
Chapter 56: The Final Game 6

What did you think of the Super Bowl, did you like Usher at halftime? I must admit I'm happy because I got KC in the pool and won a little money. 




"Ghost Rider Voice"




Chernobyl, in the fight

Two blurs were walking all over the battlefield. One of them was yellow with red lines, and the other was red with yellow lines. At this moment, it seemed that the red blur was chasing the yellow blur, but as if his speed was never enough, he was unable to catch up.

If it could be described in a few words, this chase would be like a game of the cat and mouse. That wasn't the problem. The problem was what happened when the yellow blur ran where the soldiers were on the battlefield.

When that happened, every soldier fell like a domino. The cause of this was a chest wound, because a hand had pierced his torso right where the heart was. A simple instant death.

The reinforcements were decimating the enemy forces, but this did not matter to Eobard Thawne, who only wanted Flash to suffer seeing the death of the people he did not manage to save, because he was NOT fast enough.

Eobard, at this point, was acting as the Scarlet speedster's worst nightmare, and Flash could do nothing to stop it. He was even losing his breath as he was overtaxing his body too much to try to catch up to Reverse Flash's speed.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, Flash. I told you: 'You'll see everyone you love, die. And you won't be fast enough to stop it'. And I'm sticking to it. How many soldiers have I killed?, I lost count after the 545th soldier you failed to save. And here's another one..."

Flash ran as fast as he could, but, even so, he failed to prevent another Atlantean from falling due to Reverse Flash. All he managed to do was get there just before the body hit the ground. But his life had vanished before he got there.

In the end, Flash just hugged the lifeless body of the Atlantean, while small tears fell into his eyes. Pleading, he looked at Reverse Flash, who had a maniacal grin on his face, and said.

"Why...just...why...I don't even know you. I DID NOTHING TO DESERVE THIS.... Please, I'm begging you. Stop doing all this"

Flash was fed up. No matter how much his mind worked at the speed of light with millions of thoughts, he couldn't solve this man's riddle. What was it he wanted. What was he looking for with all this.

Did he want him to commit suicide from guilt, or die to get him to leave people alone. Many thoughts were going around in his head. Even many suicidal thoughts. For Flash, the only solution to prevent further deaths... is for him to die.

However, this was far from reality. For Eobard, the only thing he really wanted was one simple thing...

To see Flash suffer.

That he should die?, NO. Eobard would lose his entertainment if that happens.

That he would commit suicide?, when Eobard succeeded in killing all of Flash's loved ones and after tormenting him for a long, long time, He would give him permission to do it.

Actually, Eobard was a monster. Unlike the other criminals who had quite reasonable motivations like wanting power, money or recognition, Eobard didn't care about any of that.

He could travel in time wherever he wanted. He could achieve that and more if he wanted to. No, that was a mere formality for someone like him.

Eobard just wanted to see the world burn. He wanted the world to burn and Flash to witness it. That was all.

In reality, the person who was more closer to a personality and madness like the Joker, wasn't Harley Quinn, it was Reverse Flash. For they both wanted just one simple thing with their nemesis...to see him break.

And right now, he was succeeding. But it wasn't enough. Not yet. With a sneer, he said to the defeated Flash on the ground.

"Your pleas are like music to my ears, Flash. See if you can avoid this" he said, as he pointed to a beautiful Amazon who was fighting with her sword. Flash followed where he pointed and opened his eyes in surprise.

"Don't do it!"

"Too late"

Reverse Flash ran towards an Amazon who was slashing a couple of soldiers with her sword. But Flash, already fed up with the deaths he had witnessed, ran at full power and, as before when he first fought in Australia, his lightning turned white again, and he managed to outrun Eobard in speed and take the Amazon out of there.

However, he could not claim victory when he saw that Eobard had feinted and killed two Atlanteans who were near and further of the Amazon. Actually, he made him believe he was pointing at that woman, but it was actually a feint to kill the soldiers further away.

