
Chapter 35: Training 2; Enemies arrive in Azarath




Edgar POV

(With Ezio Auditore)

"Weapons are important in our craft, Edgar. Our stare of penance is actually quite confusing, as it is of no use on some beings who feel no remorse. Therefore, to exterminate evil beings and accomplish our mission, we must use other resources"

At this moment, Ezio, dressed in his Templar attire, had taken me to a room full of medieval-looking metal armor. In that place were various short-range weapons. Knives and swords of all kinds. There were also some long-range weapons like spears, halberds, and there was even a shield.

Ezio proceeded to pull out his double-edged sword. It was a sword of medieval character with a leather grip adorning it. It looked quite elegant.

"I know you specialize in long range weapons. I understand you use a chain and a pistol, and that's good. But you also need to learn how to use short-range weapons. Believe me, they're quite useful"

He transformed his hand into a skeletal one and used his hellfire, changing the appearance of the sword. The sword now had a skull hilt and fire came out of the metal. The look of the sword, if I could say so, changed from an elegant one to a look that could only be described as totally badass.

He quickly moved to a metal armor hanging there, and, at superhuman speed, generated three quick, clean slashes, cutting through the body of this armor like butter.

"In weapons, one has to be precise, and fine. You have to become one with it. And use it as an extension of your body. We, as Riders, can use ANYTHING as a weapon. But that doesn't mean that anything is a good weapon. And neither does it mean that we can make the most of that weapon. That's why we need to have an extended knowledge of them, so we can use them to their fullest. And that's what I'm going to teach you"

He tossed me the sword, which had ceased to have fire and had transformed into an ordinary sword. Which, frankly I was a bit disappointed in.

"You still can't use your hellfire to transform metal without melting it, so we'll start with ordinary swords. Relax, this sword is sharp enough to cut through metal. I want you to make cuts to certain areas. There, there and there"

Ezio asked me to cut certain parts of the armor's body. Some were fairly easy, like the center of the chest, but others were difficult, like the farthest part of the shoulder or right on the side where someone's ribs would be. Out of 10 slashes, I was able to get 7 right.

"It was good. But there is room for improvement. The speed was slow, as you focused on hitting the points. We'll work on that too. If I could say it, I think you shouldn't think too much. You should follow your instinct more"

'They all say the same thing' I thought. Lagertha, Carter, and now Ezio. Each of them, who were physical lessons, were telling me the same thing. That I should follow my damn instinct.

"The last time I followed my instinct, I signed a contract with a demon that wants to destroy the Earth"

"Ha, good one. But trust me. In this combat thing, and our powers, it's best to follow our instincts. Now that I see you have a good starting level, let's start with sparring"

Ezio took another sword for himself and got into a fighting stance. I too got into a fighting stance as I had been taught long ago in the Order of St. Lucas.

"Ready?, now"

We both moved. I was faster and wanted to make a diagonal cut, but he dodged it effortlessly, with a simple lateral movement, then with that same impulse he approached me and hit me with the pommel.

"First mistake, don't leave your sides uncovered"

We both got back into a fighting stance. Now I didn't attack immediately, but tried to watch my opponent's movements. Ezio looked curiously at this, but, contrary to my expectations, he moved.

He also performed a diagonal cut, imitating me, but, although the movement was simple, the speed and power they carried were totally different from when I attacked. I barely managed to dodge, moving in time. Or so I thought, when I started to feel my cheek burning. There I could feel that he had actually grazed my cheek and had a bleeding cut.

'Shit, I didn't see when he gave me that cut' I thought. I thought I had dodged it, but he had actually hit me. That's when the realization hit me. This man, Ezio, was a weapons combat expert.

"Don't get distracted" Ezio interrupted my thoughts as he moved again with a powerful slash to my chest. I, who was distracted in my thoughts, could only defend myself with my sword by blocking the attack. 

Ezio didn't stop, and almost demonically began to attack me with powerful and unpredictable slashes. Slash by slash, I tried to block with difficulty while Ezio gave me a barrage of powerful sword thrusts. My hands, which held the sword, were beginning to ache from these blows. However, my defense seemed futile, as I began to get light cuts all over my body.

Hands, arms, cheek, even one had grazed my chest. Little by little I was beginning to be a bloody mess on the spot.

