
DC One For All

A normal desk worker who is fan of the series FRIENDS gets killed. He then transmigrates into the body of a teenager. He has the power of One For All. I hope everybody give this fanfiction a try. I update every Monday. Four Chapters a week.

luminous1_vanqu10 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

As Sebastian stirred from his slumber on the cold warehouse floor, he was greeted by the warm embrace of the morning sun filtering through the windows.

"Ahh a new day...."

Slowly rising to his feet, he realized that his body had already healed from the injuries incurred during his reckless experimentation with his newfound powers. However, his clothes bore the telltale signs of his ordeal, stained with blood from the wounds that had now closed.

"Woah the healing factor really kicked in it's really a great addition to my powers. If Izuku had a healing factor he would be unstoppable." Sebastian commented.

With a determined resolve, Sebastian made the decision to embark on a rigorous training regimen akin to that of Saitama from One Punch Man. Inspired by the legendary hero's dedication and discipline, he vowed to push himself to the limits in order to unlock the full potential of his abilities.

"I will become the one punch man of the DC universe, hell maybe I will get strong as Superman...Yeah... Maybe." He said.

Making his way back to his apartment, Sebastian was acutely aware of the state of his blood-stained clothing.

" I really should have bought an extra pair of clothes...." Sebastian thought to himself.

Desperate to avoid drawing attention to himself, he took care to navigate the streets with caution, avoiding crowded areas and keeping to the shadows whenever possible.

"It's time like this I'm jealous of people who have systems to help them, they have it really easy."

After Sebastian returned to his apartment, he wasted no time in attending to his immediate needs. Feeling the grime of the day clinging to his skin, he decided to take a refreshing bath to wash away the remnants of his earlier adventure.

"Time to take a nice and warm bath..."

As he soaked in the warm water, he couldn't help but reflect on the events that had transpired.

'if I train my body and use my power at a small percentage I could use one for all just like Izuku used. But I have a healing factor, a small one but it could help. If I train just like Saitama my body will have damages but it will heal.' Sebastian thought to himself.

Once he felt clean and refreshed, Sebastian disposed of his bloodied clothes by tossing them into a plastic bag, intent on dealing with them later. With his immediate concerns addressed, he turned his attention to satisfying his hunger, opting for a quick and easy meal of mac and cheese.

"Mmm...Mmm it's alright..." He said while chewing.

As Sebastian was eating, the sound of a knock at the door startled him from his thoughts.

' I have a visitor?'

Curious, he peered through the door hole and was surprised to see the building owner, Harry, standing on the other side.

'the building owner, what is it time for the rent payment...?' he thought.

Sebastian opened the door and greeted him.

Harry wasted no time in delivering his message, informing Sebastian that Jim Gordon, his legal guardian, wished to see him at the Gotham Police Department.

'ohh damit'

Sebastian's heart sank as he processed the news, realizing that Jim's summons was likely prompted by his recent absence from classes at Gotham High.

Despite his bad mood, Sebastian thanked Harry for delivering the message and assured him that he would make his way to the police department as soon as possible.

"Yeah Harry I will meet with uncle Gordan as soon as possible." Sebastian said as Harry left.

With a nod of understanding, Harry bid Sebastian farewell and departed, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

'uncle Gordan that sound really weird.....' Sebastian thought to himself.

Sebastian had got his memory of the original owner after his power awakening event.

"He's probably gonna make me attend high school again and I hate it. I already experienced it once and it was horrible.

And prom I didn't even attend it... Single for life... literally I died a virgin. Man saying that out loud makes me feel.... Sad..." Sebastian said in a monologue.

"Whatever I will just get over with."

Saying that Sebastian dressed up and locked the door and left the building.

He walked towards Gotham Police Department.

After taking a bus to the Gotham Police Department, Sebastian made his way inside the building and approached the receptionist desk.

he inquired about Jim Gordon, only to be informed that the commissioner was currently out on a case.

'what should I do now?' Sebastian thought.

Disappointed but understanding, Sebastian took a seat on a nearby bench, resigned to wait for Jim's return.

As he sat there, idly passing the time, Sebastian's attention was drawn to a familiar pair of faces entering the lobby. To his surprise and delight, he recognized them as his friends from high school.

'what are these two guys doing here?' he thought while walking towards them.

With a smile on his face, Sebastian waved to them.

Sebastian rose from his seat and approached them, exchanging greetings and engaging in lively conversation.

He learned that they were here to join the junior program for aspiring cops.

"So you guys are going to be cops good for you..." He said while smiling.

"Yeah we are gonna make this city a better place for every citizen" his friend said while giving him a thumbs up.

'Oh boy this isn't gonna end well for him' Sebastian said in his mind.

As they chatted, Sebastian and his friends reminisced about their time in school and shared updates about their daily lives.

With each passing moment, Sebastian found himself grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with his friends, their presence serving as a welcome distraction from the tension of his impending meeting with Jim Gordon.

'God I wish this world was a normal one, this would have been perfect.'

As they laughed and shared stories, he felt a renewed sense of optimism.

Sebastian returned to his seat and waited for Jim while his friends went with another officer.

As time passed, Sebastian's anxiety about his meeting with Jim Gordon began to fade.

Eventually, Sebastian's name was called, signaling that Jim Gordon had returned and was ready to meet with him.

As Sebastian reached Jim Gordon's desk, Jim stood up and gestured for Sebastian to follow him.

Sebastian trailed behind Jim as they climbed the stairs to the top of the police department building. From their vantage point, they could see the sprawling expanse of the city below, its gritty reality laid bare before them.

'Nice view' he thought.

Taking in the view, Jim turned to Sebastian and initiated the conversation.

asking him about his daily life and activities.

Sebastian answered Jim's questions honestly, though he carefully skirted around the part where he had gained his newfound powers.

As the conversation continued, Jim's questions became more pointed, probing into Sebastian's recent absence from school. Sebastian hesitated for a moment, grappling with how to respond before finally admitting that he had lost interest in attending classes and was considering dropping out altogether.

Jim's expression softened at Sebastian's admission, though there was a hint of concern in his eyes. "Sebastian," he said gently, "I understand that school may not be your top priority right now, but education is important. Dropping out is a serious decision with long-term consequences. Have you considered your options?"

Sebastian shifted uncomfortably under Jim's gaze, feeling a pang of guilt at disappointing his guardian. "I know, Uncle Jim," he replied sheepishly. "But I just don't feel like I belong there anymore. I want to find my own path, something that feels right for me."

Jim nodded understandingly, his expression thoughtful. "I understand where you're coming from, Sebastian," he said. "But dropping out shouldn't be your only option. There are alternatives, like vocational training programs that can still provide you with valuable skills and opportunities."

Sebastian listened to Jim's words.

"I'll think about it, Uncle Jim,"

Jim smiled warmly at Sebastian.

"I know, Sebastian," he said, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "And I'll be here to support you every step of the way."

With a sigh "Okay uncle Jim I will complete highschool."

"Good for you Sebastian, and you know what you can join the GCPD." Jim offered.

"Let's not go that far...." Sebastian said in a defensive manner.

With that Sebastian left the Police Department and returned to his apartment.

I hope everybody enjoyed the chapter...😁