"Oops, I made you think I was going to kill that bitch. Very predictable. Another two deaths to the list of hundreds you've witnessed, Flash. You are VERY slow"

However, in Eobard's mind, another thought hovered.

'He did it again'

He was referring to the white lightning bolt. Reflecting a connection to the near perfect Speedforce. 

This, instead of annoying or despairing him, only excited him. He has fought Flash many times through time. Future time, past time, present time, but what always happened was that Flash could NEVER get past him. He couldn't.

He didn't have enough of a connection to the Speedforce to do it. But this... this was something new to Eobard. And frankly it excited him.

It has to be said, Eobard was holding back a lot. He could easily kill everyone here in less than the blink of an eye, and, while Flash had the ability to avoid it, that wasn't something he wanted. He wanted to kill one by one while Flash tried to avoid him.

Knowing Flash's character, he would work to get faster, and, when he gets faster to the point where he feels he's better than him... then Eobard would burst that bubble and let him know that everything he did was for nothing and that he would never get past him. In short, total despair.

But, in all those times they had fought, Barry had never managed to get white lightning. That alone indicated that the whole future had changed. And that... that thrilled him like a kid at Christmas.

'But it's not enough' he thought. Not yet. These soldiers didn't have the sentimental connection that Iris' father had, or any of the League's friends.

However, as if his prayers were answered, he saw another yellow blur in the distance, but not as fast as he was. However, with his power he could see it as if in slow motion. It was Kid Flash, who had arrived with reinforcements on the battlefield.

Reverse Flash smiled maniacally at this.

"Flash, I've had enough of this game. The Light is finished and frankly their world domination games have bored me enough. I will leave, and I will stop tormenting you... at least for the time being. However, before I go, I will leave you with one last memory. One that will bring you many nightmares at night. The death of your ward"

'What are you talking about...' but there Flash saw it.

Like Reverse Flash, he saw how his ward had foolishly ignored orders, and had come to the battlefield. However, what made his blood run cold was to see how in less than an instant, Reverse Flash arrived right in front of him and began to give him an all-out beating.

Combos at the speed of light in the face and body of Kid Flash were given by this villain. Blood came out of Kid Flash's mouth and nose, while his body suffered from numerous broken bones due to the power of these blows. And he could not defend himself. If Flash wasn't fast enough. Kid Flash was less so.

Reverse Flash generated all this attack in less than a second. There he stopped holding back, and, this was the cause of that. That Kid Flash didn't die from all this, was only because of his accelerated healing factor.

But even at that, it was already starting to fail him, as his organs were no longer healing, and his wounds were already visible on the young hero.

Reverse Flash, after giving him all that torture, finished playing and wanted to end it. He raised his hand and made it vibrate. He brought it close to the young hero's chest and was about to kill him when a powerful attack pushed him away. It was Flash who had moved with pure instinct and it was so fast that even Eobard did not notice it. His lightnings were white, and even his eyes glowed a little because of this power.

Flash didn't think when he was delivering a blow to Eobard's face. Flash also didn't think when he broke Eobard's limbs, bending them at inhuman angles. Flash didn't even think when he instinctively vibrated his hand and drove it right through Reverse Flash's heart. He didn't think anything of it, he just moved on instinct.

However, his rationality returned when he saw his hand completely filled with blood and Eobard lay there on the ground, coughing up blood. However, Eobard, even though he was dying due to his crushed heart, was still able to say with a bleeding smile to Flash.

"Well done, Flash. Finally, you managed to get faster. But this isn't the end"

With that, Reverse Flash stopped breathing.

Eobard Thawne (Reverse Flash) was dead.

However, to Flash's surprise, just at that moment, red lines began to appear all over Eobard's body and he began to disintegrate into dust, leaving no trace that he was ever there. This indicated that this was not his real body.

