
Dc: start in Young Justice

A man gets reborn in Young Justice with 3 wishes, see how he soars through the multiverse while having fun and growing more powerful. The story will follow the show at first so the changes will be minimal and later everything will be different. the Mc is op from the beginning and there will be some Multiversal travel but i'm thinking about letting it be Dc only. the Mc is a chill laid back guy but very smart and careful. He only wants to have fun and be powerful enough so no one will cause him problems. He only wish for happy and peaceful life. He is not a Hero nor a Villain so he won't be going around saving everyone but he's not heartless or cold blooded killer either. This is a light hearted story where the Mc enjoy his life doing what he wants, there are some #sliceoflife, #romance, don't know about the #Harem but most probably. There will be fights, action, techs and magic, it won't be slow but not fast either. i obviously don't own anything beside the Mc. ______________________ Chapters will be 1-2 times a week it depends how long the chapter and quality is, which I'm trying to focus on but I'm new so be patient with me. I'm trying to write at least 2.5k a chapter but i want more so don't be suprised if you have a 5k words in one chapter. It's up to my creativity.

overFantasies · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

Wishes(read after chap 3)

Mc: Zane Hunter | Enigma?

1.Wish: Acausality(Protection against fate, destiny, clairvoyant, scrying, time travel/manipulation/paradox, cloning, power dampening/copying, mental conditions, cosmic entities like lord of Chaos or Order or the likes etc...)(Anti-Plot-Armor)


2.Wish: background identity in cadmus having Martian/Ancient Kryptonian(Doomsday) Dna merged in a new race

Martian abilities includes:

Martian Physiology:


•Size Alteration


•Density shifting: Phasing/Intangiblity

•Superhuman Strength: possess vast levels of superhuman strength and are among the few races that are able to match Kryptonians in terms of raw strength. •Superhuman Stamina

•Superhuman Durability: Martians possess high levels of durability that make them nigh-invulnerable to all forms of damage. Martians can withstand high-caliber bullets, powerful energy blasts, and kinetic impacts without suffering damage.

•Superhuman Speed: Martians can process thoughts, move, and react at incredible speed, being able to cover vast distances in little or no time, catch bullets in mid-flight, run on water and create afterimages as they run.

•Superhuman Agility

•Superhuman Reflexes

•Regeneration: Martians have powerful regenerative powers that enable them to regenerate their entire body from a severed limb, they can further enhance their regenerative powers by drawing mass from nearby sources.


•Extrasensory Input


•Super Hearing

•Heat Vision

•Martian Vision: Martian visual acuity greatly exceed human norms and allows for a wider range of information to be observed. This includes the following: - Infrared Vision- X-Ray Vision- Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision- Telescopic Vision- Microscopic Vision

•Telepathy: Martians have the ability to read the minds of others and project their thoughts to varying degrees. This power can also enable them to reverse the effects of amnesia or psychological brainwashing.


•Astral Projection

•Telekinesis:Martians have mind-over-matter abilities and can lift and move objects with their minds. They can also employ their telekinesis in an offensive way by discharging telekinetic blasts capable of great concussive power.

Doomsday abilities includes:

•Ancient Kryptonian Physiology.

•self-Evolution/Reactive adabtility(more details will be explained in the chapters)

•Immortality: has the potential to adapt even to death, as long as he is not erased from existence itself he will be veryy hard to die

•Energy Absorption: Doomsday can absorb solar energy to nourish himself and can store in for a millennium if necessary(like superman but better)

•highly accelerated healing power

(Anything else is the same as the Martian, either more or less powerful)

3.Wish: Power manipulation meta-gene able to copy, steal or bestow any non innate or race specific power or ability.

•Works on any non natural ability or power like metahuman, androids, labs/chemical accidents (plastic man)

•Have the ability to merge/fuse or separate suitable powers (imagine fire breath+fire generation = fire manipulation)

•He will have full understanding and instinctual knowledge of how to use the new acquired power(he still has to train it's just he will know how to) his own creativity/intelligence is the only limit

•Have the ability to see his meta-gene/power manipulation along with copied/stolen abilities in his soul and organize or edit them and can also see/feel others power even unawakened ones but can't use his power on them till they awaken it.

•Thanks to Reactive adabtility his soul and body can and wil adapt and grow stronger to any power he acquire so he will never have too much power and no power of his will be able to hurt him.(Very much acts like secondary meta-gene)

[The last two abilities are inspired from Hector from "Meta essence gacha in marvel" one of my favorites fanfics]