
DC: New Krypton (Omniverse)

First and Main World: DC UNIVERSE Second World: Pacific Rim Third World: Tranformers Fourth World: Three Body Problem Fifth World: The Flash Series Sixth World: Bleach === A man, who had been reincarnated on Krypton as H'el, finally managed to leave it before its destruction. Unfortunately, he was exiled into the depths of space by his own foster father, Jor-El. "Amidst the vast, lifeless, cold, and desolate void of deep space, where darkness persisted, even so, I have emerged victorious, Jor-El." I will find you, find your son, my foolish brother who holds the entire Kryptonian Legacy within him. I will rebuild Krypton, unparalleled in history, the mightiest Krypton among all universes. ---- This is slowpace. The mc has the cheat of being able to travel universes, and he will use it to travel to different universes like Pacific Rim, etc. Of course there's a reason why he would do so. And the reason is for you to know. So read it and enjoy. And also, you can expect an op mc, so there's that. The updates will be just the same as the other two, I'll update everyday. === Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there. === I literally don't own anything here, all rights goes to their respective owners.

Baph0met · Anime et bandes dessinées
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284 Chs

Chapter 18: Against A Nuclear Bomb

Anchorage City.

H'el was dressed in white experimental shorts and a short-sleeved shirt, revealing his long, muscular limbs. Under his jet-black, lustrous hair, his features were chiseled, striking, and statuesque. He strolled confidently through this empty city, actively absorbing sunlight with his bio-magnetic field, causing him to radiate a brilliant glow.

He appeared as if he had stepped out of classical mythology, a different essence of life that set him apart from ordinary humans.

A short distance behind him, Sylvia(her first name), wearing a filthy lab coat over a gray sweater and a red classical leather skirt, her long legs clad in black stockings, balanced on high heels with the thick soles removed.

She had only woken up a few hours ago and hadn't changed her clothes. Following H'el to Anchorage City, she resembled a little girl, holding her head high, humming an unfamiliar tune, occasionally extending her arms like an airplane, and flying left and right behind H'el.

"Are you really this happy?" H'el asked with confusion. He couldn't quite grasp her eccentricity and why she willingly became his loyal companion.

Nevertheless, considering Sylvia was an outstanding doctoral geneticist, arguably the best biologist on Earth, he could begrudgingly accept her presence. He would need subordinates for research and handling various matters. He couldn't always act as the supreme ruler trying to create a new Kryptonian power, or he'd lose credibility.

As long as he lowered his vision slightly, not seeing the mites crawling through the skin's folds, he could tolerate having her around as a biological expert for his research.

"Of course, I'm ecstatic! I've never felt so relaxed and free, not having to choose between humans and the precursors. You are my choice," Sylvia said cheerfully, basking in the warm winter sunlight. She smiled so brightly that even her gums were visible, her eyes squinted into crescent moons.

She referred to the Precursors as the species that frequently released the Kaijus into Earth through the wormhole in the deep ocean. 

H'el chuckled.

"That's just escapism. Entrusting all the guilt and burden to someone else, and your conscience lightens? Because you don't have to bear the choice between humans and Precursors yourself?"

"Yeah, H'el, you're so powerful. That's great. I don't have to make choices. I'm just a tool in your hands. Whether you destroy humanity or the Precursors, it doesn't matter. I just need to follow someone as powerful as you," Sylvia admitted. Acknowledging her own weakness, she suddenly felt invincible.

Since she couldn't make choices and was struggling in the sea of mental anguish, she decided to leave all decisions to the immensely terrifying H'el. Let him bear her sins.

Without having to think or choose, she became a tool with a joyful heart.

The dream-like days had truly arrived for her, and she was genuinely moved to tears.

H'el chuckled and shook his head, never having heard such a unique choice before.

What kind of life experiences could have molded Sylvia's personality like this?

"Do you mind sharing your past? I'm quite curious," he inquired.

Sylvia placed her hands behind her head, took steps with dirty gray sweaters, and swayed her chest drawn by her thin sweater bra while shaking and jumping. She nonchalantly said, "Actually, it's nothing special."

"It's just that my father was a bishop of the coexistence faction among the Precursors. He adjusted his genes and came to Earth long ago, using my mother to create me."

"All my knowledge of genetics, even my innate biological talents, I suspect were adjusted by my father."

"My father used to babble about coexisting with all species, thriving biologically, and the universal biological sphere. I can't deny that I was influenced by him."

"Later, my mother discovered that my father was an alien, and she was terrified, so she was sent to a mental hospital."

"My father constantly demanded that I remember the grand coexistence of species, asking me to return to the Precursors and become his successor, inheriting his unfinished mission. The future of both planets depended on me. He unloaded everything onto me, just to escape responsibility and die on Earth."

"I was desperate too. What could I do?"