Flash's mind was numb to this sight. He could not believe what he had just seen. There, he remembered what he said at the end, and thought that perhaps, the end of this villain was not final. This only brought despair to the scarlet speedster.

However, his thoughts were interrupted when a grunt of pain was heard.


It was Kid Flash, who was complaining of his numerous injuries.

"KID!" Flash ran to meet him. "I'll get you out of here. Hang on!"

Flash kept moving on instinct. And he left the battlefield, taking Kid Flash to Lian Yu for treatment.


(AN: remember that the robot is Amazo, but he's controlled by Thinker, so I'm going to refer to him as Thinker for less confusion)

"The odds of you beating me are nil, Cyborg. Surrender and accept your fate" said Thinker's robotic voice, as he launched a powerful beam of atomic energy derived from the Major Force powers of his hands. Cyborg created a metal shield and defended himself from the attack.

Cyborg, at this moment, was having the toughest fight of his life. He was fighting a robot with the powers of the Justice League and The Light combined. The only advantage he had was that he could only use one power at a time per attack and it took a couple of seconds to activate each power.

But even so, Cyborg at this point was barely defending himself and his energy was starting to flag. The Motherbox gives him his abilities, but his mind and part of his body are still human. He expended a lot of energy both physically and mentally the more technology and powerful attacks he used.

At this moment, derived from the hard fight he had with all those robots and defending himself from Amazo/Thinker, his human resistance was starting to weaken, and his fatigue was starting to be felt.

Cyborg, tired of defending himself, rolled to dodge the attack and activated his plasma laser. He charged the laser with his power and fired. However, Thinker instead of creating a shield as Cyborg would do, did something different and smarter.


Thinker activated Flash's power and moved at a speed that was not visible to the human eye. Zigzagging, he dodged Cyborg's laser and reached him. With a powerful blow, he sent him flying away. Cyborg quickly got up and changed his plasma laser to a sonic beam. However, Thinker guessed what he was going to do, and activated his power as well.


Thinker activated the canary's scream. He opened his robotic mouth and let out a scream. Cyborg didn't wait either and fired. Sonic waves collided derived from Cyborg's sonic beam against Thinker's scream. The whole area they were in, was starting to take damage from this attack, but they didn't care. They didn't want to give in.

In the end, the scream of Thinker's canary overpowered Cyborg's laser and, reaching his ears, this scream made him cry out in pain.



Thinker did not stand idle and threw powerful yellow lightnings at Cyborg, which stunned him completely and left him motionless on the floor.

This lightning was not magical or derived from the powers of the gods like Black Adam's, but was an artificial attack created from researching the powers of Black Adam himself. However, the power it carried was no joke, as the electrical charge was such that it shut down Cyborg's systems for a brief moment.

Finally, Thinker walked to the fallen Cyborg and activated his last directive.


Amazo's robotic body opened up and several wires came out of it and connected to both Cyborg's eye, arms, legs and torso. This made him grunt in pain, but his energy was not enough to defend himself. He was completely at the mercy of the villain.

These wires were activated and began to rob him of his energy. Cyborg began to feel dizzy from this and his eyes began to blur. His body also began to feel tired as if he had run the longest of marathons.

At this point, Thinker was stealing his life energy. And when it was over, only a lifeless body would remain where Thinker would take the technology he had longed for all this time.

"Don't struggle, Cyborg. The more you fight, the more painful. Better surrender and allow your mind to rest. Surrender to eternal sleep…"

Cyborg wanted to do something, but it was already too much. His mind was giving way to unconsciousness as his exhaustion won out. Finally, his blurred gaze gave way and he surrendered to the darkness. 

However, when he opened his eyes, he was greeted by a sight that frankly surprised him quite a bit.


(Victor Stone's Mind)

"Son, son, are you all right, I asked you a question, but you haven't answered me" said Silas Stone waving his hands at his son to get his attention.

