

DC fanfic

Ultimate_Gambler · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Double Reincarnation

Two friends Victor and Eric were driving down the highway in a Porsche 911 currently {Alice In Chains: Them Bones} was playing.

"Eric you should slow down." Victor said

"Stop being such a spoil sport let's have some fun." Eric smirks turning up the volume and increasing his speed.

Hitting over 150 mph Eric was about to make a turn but it was to sharp and the Porsche along with the boys went flying off the cliff.

[In the Void]

The two wake up in a void both unconscious but quickly the start to move and wake up.

"I told you to slow down." Victor said looking around.

"How was I supposed to know a cliff was around the corner they should at least put a sign." Eric said irritated also looking around.

"They did you just sped past it." Victor sighed.

"Hmm sorry Vic didn't mean to kill yah." Eric looked genuinely sorry.

"Nothing we can do about it know." Victor shrugs.

[Very interesting] a large face appears before them.

"What the fuck." Eric shouts looking at the face.

"Language." Victor said.

[The two of you exist in harmony although you are polar opposites.]

[One of Order] a light shines on Victor.

[And One if Chaos] another light shines on Eric.

[I will allow the two of you to reincarnate in another universe what universe would you like to go to.]

"DC universe." They both say.

[Alright it seems you will need powers to allow you to survive in this world. What powers and appearance do you want.] the face said.

"Appearance why can't we keep our own." Eric asked

[Your body cannot cross realms as your soul can and currently both of your bodies are unusable.]

"Oh yeah forgot about that." He laughs

"Eric let's choose." Victor said

"Alright for powers could I have the powers of the Eradicator from DC but stronger and for appearance can you make me Superboy(Kon El version)." Eric says.

"As for me I would like the powers of Dr.Fate who is from DC as well and for appearance I would like to look like Lucifer Morningstar so could you change his look to something else."

[Very well. Choose one outfit from the ones they have worn.] The face says as a screen with outfits show up infront of them.

[Anything else you two would like.]

"Yes actually could we each pick 4 people from marvel or dc to make a superhero group."


"Thanks." They said choosing their members.

[The people of this timeline will not have any knowledge of you or the people you have chosen. The people you have chosen will have very vague memories of their previous lives and have no serious memories of other people. Now go live your lives once again.]

-Unknown Place- [25 years in future]

Eric's eyes snap open and he quickly looks around. He was lying down in a large clearing of a forest with a lake in front of him. He looked at himself in the water.

"Wow this is actually real and my suit is nice too." He said happily.

[Eric Kent/Eradicator Image]

He focused his mind and clenched his fist after a couple of second there was a blinking golden glow around his hand.

The golden energy slowly solidified and he released it into the lake. A smile graced his face as he slowly rose off the ground.

"Strange it's kind of like muscle memory like it's natural." He says to himself flying over the lake before stopping a few meters of it.

"Now I gotta find Victor." Eric was about to take off he a massive pink tentacle shot out of the water and 4 huge red eyes glowed under the water.

"What the hell." Eric looked down as the tentacle wrapped around his body then his eyes went to a dark mark on one of the pink tentacles.

"Oh I did that didn't I." He said sheepishly before he was launched into the ground by the tentacle.

Eric quickly got up and his golden goggles began to glow. The tentacle came swinging down unaware of the golden energy coming it's way.

The beam sliced through the tentacle dropping it to the ground and a screech was heard. This made Eric smile and he took off towards the lake seeing another tentacle bursting out the water.

Eric flew over the water dodging the next tentacle and rearing his fist back blasting it away.

With a sneer and started sending eye beams in the water randomly and the water goes silent. When suddenly 10 plus limbs shot out of the water wrapping around him.

"What the hell!" Eric burst out of the hood before he was smack to the ground and grabbed again. He struggled but was eventually dragged into the water.

Multiple loud booms were heard and the water became restless creating large waves. After a couple minutes the water went silent.

"Hggghh!" Eric came up and grabbed the shore pulling himself on the land and laid there for a second.

