
DC: New Krypton (Omniverse)

First and Main World: DC UNIVERSE Second World: Pacific Rim Third World: Tranformers Fourth World: Three Body Problem Fifth World: The Flash Series Sixth World: Bleach === A man, who had been reincarnated on Krypton as H'el, finally managed to leave it before its destruction. Unfortunately, he was exiled into the depths of space by his own foster father, Jor-El. "Amidst the vast, lifeless, cold, and desolate void of deep space, where darkness persisted, even so, I have emerged victorious, Jor-El." I will find you, find your son, my foolish brother who holds the entire Kryptonian Legacy within him. I will rebuild Krypton, unparalleled in history, the mightiest Krypton among all universes. ---- This is slowpace. The mc has the cheat of being able to travel universes, and he will use it to travel to different universes like Pacific Rim, etc. Of course there's a reason why he would do so. And the reason is for you to know. So read it and enjoy. And also, you can expect an op mc, so there's that. === Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there. === I literally don't own anything here, all rights goes to their respective owners.

Baph0met · Anime et bandes dessinées
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374 Chs

Chapter 15: A Wrong Choice

Inside the Anchorage command center, General Augustine, known for his stern countenance, stared at the vast screen, his expression undergoing a visible change.

It was rare for this stoic general to display any emotions.

He knew that H'el possessed a baseline strength of 30,000 tons, and he had prepared with General Jericho for H'el's arrival. However, what H'el demonstrated had far exceeded their expectations.

In truth, their measurement of 30,000 tons of baseline strength was only an estimation. H'el's true strength was far greater.

"General, General Jericho has fallen, and over five hundred army soldiers are dead. The tank units and the air force outside the Anchorage base are awaiting your orders," reported a colonel standing next to General Augustine, feeling shaken to the core.

Could this truly be a power that living beings possessed?

In ancient times, this would have been revered as a God! Even in this modern era of scientific enlightenment, despite knowing that it was a biological entity, the presence of H'el made him feel like bowing in worship.

H'el's existence defied all logic, something that was unimaginable and could only be witnessed to be believed.

"Put those two guys into the Gipsy Danger and have them fight for Earth," General Augustine said with steely determination, casting a glance at the colossal Gipsy Danger mech. 

The colonel hesitated and then replied, "General, I'm afraid the Gipsy Danger might not be a match."

"I know. You don't need to tell me that. Even if they can delay for a second, we'll go out there. After the mech fails, we'll bombard this entire base. We need to request even more powerful weapons!" General Augustine's face was etched with anger.

The colonel fell silent, suddenly chilled to the bone. What if even humanity's ultimate weapon failed? He dared not contemplate further, saluted General Augustine, and went to execute the orders.


On the battlefield within the base, the air was thick with the scent of blood mingling with smoke, an intense odor that refused to dissipate.

H'el ceased the use of his life/bio magnetic field. In the moments before, he had casually killed hundreds of soldiers who had attacked him. For each of those soldiers, he had effortlessly crushed them, using them as test subjects for his life magnetic field.

He had already figured out the functions of the life magnetic field.

For those creatures incapable of controlling their own magnetic fields, it represented absolute dominance. H'el could connect to their life magnetic fields, subsequently manipulating their bodily functions such as the muscular system, digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, endocrine system, immune system, nervous system, and circulatory system. He could manipulate their physical bodies, secreting various hormones, among other things.

It was almost complete control over them. Excluding the control of their thoughts and consciousness, he could manipulate their physical forms. In a sense, any aspect of the body that could affect one's willpower was now under his control.

Because for most people, desires and thoughts were controlled by their bodies.

Calling H'el a God right now was not an exaggeration.

"Save me..."

In the distance, some civilians groaned in pain. When H'el's bullets had flown out, spreading like a rain of death, not only had they killed hundreds of soldiers, but they had also wounded civilians.

They were terrified, watching as H'el casually strolled through the battlefield. Soldiers turned into blood mist in his wake. Their legs felt weak, and they dared not utter a sound. They crawled away from H'el in fear, tears streaming down their faces.