Finally, my exhaustion got the better of me, and he, giving me a quick and powerful combination of three slashes, completely disarmed me by sending my sword flying away. Then he put his sword right at my throat, the edge grazing right through the center of my Adam's apple.

"And you're dead..." he said to me with a smug grin.

I just looked at where my sword had flown. Not satisfied with my performance, I did the only thing I could think of in that moment of humiliating defeat. I asked for a rematch.


Ezio just motioned for me to take the sword and got back into a fighting stance. I took the sword that was a meter away and moved back into combat.

In the end, we spent the hour fighting with the sword. In none of them could I win, nor could I get close enough to hurt him. There I could see that, although I was quite good at weapons combat thanks to the order, I actually had a lot of room for improvement in the subject.

But I was sure, that, with Ezio, I would get better. Much better.


"Hey, Ezio. You're the calmest guy in the place, can I ask you a few questions?"

At this point we were resting. Of all the lessons it was the one I enjoyed the most. And I felt that with each sparring I was getting better with the sword. However, that didn't mean I wasn't tired. On the contrary, my arms ached from so many fights we had have, and my body was a bleeding picture. 

"Sure, shoot" Ezio told me. He, of everyone here, besides Zarathos, was the most communicative and approachable. I had a little more confidence in asking him some questions I had. Getting information out of him would be easier than with the others.

"When you were Rider... did you agree with everything, or is it just me who had doubts about our power and had difficulties?" finally I asked.

Ezio thought carefully about my question. His friendly countenance changed to a serious one. He then proceeded to look at me carefully and said.

"I can't say I didn't have my doubts. But those were other times. Other customs. It was easier to accept my power because I took it as a divine mandate.

In my time, the world was in chaos. It was a time when demons were stronger. Vampires hunted openly in villages. Dark witches abounded in places performing sacrifices or dark rituals. Everyone lived in fear. When I became a Rider, I took on the task of eradicating these dark forces. Practically, the fact that they live in hiding today was largely due to all that I did. Zarathos is right, Edgar. We are a force that controls the evil in the world. We are necessary. You must understand that"

I didn't know what to think with these words. I always focused on my problems that I never got to thinking that, in reality, they too had had a hard time in their time. That they too had struggled with their power. That they also had their difficulties.

"You had it hard, Ezio. Fighting so many dark creatures, it's quite admirable"

"If you think I had it hard. You should see the others. Don't tell them I told you, but Lagertha only wanted to have children with her husband, who was the head of her Viking village. She had two miscarriages before she finally conceived a baby. But when it happened, her husband's rival village attacked and killed everyone, including her newborn son. She was going to die too, but Zarathos saved her and turned her into Rider. She fought many powerful beasts that are now extinct that threatened the newly formed cities. Dragons, sea serpents, and others. The funny thing is that she liked to fight those beasts with her fists. That's why of all she had the best combat.

Carter was the sheriff of his town. They were attacked by the Obscurus, the same organization that wants Raven and they killed everyone and took many away. Practically, as a duty, he became Rider to wipe those fuckers out. Fighting with Trigon was his death, but in the end he managed to avoid a disgrace to the world, by preventing their return.

And finally Moctezuma. Of all of ous, he was the one who fought the hardest. He did not fight against demons or dark creatures... he fought against gods. In his time, the gods walked among men. You know those stories where the gods went to the mortal world and had bastard children or similar things. Well in Montezuma's time the Mayan gods made sacrifices to generate worship through fear. He became Rider to eradicate such mistreatment of his people and bring order. EVERYONE here had it tough, Edgar. Think about that when you keep training"

"...I will, Ezio"

Ezio was right. To think that I was the only one who had difficulties was just an idiotic thought. The world was cruel, full of chaos. And now I knew it was my job to bring order to the world. A new conviction came to me with that conversation.

From there, I took each lesson with great seriousness and with great aplomb. Improving in a short time and learning everything I was taught.


Azarath, 4 months and 23 days later (outside is 1 year, 2 months, approximately)

"Come on, Raven. Our exercise isn't over yet. 3 more miles to go" I said to Raven as I watched the totally tired and out of breath little girl try to catch up to me as we went for our morning run.