Victor could not believe he was standing next to his father, and could only show a face of disbelief, as he looked at him, which made his father upset. However, what followed next left Victor totally numb.

"You see, Elinore, my son never pays attention to me" Silas said, as he turned to a beautiful woman in her 40's. She had black hair, dark skin and wore a cooking apron. Despite the slight wrinkles in her eyes, she still carried a beauty worthy of note. She was Elinore Stone. Victor's late mother.

At this moment, however, she looked fully alive, and she looked older than Victor remembered her, as if she had never passed away.

"Leave him alone, Silas. That's what teenagers are like these days. And you, sir, don't have a shred of patience"




"Dad...Mom... How…?"

This was all Victor could exclaim as he could not believe his eyes. His mother and father were... alive. How was this possible.

"And now he ask absurd questions. I'm telling you Elinore, someday our son will take me to my grave. I'm sure"

"Stop being dramatic, Silas, and take this" Elinore brought him the plate bearing rice, meat and sautéed vegetables that looked and smelled delicious and said "Eat. You get grumpy when you're hungry. And you, Victor, eat, too. Your plate is getting cold" said Elinore as she pointed to the plate that had been cooling all this time while Victor looked at his parents.

In the end, Victor did the only thing his mind could tell him to do. He took a spoonful of the vegetables and, remembering his mother's seasoning, that seasoning he hadn't tasted in a long, long time since he was young, he began to cry as he ate.

This surprised both parents. Even Silas stopped the offensive comments. Finally, the mother asked in utter bewilderment. 

"Son... Are you all right?"

"I'm very well. It's just... it's very delicious. It's the tastiest thing I've ever tasted in my life. Thank you, Mom"

"You're welcome son, but I overdid the salt. Doesn't it feel too salty?"

"No. It's perfect. And sorry, Dad. I didn't hear the question you asked me. Can you repeat it back to me?"

Silas was surprised by his son's kindness. Since when was he ever kind. They were supposed to start a fight like they always did, since Victor always behaved spoiled with him. This new behavior frankly surprised him.

"Emmm... that if you've made up your mind what to do with your life. Study law or medicine like we want or continue playing football professionally?"

"Whatever you like. You decide what's best for me" 




"Son, are you all right?"

The parents were surprised by their son's attitude. They didn't understand what had gotten into him or what had changed him so much. Whenever they discussed this topic, he would always act foolish that his future was football and that studying was for kids less good than him. But at this point, he looked totally changed. Frankly, this surprised the parents pleasantly. However, they couldn't help but worry and ask if their son was really okay.

"I'm perfect mom.... Can I have another plate?"

What they never saw was that while they were talking, Victor was still eating at full speed like there was no tomorrow. Elinore, who was surprised that he liked her plate so much, just smiled and told him.


"Well. We'll decide your future later, son. I was rather wondering how your girlfriend is doing. Your mother wants to meet her"

"Oh, right. I haven't introduced you to Marie yet. You're going to love her. I'm telling you, Mom, Dad, she's the one"

However, his parents just stared at him like he was crazy.




"Son... Who's Marie?" asked Silas Stone very doubtfully. There was a look on both parents that they couldn't keep up with the conversation he was having.

"Marie…. Marie Jiwe (Vixen). She is the love of my life. You will love her, mom"

"How odd. I thought your girlfriend was Lisa Rubrock"

"Lisa?, NO. I liked her and I thought she liked me, but when I had my accident and became Cyborg, she just made fun of my situation. Then, when I became popular in the Justice League she came back thinking I would listen to her. I'm telling you, she's a total gold digger"




"Victor. What is the Justice League, and what Cyborg are you talking about?"

"And what accident did you have. You got hurt again in training?"

That's when the realization hit Victor.

'This isn't real' he thought.

That's when he realized that all of this, as good as it was, wasn't real. That's when he remembered that in reality his parents... were gone.

All this was just a simulation of what would have happened if his parents had still been alive. A memory created by his own mind to defend himself from Thinker's attacks, while he continued to steal his energy.