"Fucking monster tried to drown me, killed the bastard is what I did." Eric said spitting up some water.


Eric looked up hearing the roar and sighed as he felt the rumble on the ground. Something big was coming and it was coming from the lake.

"I killed the bastard how is it still alive." Eric rose into the air and his goggles glowed.

A tentacle came out of the water similar to the other except one big difference, it was triple the size. Unfortunately for Eric this wasn't the only one 9 more identical tentacle shot up as well as the beast massive head. The monstrosity was the size of the lake with each tentacle the size of a football field.

It was a large pink skinned one eyed water octopus with a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Eric charged it shooting eye beams and energy out of his hands but it was blocked by two tentacle while another smacked him.

He was sent flying into the ground and through trees his body began creating a long trail over a mile.

"Alright guess there is always a bigger fish or octopus, sigh where is Victor." He took off breaking the sound barrier.

Suddenly a figure black and yellow was running below him and keeping up. Eric looked down and smirked.

"Hey your pretty fast."

"This isn't the time to chat." Eric said moving to the side dodging a tentacle.

They entered back into the range of the beast. The other man also dodged it quickly and went next to Eric.

"What's that." He asked

"A giant octopus monster." Eric replied.

"Maybe I should go." He said jokingly

"No your not." Eric said

"Alright alright and people say I'm not nice. I'm Blur fastest mortal alive." He said stretching his legs.

[Stanley Stewart/The Blur Image]

"Heh fastest huh maybe you will be useful. I'm Eradictor." Eric gave him a glance.

"Kinda cocky isn't it." Blue said

"Nah." Eric smirked and golden energy appeared around his hands as he charged forward.

"I like this guy." Blur said disappearing and reappearing behind the monster in under a second before Eric could even get to it.

He unleashed a flurry of punches taking its attention away from Eric. Seeing this Eric sped up and hit it with his charged up fist.

It shrieked and turned his eyes to Eric before shooting a large purple beam out of its eye. Eric took the blast straight on but was able to stay in the air.

"Eye beams are my things." He said shooting his own my in the air around it while Blur move around the water attacking it's lower half.

Both supers were too fast for the monster to hit angering it.

"I think it's getting mad I heard a roar from inside it." Blur said jumping over a tentacle.

He was so excited this was far more entertaining than what he was doing before. He slid under another attack and ran up the monster punching it's eye.

It roared in pain and slapped him into Eric that was holding off two tentacles. Blur slammed into him sending them both into the ground. The beast went to attack them when it was attacked.

A large yellow train formed out of nowhere and rammed into the beast stopping it from attacking the two men on the ground.

A pink skinned woman in a black and yellow suit flew down to them. Eric took a look at her ring and smirked.

"A lantern why are you here." He asked.

"Lanterns sure do look different in this universe."

"Not that kind of lantern is a name of a Universe organization but yellow lanterns aren't usually good."

"I may have a yellow lantern ring but I am not one of them. Just called me Gold Lantern." She said.

[Soranik Natu/Gold Lantern Image]

"This new universe is strange." Blur said.

"New universe."

"Yes this universe is different from all of ours." A figure came flying down.

"Why can everyone fly but me." Blur said annoyed and was ignored

"And you are." GL asked.

"I am Dr.Fate and I will explain our situation once this monster is dead." He said.

[Victor Fate/Dr.Fate]

He smack his hands together and the ground shook as giant tree roots grabbed the monsters tentacles and piercing through them before ripping them off.

Forming two different signs with each hand he cast two spells. Two large Fate signs appeared in the sky one shot out a beam of fire while the other a stream of lightning.

The monster choose him as it's primary target and focused all attack at him. Fate formed a symbol of fate as a shield blocking the onslaught but it started to crack when another figure arrived.

"Haaaaaaa!" The woman with orange hair soared through the sky and swung her sword down.

Her sword glided through the strong tentacle until it was it in two.

"Thank you warrior but I can fly." She lifted herself off the ground."

