At some point, an identical "copy" of me may appear in my field of view and perform exactly what I did. In reality, this skill had minor drawbacks, such as phantom pain and a cost, but the ability to create a memory of myself is simply astounding! Moreover, with the Shift and Record abilities, I can dodge and attack simultaneously! The cost of the skill is three points. Not too much, but not exactly little.

The next skill was from the "top" branch of Assassin skills.

Learned: Death Strike Level: Max.

"The killer who dares to pass a deadly sentence on other mortals considers himself a god. The question is, who do you consider yourself to be?" — Master Assassin Dreav Scarlet before his disciple's final test©

You deliver a crushing blow to the target, putting all your endurance into it. After performing the strike, you will be afflicted with the "Weakness" debuff for 5 minutes.

If the target survives this strike, it will be affected by Fragility [-100% to the target's defense]/Slowness [-100% to the target's speed]/Weakness [-50% to the target's combat stats]. If the target is a living being, it will also suffer Severe Bleeding for 2 minutes and a permanent "Maim" status.

You could consider this skill my last trump card in case the enemy is extremely dangerous. It cost me three points. The problem with this strike is that it depletes all my endurance! My main survivability indicator will be unavailable. In other words, this ability will be my last resort in battle. All or nothing. I couldn't test it in the city without attracting attention, so I decided to save it for later. Anyway, my Sprint and Stealth abilities were already approaching their limit, and behind them were new perks. I decided to save the remaining skill points, of which I had only two, for later.

Next on my list, I decided to focus on my dagger, Talos. The reason being, it, like me, could evolve, increase its damage, and even acquire certain special features. I didn't pay much attention to the last point because I couldn't control or improve the dagger "on its own." The weapon could develop new abilities on its own over time. Now, at level 28, I noticed a skill I hadn't seen before, namely teleportation of its owner to the dagger. So, I was now somewhat like Namikaze Minato with his Flying Raijin kunai. It looked as if I momentarily dissolved into a blue-white lightning and then reappeared at the location where my weapon was either embedded or flying along its trajectory. Each "jump" consumed a small portion of endurance, about ten units, and... pay attention... this skill had no cooldown!

"Well, enough of procrastinating. Time to get to work!" With these words, I materialized the Royal Key and mentally wished to activate it. Two marble white doors appeared in the air, slowly opening in front of me. When fully opened, they revealed the same darkness and violet singularity at the center as when I first entered the dungeon. I had previously transformed my dagger, Talos, and made a cut on my wrist to activate the Bloody Marathon.

I was overcome by a strange premonition. Perhaps fear was trying to hold me back and prevent me from venturing into this dark unknown? This was the only place that unsettled me, made me feel excitement and fear, even considering my abilities. With a smile on my lips, I tightened my grip on the hilt of my dagger and confidently stepped inside...