"No, Mom. I'm fine. I'm perfect. And Dad, just kidding, hahaha. Just mentioning a dream I had" Victor continued to eat the plate of food his mother gave him, but at this moment, he was eating slowly enjoying the taste of every bite he ate as if every bite was worth gold. To him, that's what it was worth.

He finished his plate. He went to the sink, and washed his plate. Then, to the surprise of his parents, who were still looking at him strangely, he went over to his mother and hugged her.

"Mom. There are a lot of things I want to tell you. Really, quite a lot. But... I just want you to know that I'm okay. I will be okay. And that... I'll always love you. I wish you could have met Marie. She's my rock. I'll be happy with her, and I'll live my life to the fullest in spite of everything. That I promise you"

His mother was surprised by the conversation, but, still, she nodded at her son's beautiful words. Hugging him back, she said.

"I love you too, son. You are my pride. Don't forget that"

Then, Victor stood up and hugged his father. His father, surprised by this, still returned the hug without hesitation. They might fight, but at the end of it all, they both loved each other.

"Dad, I know sometimes I'm not the perfect son, but I want to tell you that I appreciate all the effort you made to raise me. I'm proud to be your son"

"I love you too, son. And I'm proud, too"

Victor stood up. He looked at his parents for the last time, trying to keep this memory forever, and told them

"Well... I have to go"

"Where are you going?, There is no training today"

"I'm going to... to see my friends. I'm meeting them. Don't expect me early"

"Okay, take care of yourself"

With that, Victor left. However, just as he left his 'home', he broke down. He cried for quite a while, remembering that all of this, had only been created by his own imagination. However, the last words spoken were real. For him, that was from the heart. And it was what he would have liked to tell his parents if he could see them again.

Wiping away his tears, he finally remembered that he was in a fight. And, with renewed resolve, he said.

"Motherbox. Can you hear me?"





Victor smiled as he felt the connection with his partner again.

"Get me out of here, it's time to get rid of a rather troublesome computer virus"





"Yes. I'm ready. Get me out of here"

One last tear was shed by Victor before the whole memory faded.


Mordru saw his brother fallen in a collapsed building. His smile couldn't have been bigger as he realized that his brother, not only was weaker than him, but that his magical power had already been depleted enough to make his spells weaker each time.

He gave him credit that he fought back quite well and matched his spells despite all that exhaustion. But it was too late now. Finally, Doctor Fate was down. And he was at Mordru's mercy.

Mordru realized why the difference between their power. It is not because a Lord of Chaos is more powerful than a Lord of Order. Because, in reality, both powers were complementary to each other. Both powers brought balance to the world they were in.

The big difference, however, was that Mordru could wield all his power because he was in his original body. In contrast, his brother could not, because his host (Kent Nelson) was a human only and would succumb his body if he exercised all of Nabu's power.

A very clear analogy to give an example would be Edgar and the other Riders. They wielded the power of Zarathos, but they could not wield his full power because their human body, mind and spirit would not allow them to do it.

And, at this moment, Kent was succumbing to these human limitations. From so much use of Nabu's power, his body was asking him to stop. And this was seen, when he no longer rose from his crash into the building.

Mordru felt his victory. With a smile, he raised his hand and a magic seal materialized right above Doctor Fate.

'This is the end, brother. You were a worthy opponent, but in the end, you failed to defeat me'

He charged his power and from the seal came a great arrow of pure darkness. This would end Kent's life, and end the magical fight.

However, just as he was about to reach down for the arrow to fall, a chain wrapped around his neck, and pulled him away. The seal forcibly disintegrated as this happened.

Mordru saw his attacker out of the corner of his eye and there he saw Edgar flying away on his bike.

'Damn Rider. You're a pain in the ass' he thought. Without any pretentious moves, he disintegrated into dust and got out of Edgar's chain grip.