At this point, I was carrying small logs strapped to my arms and legs. Seeing this, one would think they weighed nothing. But in reality, these logs were specially made by me to exert a completely brutal weight on me. More than a ton weighed each tied piece, which made my workouts even more strenuous.

It had been 4 months since I started training both in my mental palace and outside. And I can say, I had never been so powerful. My body was more muscular and exercised. Not to the point, where I had changed my constitution, but I could tell that every muscle I had gained carried great power.

As Zarathos had said, my 'theoretical' training, in my mental palace, was in just over a month. But replicating it outside was a challenge for me because, even if I learned the lessons, it took time for my body to get used to them.

But at this point, not only had I completely mastered my demonic power, but I had unlocked my angelic power. Even my body couldn't hold it as long as my demonic power, but I could use it pretty decently. It only remained to get used to it over time, using it.

However, I still hadn't left that place for one simple reason... Raven.

I had begun to teach her both theoretically and physically about her powers. And she had come a long way. But there was one big problem.

She had a powerful and versatile power. One of the most I'd ever seen. But physically... well, she wasn't athletic at all. She practically tired easily, and lacked stamina. That's why I put her through these endurance routines so her body could contain her power. But she hadn't made much progress with it.

Her powers, from what I had discovered in this time with her were:

-Magic of destruction, inherited from her father and which she could not control.

-Shadow magic, more versatile than Duke's, as she could make shadow tangible by using it as attack and defense.

-Soul or astral magic, since she could leave her body and control someone with it. She had tried it with me, but it didn't last long. There were more tests to be done in the future.

-Telekinesis. She could lift objects almost as heavy as her bed. Or multiple small objects.

-Light telepathy, as she could connect her mind to someone, but depended on the other person's mental strength to let it in. However, we had not yet been able to find out if she could read someone's mind, as my power prevented her from being able to read me.

-Emotional sensor. To the point where she could find out if you were telling the truth or not. If you were sad or if you had an ailment.

The problem was with her power of destruction. There was no significant breakthrough. Every time she tried to use that power, she seemed to be consumed by it. And that was why we hadn't left this place. I wanted her to try to control some of that power, so she wouldn't be a danger out there.

Although my duty was to protect her. I also had to think that if she did not control herself, she could do more harm than good.

"I can't anymore, agghh, aghh, I can't anymore. Gotta rest, Ed" Raven interrupted my thoughts as she breathlessly tried to tell me she couldn't anymore. I just smiled wryly at this.

"Raven, you have to try harder. I know it's hard. But if you want to control your powers, you must have a stronger body. Mmmm, okay... let's rest"

"NO... just, aghh, aghh, let me breathe a little" Raven began to give heavy exhalations of exhaustion. After her breathing became more regular, she finally said to me in her usual tone, "Ready, let's continue"

"Are you sure… you don't want to rest any longer?"

"No. Let's go on" she told me resolutely. Although many might think that she spoke to me without emotion. I, who had spent all this time with the girl, now knew her quite well, and I could tell there was a lot of resolution in her tone. She was clearly trying quite hard to try to control her powers and no longer be 'weak'.

"Okay, let's keep going"

I had to give it to her. Raven wasn't the most athletic. But she never gave up.


"Pass me the salt" I said to Raven, as I was preparing the food. She passed it to me and continued chopping the vegetables. At this point we were in the kitchen, preparing a meal.

Throughout this time, we had grown quite close. I felt like an older brother taking care of his younger sister. I practically taught her how to cook. I gave her lessons not only in magic, but in basic education that she lacked. And I helped her if she had nightmares about her father or other horrible things. I was practically the father figure in her life.

Needless to say, she soon took me into her confidence to tell me her sad past and I, giving her the same confidence, told her mine. At this point, the truth is that I had grown quite fond of the child. She did not deserve the harsh fate she had. I would do anything to keep her safe.

"Mmm, Ed. Do you want me to make the sauce?"

"Do it, but not so spicy. You made me cry the other time from how spicy it was"

This brought a slight smile to Raven's face, though said smile quickly faded. But I could discern that she was happy. The truth was that Raven was feeling pretty lonely. Now, with me there, her loneliness had turned to joy.

Raven used her levitation powers, and began to multitask. With my help, she had gained great control of the skills she had. At this point, she didn't need to concentrate too hard to multitask, as she chopped, ground, and stirred the ingredients to make the sauce. That's how good she had become.

