
DC One For All

A normal desk worker who is fan of the series FRIENDS gets killed. He then transmigrates into the body of a teenager. He has the power of One For All. I hope everybody give this fanfiction a try. I update every Monday. Four Chapters a week.

luminous1_vanqu10 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Important notice:

I'm planning to the stroy for a while and concentrate more on my other fanfiction 'Thor God Of Thunder' I'm not dropping this story.

Just holding it.

From the author.....

Enjoy the chapter 😁

Chapter 5

After his conversation with Jim Gordon at the Police Department, Sebastian left the building.

With his mind swirling with thoughts, he made his way back to his apartment, the weight of their discussion lingering in the air around him.

"I will just graduate highschool and till it's finished I will have a normal life I guess." He said to himself.

The following day, Sebastian woke up bright and early at 5:30 am, determined to stick to his routine.

"Time for a Saitama workout"

he headed to the nearby park for his daily workout regimen, which consisted of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 km run. Despite the physical challenge, Sebastian pushed through, feeling the burn of his muscles as he worked towards his goal of becoming stronger.

"I'm gonna survive...in this.... world" he said while breathing hardly.

After completing his workout, Sebastian took a moment to rest, lying on the grass field and basking in the warmth of the morning sun.

"What a cool wind, I can't move my body..." He said while laying on the grass.

The peaceful serenity of the park provided a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of city life, allowing Sebastian to clear his mind and recharge his energy for the day ahead.

Once he felt sufficiently rejuvenated, Sebastian made his way back to his apartment, where he indulged in a refreshing shower to wash away the sweat and grime of his morning workout.

Dressed in a comfortable ensemble consisting of black pants and a grey hoodie, he prepared himself for the day ahead.

"Now I look like a normal highschooler. Feels good and really comfortable."

As Sebastian ventured out into the city, he decided to grab breakfast at a nearby taco stand on his way to high school.

' I'm really out of place here...' Sebastian thought while standing near construction workers.

Though the food was nothing extraordinary, it provided a satisfying start to his day, fueling him with the energy he needed to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead.

With his stomach satisfied and his spirits high, Sebastian made his way to high school, ready to face whatever the day had in store for him.

As Sebastian approached the high school, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity wash over him. With each step, memories of his time spent within the halls of the institution came flooding back, reminding him of the countless experiences he had shared with his classmates.

"It's good that I got the original's memory."

Entering through the front entrance, Sebastian was greeted by the sight of familiar faces milling about in the crowded hallway.

He greeted them back.

'Hmm this feels weird... The original was popular with other students, really different from my experience. Maybe this won't be a bad experience after all.' Sebastian thought.

Despite the hustle and bustle of the morning rush, he couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging among his peers, a feeling of camaraderie that transcended the passage of time.

There was a smile on his face.

As he made his way through the throng of students, Sebastian couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversation floating through the air. Gossip and rumors filled the hallways, each whispered exchange adding to the vibrant tapestry of high school life.

Reaching his locker, Sebastian fumbled with the combination before finally managing to unlock it. Inside, he found his textbooks and a skateboard tucked away amidst the clutter.

'i should learn how to use a skateboard it's seems cool hobby and a better transportation.'

he retrieved the necessary books for his classes and stowed them away in his bag, ready for the day ahead.

With his belongings in tow, Sebastian made his way to his classroom, navigating the labyrinthine corridors with ease.

"Time to learn" he said to himself.

As he entered the classroom, Sebastian was greeted by the sight of his classmates settling into their seats, the hum of conversation filling the air.

"Wow after many years I'm back"

Taking a deep breath, he found an empty desk and took his place among his peers, ready to face the challenges of the school day head-on.

"Homework, assignments, projects and seminars here I come." He said to himself.

Throughout the day, Sebastian immersed himself in his studies or he tried to.

He was bored of looking into a big text book and half dead teacher who's also not interested in doing their job.

As the final bell rang and the school day drew to a close, Sebastian felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him.

He couldn't believe that he completed a full day in a classroom.

Though the day had been filled with ups and downs he liked the time he spent in breaks with his friends talking about their lives.

Think that he left the high school compound.

As Sebastian made his way back to his apartment, his thoughts consumed by the events of the day, he suddenly found himself being pulled into a dark alleyway by a drunken man.

Fear gripped him as he felt the cold metal of a pocket knife pressing against his neck, the threat of violence hanging heavily in the air.

'Oh god a drunk man with a knife...'

In that moment of terror, Sebastian's mind raced, desperately searching for a way to escape the dangerous situation unfolding before him.

Then he remembered that he has the power to slam this guy.

Sebastian focused his thoughts, channeling his abilities with intensity. He concentrated his energy into his pointing finger, feeling the power pulsating beneath his skin as he prepared to unleash it upon his assailant.

'I hope this won't kill him' Sebastian thought.

Summoning all of his willpower, Sebastian flicked his finger forward with precision and force, directing the kinetic energy towards the drunk man's chest.

The impact was immediate and devastating, the force of the flick sending the assailant hurtling backwards with a sickening thud as he slammed into the alley wall, collapsing in a heap.

Breathless and trembling, Sebastian stared in shock at the unconscious figure before him, scarcely able to believe the power he had just unleashed.

"Ahh fuck this hurts like hell!" Sebastian finger was bruised.

As he caught his breath, Sebastian realized that his finger was throbbing with pain, the exertion of his newfound abilities taking its toll on his body.

Ignoring the discomfort, he cautiously approached the fallen assailant, searching through his belongings and retrieving a small sum of money from his purse.

"I'm taking this you sick son of a bitch" he cursed at the unconscious man.

Sebastian kicked the unconscious man's head a few times before depositing him unceremoniously into a nearby garbage bin.

"I hope he's just unconscious".

he hurriedly made his way back to his apartment.

I hope everybody enjoyed the chapter...😁