
DC One For All

A normal desk worker who is fan of the series FRIENDS gets killed. He then transmigrates into the body of a teenager. He has the power of One For All. I hope everybody give this fanfiction a try. I update every Monday. Four Chapters a week.

luminous1_vanqu10 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Joseph rummaged through his bag, hoping to uncover some clues about the person whose body he now inhabited.

To his surprise, he found a key and a crumpled piece of paper with an address scribbled on it. With a mix of curiosity and apprehension, he decided to follow the lead and investigate the mysterious apartment.

'yes a key and address I knew a kid going to a school gotta have a house, but was he beat up.?' Joseph thought to himself.

'whatever in need to check of the place on the address'.

As he made his way through the gritty streets of Gotham, Joseph couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at him. The dimly lit alleys and looming shadows seemed to whisper tales of danger and secrecy.

'man, this is seriously creepy...'

A passing police car momentarily heightened his anxiety, but much to his relief, the officers paid him no mind, too engrossed in their own affairs to bother with a lone pedestrian.

Joseph turned around and looked at the cops who ignored him. " Well it is Gotham."

Despite his initial fear, Joseph couldn't help but chuckle at the realization that in Gotham, the cops had bigger fish to fry than someone out for a late-night stroll.

It was a city where indifference reigned supreme, and everyone fended for themselves amidst the chaos and apathy.

Navigating the labyrinthine streets with the help of flickering street signs, Joseph finally arrived at the address he had been looking for.

It was a tall building and he noticed that the doors were broken.

"Well that guarantees security, if I'm staying here I need to secure my apartment." Joseph said to himself.

Entering the building, Joseph ascended the staircase, the sound of his footsteps echoing in the empty hallway.

"Man it's like the Big Bang Theory show I need to walk 3 floors of stairs everyday, at least I'm getting an exercise." Joseph said with a patting breath.

Finally, he reached his destination: apartment 3B.

As Joseph turned the key in the lock and stepped into the apartment, a wave of disappointment washed over him. The space was small and cramped, with dingy walls and worn-out furniture that showed signs of neglect. The one-bedroom layout lacked any semblance of homeliness, and the combined kitchen and dining area felt cramped and outdated.

"And they said you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Sigh this looks like a dumpster." Joseph said out loud.

The kitchen counters were cluttered with unwashed dishes, and the stench of stale food hung heavy in the air. A flickering fluorescent light overhead cast eerie shadows across the room, adding to the apartment's dismal atmosphere. Joseph couldn't help but grimace at the state of disarray before him, wondering how anyone could live in such squalor.

He proceeded to slide open the window near the kitchen so the stale air could pass.

It was the only window in the whole apartment.

Scattered across the walls were framed photographs, each telling a silent story of the life that once inhabited the apartment. Among them were pictures of his current body, along with two other individuals whom he assumed were his parents. Their stern faces stared back at him from behind the glass, their expressions frozen in time.

"Looks like a family picture, and some others too" Joseph thought.

As Joseph surveyed the apartment, his eyes were drawn to a newspaper article framed and mounted on the living room wall. The headline caught his attention:

"Tragic Accident Claims Lives of Gotham's Finest."

With a sinking feeling in his chest, he realized that the article detailed the untimely demise of his parents, both of whom were police officers.

'Looks like there are some feelings left within my body by the previous owner. But nothing that I can't control' Joseph said in his mind.

'why on earth will he mount the news papar report of his parents death on the wall'.

Feeling a sudden pang of sorrow, Joseph moved with purpose, locking the apartment door and wedging the sofa against it to ensure his privacy and security.

"This should keep some of the weird guys out. Safety first" Joseph said to himself.

he retreated to the only bedroom in the apartment, seeking solace in the embrace of sleep.

The bedroom offered little comfort, with its bare walls and threadbare curtains failing to provide any sense of warmth or refuge. The mattress upon which Joseph collapsed felt lumpy and uneven beneath him, but exhaustion dulled his senses as he succumbed to the pull of slumber.

"What a crappy bed I should get a new one."

He found some money inside the piggy bank in the room.

He planned to buy some necessary items for his needs like cloth and a cell phone. He found out that there were no Android Phones invented yet.

This also made him think about what time he is in now.

He was surprised at the fact that his injuries had healed already.

'looks like I have some kind of superpower I need to find out.' Joseph made that into his to-do list.

He lay on the bed and soon slipped into a sleep.

Pov (Earlier)

As Bruce Wayne and his trusted butler Alfred journeyed back from the Gotham Police Department, the somber weight of the investigation into his parents' murder hung heavy in the air.

Seated within the luxurious confines of his Rolls Royce, Bruce's thoughts were momentarily interrupted by the sight of a teenager darting through the streets, his arms adorned with bruises. The boy's hurried pace and wary glance towards a passing police car piqued Bruce's interest, prompting him to voice his curiosity to Alfred.

"Alfred," Bruce began, his voice reflecting a blend of interest and intrigue, "did you see that teenager? Why would he be running at this hour, especially with those bruises?"

Alfred peered out the window with a discerning gaze before offering his perspective. "It's difficult to say, Master Wayne," he replied, his tone measured and thoughtful. "But it's not uncommon for youths in Gotham to find themselves in troubling situations, especially when it involves law enforcement."

Bruce nodded, taking Alfred's words as he contemplated the possible reasons behind the teenager's erratic behavior.

"Should I look into his situation,master Bruce?" Alfred offered observing his expression.

"No need Alfred I was just a little bit curious, that's all." Bruce Wayne replied.

Just like that the soon to be Gotham Knight saw Sebastian and he had no idea about the event.

[I'm gonna call Joseph as Sebastian from now on]

I hope everybody enjoyed the chapter...😁