"You like to show off" I told her with a smile.

She smiled slightly, "Don't be jealous, Ed"

I just shook my head. Soon we would be leaving that place. The quiet time we were living in would be over. But right now, only one thing mattered...enjoying our meal.


Edgar's Mental Palace

"Edgar, we are proud of what you have accomplished in this time. You broke all my beliefs, and accomplished your training in just over 4 months. That's amazing. Well done"

At this moment, I was in my mental palace, right in the main hall. Sitting at a round table were the 4 Riders, Zarathos and myself. We were all toasting and celebrating that my training was over.

Each one had a characteristic glass of what he liked. Lagertha had mead. Carter had a beer. Ezio, and Zarathos some wine. Me, and Montezuma had tequila and pulque, respectively. We were celebrating that my lessons had concluded satisfactorily.

"Here's to the new Rider. May he be a good Avatar of my power. And may he lead all those damned sinners to eternal punishment. to Edgar!"

"To Edgar!"

"Thanks, guys. For everything. Without your help, I never would have imagined I could become this powerful. I promise to be the Rider the world needs and use my power to bring order to the world. That's a promise"

We all drank from the drink, and began to celebrate. A joyful atmosphere was hanging around the place.

"Good, good. Now I have to get the bad news out. There's one last piece of information I have to tell you. And it's about the enemy that is perhaps the closest to fight. I'm talking to you about Raven's brother, and the leader of the Obscurus organization, Sabbac" Zarathos cut through the joyous atmosphere, and seriously said to me.

"What do I need to know?"

"He, unlike Raven or Trigon, does not have the magic of destruction. But, it doesn't make him any less dangerous. On the contrary, he has a special magic that is quite problematic for us. Reinforcement magic"

An image of several men visualized before me. They all had different characteristics. But they all had one thing in common...they all had blood red eyes.

"These are the different avatars he has worn over time. He is a demon who has kept himself on Earth, using various bodies as his container. He can bolster the strength, speed, stamina, and so on of his followers. But, the dangerous thing, is when he uses his very power on himself. It is said that, at his maximum capacity, he can reach the strength, speed and endurance of his father. Quite dangerous. In power, you are by far more powerful, but in endurance and strength, he beats you. In a head-on fight, it's best to finish him off as soon as possible. Because a battle of endurance, and more so with your angelic power still unaccustomed, you could lose"

"I understand. He is a dangerous demon. But... Why are you telling me this now, why not before-"

However, I couldn't finish asking when my mental palace began to shake, like an earthquake. This had never happened before. Zarathos put on a solemn look at this occurrence.

"Some time ago I felt the barrier begin to thin, rapidly shortening the time I gave you, to fewer months. I feared it was the external work of Sabbac. I hoped I was wrong, but here it is. Right now, they are trying to get into Azarath..."

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT BEFORE, I COULD HAVE LEFT A WEEK AGO" I snapped before Zarathos. At this point, his lack of communication had endangered both me, and Raven.

"It was a remote possibility, and I didn't want to interrupt your training with unfounded concerns. I thought you would have more time, I'm sorry. Besides, with your training, you're ready to fight him. Just don't drag the fight out too long, and you'll win"

I was angry, but I quickly got out of my mental palace and went to meet Raven. It didn't take long to find her as she was right in the center, watching as a large dark portal materialized in the area.

A look of fear was on her face. I took her hand and that made her calm down.

"Calm down. You're not the weak girl you were a long time ago. Besides, I'm here. I won't let them hurt you" I told her. She calmed down and nodded at my words. She could feel that I was telling her the whole truth. I would not let them do anything to her.

Quickly, I pulled her protectively behind me, as we watched a few figures emerge from the portal. Out of the portal came 10 men, dressed in red robes. But there were two that stood out.

One had a snake outfit, I think of a Cobra. And the other, who had no special features, but who could sense a great latent power within him, stood out, as he was right in the middle of the group. 

The man, who was right in the middle and had no significant or special features, except for his blood red eyes, spoke with a friendly and cheerful tone. 

"Sis, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Now come, and say hello to your brother"

That's right, Sabbac, the demon son of Trigon, the brother of Raven, and the leader of the Obscurus organization had arrived....

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Tio_Iroh99creators' thoughts