Then, raising his hand, he counterattacked with several dark beams aimed at Edgar. But just at that moment, Diana arrived with her shield to protect her beloved. The shield, which was a gift from Hephaestus, absorbed the attack without leaving a scratch on her metallic armor.

Mordru was surprised by the Amazon's arrival. The Rider was trouble, but to him, the real danger in the League was not Superman or Batman or another powerful metahuman. NO, the most dangerous in the League was this woman who had the strength of a god and the experience of years of combat from her island.

However, Mordru could do nothing more, as justly powerful white lightning bolts attacked him from behind, leaving slight burns on his clothing. It was Shazam who had attacked.

Mordru turned around in slight annoyance at this fortuitous attack and said to the boy hero.

"Child, that was rude. Didn't your mother teach you that it is impolite to attack millenarian sorcerers from behind?"

However, Mordru received no response and could do nothing when a blur arrived in less than the blink of an eye and, with a strong punch to the face, sent him flying away with inhuman power.

Mordru went crashing into a ruined building that completely collapsed from the power of the attack. It was Superman who had reached full speed and attacked with full force.

At the last Lian Yu meeting, Kent had told Superman that, as much as he wanted to, he should not fight Mordru. That this powerful sorcerer alone would be like fighting Kryptonite itself. Magic hurt Superman too much, and this sorcerer could exercise complete control over it. He would just be cannon fodder for this opponent.

However, telling Superman to ignore a powerful enemy, while letting others risk their lives, was like listening to almost an insult to his person. Superman, despite knowing all these disadvantages he had, was stubborn and would not let them forbid him to fight.

Then, Kent seeing this, told him that, if he wanted to fight this opponent, he should exert all the strength he had. No moral qualms about this. And, above all, not to be distracted, Because a small distraction, was doom against opponents like him.

Superman hit this opponent's face so hard that he disfigured his face. Superman saw it clearly with his super senses. As he flew away, Mordru's entire face was a bloody mess. His nose, mouth and so on were so disfigured by the force of the blow that, for any other opponent, this would mean instant death.

However, Mordru was not just any opponent. And this was seen when the collapsed building magically began to repair itself as if it had never been destroyed.

Time seemed to rewind completely like before, as bricks and broken glass were repaired. In the end, the building was left completely intact, without a speck of dust to say it had been destroyed.

Out of it came Mordru completely intact. His face without a scar, and his clothing without a speck of dust. However, his gaze was one of fury directed specifically at the Kryptonian.

Then, he looked at the entire assembled group and, completely changing his demeanor, smiled kindly. However, although he wore a smile, his eyes only denoted fury and dangerousness. This opponent only showed that inside he had a rage stored up. Like a sea kept in a bottle, threatening to come out.

"Your blow was certainly hard, Superman. I must admit it. Your strength and speed are a dangerous thing indeed. I didn't think you'd make me use my time rewind spell. Spell that costs me a LOT of unnecessary energy. I applaud that" then he turned to Shazam standing next to him.

"The hero boy, with the power of the gods. You're not as powerful as Black Adam, but still one must be careful when fighting you...and speaking of Adam"

Finally he saw Edgar and Diana.

"I guess, if this group gathered against me, it's because the idiot hasn't been able to defeat you. I figured as much. It's disappointing to know, but I figured... now, 4 against 1. That's not fair... to you, guys"

Snapping his fingers, Mordru multiplied into hundreds of versions of himself. Now, the heroes were surrounded on all sides by Mordru as each version grinned mischievously at this.

However, at that, Doctor Fate arrived and, multiplying to even the numbers, evenly set the scales again.

"Brother, I see you've recovered. I was worried that the old avatar of yours wouldn't be able to catch his breath from exhaustion"

However, Doctor Fate did not answer him, but the group of heroes standing there.