"Seriously another one." Blur kicked a rock.

"I am Angela the warmonger and slayer of beasts come at me monster." She ran flew it.

[Angela/The Warmonger Image]

Angela was about to get hit but a strange liquid metal on her arm formed into a shield and held her tank the attack then she charged with a roar readily her sword.

Blur looked at Eric and shrugged before attacking. He shook his head and dashed into the battle as well.

After a hit of fighting it shot out a sticky black ink onto the ground and Blur dodged an attack but was hit by another tentacle straight into the ink.

He tried to move but it held him down preventing any movement. Seeing his vulnerable state the monster was about to shoot a eye beam at Blur but it started to jolt around then shot the beam at its own tentacle destroy 2 of them.

Another stunningly beautiful woman walked up to the group with a smirk. "A strong beast but it's mind is weak."

"Sorry I'm late to the party my heels got stuck in mud." She said sounding a bit annoyed.

"They just keep coming." Blur said.

"Tell me about it." Eric added

"What's your name." Natu asked.

"White Queen." She said pulling her shades down a bit.

[Emma Frost/The White Queen Image]

All six of them stood at the lake side and stared at the giant beast. Eric smirked as his blood started to pump and his goggles glowed.

"Attack." He led the charge shooting eye beam and going in for a punch.

Blur race around it sending lightspeed hits where there was openings. Angela slashed at the incoming tentacles while her ribbon held it in place. Fate flew around sending elemental attacks at it.

Natu formed large wall with cannons and machine guns. Hundreds of yellow bullets are fired along with a few massive cannon balls. Emma stood atop the wall as well and attacked the beast mind making it hesitate during attacks or sometimes hurt itself.

The monster was quickly defeated with the effort of all of them. The monster in a last ditch effort charged up its energy and began to shine while expanding.

"It's trying to take us with it. Scatter!" Eric shouted.

He took off into the sky with Fate following his example. Blur raced through trees moving far out of the way. Angela leaped across the forest a considerable distance while Soranik formed a shield around herself and Emma who also got in her diamond form.

The monster shined brightly then exploded in a large purple flash destroying everything within the blast radius and creating a large crater.

The team made their way to the middle of it regrouping.

Everyone stood there in silence covered from head to toe in pink blood and guts. Victor thought it was best for him to explain.

"Listen up this universe is new to all of us but using my magic I was able to get a grasp of it. We are currently in the future of a main timeline. This timeline is going to collapse but luckily I feel a force pulling at us trying to send us back in the past." He continued.

"Telepath if you could can you link all of our minds I need to give everyone the information of the world we will be going to." Fate asked looking at Emma.

"Just call me Emma." She said and linked their minds.

Suddenly a large wave of information passed over all of their minds and the group started to think on what they just learned when Blur spoke up.

"Why don't we stick together when we arrive this world is quite strong and having friends would be nice." He said.

"I have no objections without the support of a corps I am alone." Natu said.

"I also like the idea those who fight alongside me are comrades." Angela said.

"I don't mind but if we continue on with this we need to make rules to prevent a war within the group and we also need a leader." Emma said.

"As the strongest here I will take role as the leader in combat but as for leading in everything else I think you or Fate should lead." Eric said.

"I have no experience working with others or leading so I decline."

"I have experience with both so if there are no objections I will gladly take position as team leader." Emma said smirking.

"We need a name too something that strikes fear in our enemies." Eric said.

"How about the Sentinels." Emma said.

The team nodded and accepted their new team name. The six super now dubbed The Sentinels formed.

A large black portal opened up infront of them causing them to look at each other.

"After you oh gracious leader." Blur said.

Emma rolled her eyes but walked forward before stopping infront of the portal. Dr. Fate stopped her though to her confusion.

"Everyone stand beside me I will create a magic barrier in case of danger." He said.

The team gathered around and a large bronze box appeared around them with symbols of fate all over it. The box lifted a few inches off the ground and slowly went through the portal.