"Give the hope of peaceful coexistence between two planets to a four-year-old girl?"

"What could I do? I wish I could only open my father's skull, see what his brain was made of to come up with such absurd ideas."

"Later, as I grew up, I encountered many disgusting things. Humans are truly ugly."

"But when I think about the other side of the wormhole, not only are their minds ugly, but their bodies are ugly too."

"How could I choose? Everything is so rotten. It's better to let Earth explode and destroy it all."

"H'el, your appearance is truly a blessing!"

As Sylvia spoke, she became increasingly joyful. She reached out toward H'el from behind, as if trying to touch a glimmer of hope and an anticipated future.

She didn't touch H'el and stopped her hand, continuing to hum a tune with her nose.

"Sure, then I'll bear all your sins," H'el replied with a smile, not taking it seriously at all.

He found a boutique clothing store with decent fabric and a classical design. He used his bio-magnetic field to unlock the door and walked in to pick out some clothes to wear. After all, he was still wearing lab fabric.

"Hehehe!" Sylvia followed happily. Her gaze drifted away from H'el and turned towards the women's clothing section. She tilted her head, thought for a moment, sniffed herself again, realizing she hadn't bathed for over ten hours, and had been sweating, even soaked in blue toxic substances. She was amazed that H'el could tolerate her presence.

Sylvia casually picked out a set of women's clothing, underwear, and so on. She found the bathroom and started showering.

Both of them were quite nonchalant.

H'el chose a set of formal suits suitable for serious occasions, donning a trench coat with a comfortable fur collar. It reached the back of his heels, giving him a commanding and imposing aura.

"Do you have any plans coming to Earth, H'el? Do you want to destroy Earth?" Sylvia shouted from the bathroom.

"Not at all, in fact, I'm just passing through," H'el replied.

H'el sat down comfortably on the couch with his hands resting on the backrest, tilting his head back slightly as he replied, "But I'll still have to kill some people, and then... conquer Earth in a year, test the planetary system I'm going to establish in the future; grant superpowers to Earthlings, collect data; and, of course, spend a few years getting some energy for my spaceship."

"Conquer Earth in a year? Is that even possible?" Sylvia asked while applying body wash to herself, thinking that no matter how powerful he was, conquering Earth in a year seemed impossible.

"It doesn't matter. If the world doesn't run according to my plan a year from now, I'll just blow up the Earth, make it explode," H'el replied indifferently. He didn't consider himself a bloodthirsty person, but the precondition was that he had to implement his own plans properly. Otherwise, keeping this Earth around would be pointless.

He was sure that he would create an unprecedented great power in the future.

It was a good opportunity to experiment with certain systems on Earth.

He would also spread superpowers to let humanity collectively research the effects of superpowers.

"H'el, you're truly frightening," Sylvia sighed and began applying shampoo to her hair. Lots of bubbles formed as her slender fingers combed through her hair, scratching her scalp with her nails. She then asked, "By that time, you'll take me with you, right?"

"Of course, you're my subordinate now. Be prepared for the future, wandering among the stars. You might go crazy," H'el responded quite amiably, engaging in a back-and-forth conversation with Sylvia.

He wasn't a cold-hearted person, quite the opposite, but very few people understood this about him, not even his foster father, Jor-El.

Surprisingly, it was Sylvia who understood him the most on Earth.

"That's great, then." Sylvia received a satisfying answer.

A short while later, Sylvia emerged from the bathroom in a new outfit. She was wearing a thick white suit top, a black leather skirt, red knee-high boots, and a large green trench coat. Her fashion sense wasn't remarkable, but she still walked the path of fashion with confidence.

"So, we came here just to freshen up and change clothes?" she asked with her hands open.

"I'm waiting for a nuclear bomb," H'el replied with a smile.

The military had already evacuated Anchorage City, and they had been prepared for the worst, ready to deploy humanity's ultimate weapon.

"Why?" Sylvia's head seemed filled with question marks.

H'el contemplated for a moment before answering, "Kryptonians not resisting a nuclear bomb just doesn't feel like Kryptonians."

In fact, H'el wanted to withstand a nuclear bomb just to show this world that not even nuclear bombs could kill him. He wanted the world to accept his rule obediently, as he had no desire to kill more humans in the coming year.

The entire Earth's struggle against him would be in vain.

This was his final mercy to humanity.

"Is it because your planet is so terrifying that you have this tradition of resisting nuclear bombs?" Sylvia gasped in disbelief.

What kind of planet had such a bizarre tradition?

H'el nodded.

Are they still considered Kryptonians if they can't withstand a nuclear bomb?

Adding resistance to a nuclear bomb could reduce 90% of the troubles, and H'el saw no reason not to, given his own strength. 


A/N: Missions are still up, so keep them stones coming! 

500 stones = 1 extra

1k stones = 2 extra

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