"You guys take care of the original Mordru. I'll take care of his clones. And watch out for their portals. If you enter them, you can be trapped for eternity anywhere he wants"



"Leave it to us, Fate"

An army fight between Mordru and Fate clashed in the sky. However, Superman, Shazam, Edgar and Diana were looking at the original Mordru. Edgar knew he was the original because of his soul. The others were clones, but only this Mordru had that powerful soul that Edgar had seen.

Each hero was at one end. Shazam and Superman on the right and left. And Wonder Woman and Edgar on the north and south. None of them made any pretense of moving. They only looked towards the center where their opponent was. Mordru watched only with a smile at this.

"So, will you keep looking at me... or will you attack?"

They all moved. Superman and Shazam were the fastest, and arrived in less than the blink of an eye, but Mordru, already expecting this, summoned a portal right where they were, and, opening a portal far away, sent them crashing into each other at full speed. They both went flying from the power they were carrying.

Mordru saw out of the corner of his eye that Edgar had thrown two fireballs from his shotgun, and, turning to dust, avoided being burned by these balls. The hellfire or heavenfire did harm him, and though it would not kill him as it did other opponents, it was very painful to feel the heat of hell itself on his body.

This turning to dust, it could be said to be an infinite form of defence, but this was not true. He could only wield this power once, and had to recharge to do it again.

And this was noticed by Wonder Woman, who threw her shield just as he materialised again. The shield hit right on his nose and stunned him hard.

"Damn you, bitch. You'll pay for that"

However, Edgar arrived right where he was, and, shifting into his angelic form (blue fire), it wrapped his chain with fire and began to burn him. Mordru couldn't help it as his power still wouldn't allow him to turn to dust again.

A pain such as was never felt in his body, as he felt his skin slowly melt from the heat of it. However, Mordru did not deign to cry out, only a slight grunt of pain came from this.

"Agh... I'll give you that, Rider. It hurts like hell. But you'll be able to go on like this with your little girlfriend attacked?"

Mordru summoned his power and hurled a mighty whip at Wonder Woman's foot. She tried to dodge it, but it was too fast and caught her. She was then thrown into a portal that Mordru had created.

This portal was one to a desolate valley, where evil spirits abounded. Diana would have no trouble fending off these spirits, but she would be trapped there.

Edgar, sensing that Diana was about to be trapped in a portal, released the chain, freeing Mordru from his martyrdom, and teleported to where Diana was. Just then, however, Mordru launched a powerful bolt of lightning that sent them into the portal. The portal closed just as they stepped through.

However, Mordru couldn't even catch his breath when once again, Superman came at incredible speed and attacked him. Throwing him a powerful hook that sent him flying upwards at full power.

Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, Shazam was waiting for him just above, and, linking his two arms together, sent him crashing to the ground with the same power. Then he looked up into the sky and shouted


A mighty white bolt of lightning struck as Mordru was falling at full power. As if in slow motion, the lightning was slowly approaching Mordru as he was about to crash hard into the ground. When he hit the ground, he would be hit by this powerful attack.

However, just before he hit the ground, Mordru recharged his power again and turned to dust, avoiding being caught by this attack.

The lightning struck the ground and left small cracks from the power it carried. However, Mordru lay in the sky, as he returned to full form. However, having used too much power, it could not fully rewind time as before.

There, Mordru had part of his face shattered. His bones visible from the blow Superman had dealt him.

"Congratulations, heroes. You've pissed me off"

Mordru summoned all his remaining power. His eyes glowed, as black clouds formed in the sky. However, Mordru could do nothing more when a golden spear was justly inserted into his body.


It was a clone of Doctor Fate that had swerved and launched this attack out of the blue.

Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, a blue portal materialised, and out of it came the lasso of truth and Edgar's chain that wrapped around Mordru's limbs immobilising him. The strange thing, however, was that the one taking the chains was not Edgar, but Diana, who was exerting all her strength in restraining Mordru.

Another portal materialised just above Mordru and out of it came Edgar, who went crashing into Mordru. Grabbing him by the face, he made him look at him.



At that point Mordru couldn't help but scream. A pain like never before was felt in his mind, as all the punishment he had caused throughout that time was replayed in physical pain. And if that wasn't enough, Edgar was still burning his body with his heavenfire, slowly melting his skin, making his pain, even more unbearable.

"Now, Shazam!" Diana shouted. Edgar jumped up and stopped punishing Mordru. He could do no more with his stare as his soul was too powerful. However, this was not necessary, as Shazam justly positioned himself in the sky and shouted.


A mighty white bolt of lightning struck Mordru. All this was in less than a few seconds. And Mordru could not defend himself. Diana released her grip and Mordru fell like a mere rag and crashed heavily to the ground.

Mordru... was a bloody mess. His skin burned, his bones visible. And his face distorted. Smoke poured from his body from these attacks. That he was still alive was only because he was a Lord of Chaos. When all this happened, all the clones melted away, and the weather returned to normal.

"Well done. It's time to lock him up for good" said Doctor Fate who flew over to where Mordru was lying. 

"How will you do that?" asked Superman curiously.

"I'll split his soul into more pieces. I thought three was enough, but I was too optimistic. Eight pieces will keep him from coming back for quite a while"

"Can't he be killed?" asked Diana. This had already been explained to her, but she still didn't quite understand. However, it was Edgar who answered her.

"His soul is very powerful"

"That's right. His body is mortal, but his soul transcended his humanity. That's why he's so powerful. Even if he is 'killed', he would revive in time like any god. The best thing to do is to lock him up"

Doctor Fate positioned himself right on top of Mordru, who was a bleeding mess. He summoned 8 special boxes to store his soul, and began to exert his power. It would drain him completely and Kent would probably have many internal injuries after this, but it was necessary.

However, to Doctor Fate's surprise, Mordru began to mutter something.

"Dominus Chaos me tibi tradidit" (Lord Chaos, he gave me to you)

"Dominus Chaos me tibi tradidit" (Lord Chaos, he gave me to you)

"Dominus Chaos me tibi tradidit (Lord Chaos, he gave me to you)

"Dominus Chaos me tibi tradidit" (Lord Chaos, he gave me to you)

"Dominus Chaos me tibi tradidit" (Lord Chaos, he gave me to you)

Doctor Fate got close enough and there he heard it. His surprise was great when he finally realised what it was he was muttering.

"Brother... DON'T DO IT-"


A loud explosion sent Doctor Fate flying. There. a red portal materialize and many spirits came out of it, and entered Mordru's body. Each time they did so, they filled him with darkness.

"Fate, are you alright, what's going on?"

"Mordru... he... has surrendered to Chaos. He has given up his humanity in exchange for power"

Mordru's body was absorbing the spirits, making a complete metamorphosis of his body. His skin began to regenerate and turned black. His eyes changed to the colour of blood. Bat wings sprouted and vampire-like fangs sprouted as well. A pair of black horns also sprouted.

In the end, he looked like a completely horrifying monster, straight out of the worst nightmares. He looked like a demon, but still had the features of the human Mordru. But everyone could sense it. The power of this being, of this monster, was unparalleled.

Edgar could even swear that the power wielded by this monster was greater than that of Sabbac and by far. Mordru had surrendered to Chaos in exchange for power. He had lost all his humanity in exchange for victory. In exchange for never being imprisoned again.

But what frightened Edgar most was his soul. His soul... it was horrifying. This soul was no longer human. This soul was that of an evil being. A powerful level 7, and it had become denser and more powerful than before.

Everyone felt the pressure. If it was difficult before. Now, with this, it would be almost impossible to defeat.

Mordru finished his transformation and looked at everyone with those red eyes like a predator looking at its prey.

Staring at everyone for a couple of seconds, he finally moved...



My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (12 chapters ahead). Finished this arc on chapter 64 in P@treon. 

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