When H'el's gaze swept over them, a few who had been pulling the wounded away froze in place. They didn't dare move until H'el's attention shifted elsewhere, but they found themselves drenched in cold sweat, their hearts pounding uncontrollably.

The entire battlefield was a scene of devastation. It was evident that the battle involved H'el and over 500 soldiers, yet more than a hundred innocent civilians had been wounded, with some even losing limbs and becoming disabled for life.

H'el's gaze swept over them, and all he saw was fear.

He wasn't a bloodthirsty person; he held no ill will toward these ordinary people. In a way, these ordinary people were no different from the civilians on Krypton, who even considered themselves gods in the making.

H'el found it both amusing and ironic. Dust particles danced beneath his feet, influenced by the external biological magnetic field. But soon, he concentrated a portion of the biological magnetic field into his body, escaping Earth's gravity within his inner and outer circulation, slowly ascending. He first lifted his heels, then his toes, soaring above the ground, right up to the 21 screens.

The 21 screens displayed everything and recorded it all. They were currently studying H'el from various angles, including psychological aspects.

They remained composed but were somewhat at a loss for words. After all, treating someone like livestock to dissect and divide the spoils was detrimental to Earth's negotiations with extraterrestrial beings.

"Alien, what is your purpose on Earth?" Suddenly, someone raised an eyebrow and their eyes sparkled as they initiated the inquiry.

They saw that the Gipsy Danger Knight was behind H'el, striding forward and raising its right fist. The rocket thruster on its elbow activated, emitting a powerful blue light for added kinetic impact. It swung the massive fist toward H'el.

"I was just passing through, and I won't stay here long." H'el replied, shaking his head. His body floated in mid-air, his right hand extended parallel, fingers spread wide, with his index finger lightly touching the huge fist that the Gipsy Danger Knight had sent his way.

In an instant, the mech's fist was halted by his index finger, and a violent airflow was generated, shaking the screens in front of H'el.

The thrusters on the mech's elbow roared, emitting an incredibly intense blue light, pushing their power to the limit. Yet, it couldn't move H'el even a fraction of an inch, nor could it budge his index finger.

The faces of the people watching on the 21 screens turned ashen. The thrusters on the elbow of the mech's were capable of hitting monsters so hard that it left them stunned. Just feeling the force through the screens, they were aware of its immense power.

The extent of its might needed no further explanation.

But now... just a single index finger...

H'el flicked his finger, and the Gipsy Danger's right arm experienced an unparalleled shockwave. The entire forearm shattered into pieces, mechanical engine components scattering through the air. The elbow thruster exploded, causing the Gipsy Danger Knight to stagger. Thanks to the two skilled pilots, they managed to steady the faltering machine.

"I apologize for my rudeness, but as you can feel, Earth is merely a fledgling civilization. We might not be able to assist you. I wonder when you'll be able to depart?" The people on the screens, as if they hadn't seen H'el's confrontation with the mech, spoke in measured tones.

Then, they witnessed the mech, which had just regained its footing, raising its left arm. It was splitting open its cannon's muzzle, and the I-19 plasma cannon was beginning to charge. Blue ionized particles were condensing, aimed directly at H'el's back.

This weapon fired shotgun-like electrically charged ion particles, capable of penetrating a monster's body and causing internal burns, posing a deadly threat to monsters.

"I don't plan on leaving for the time being. Rest assured, you'll die painlessly as long as you don't resist. This isn't about Earth; it's about those of you who wanted to dissect me."

H'el's jet-black hair shone, his deep and mysterious black eyes, and his handsome face gave him a somewhat "just" appearance, but his words sent chills down the spines of those watching on the screens.

H'el, at his core, had no strong feelings about Earth's humanity. He never had any intention of conquering Earth. When he arrived on this planet, his only desire was to bask in the sun and awaken his Kryptonian genes. After satisfying his sunbathing, he might even have helped Earth with some of its problems.

In essence, H'el was not a malevolent individual. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone to great lengths to save his fellow Kryptonians on Krypton.

The power to make choices had always rested with humanity. How they treated this extraterrestrial being would influence H'el's disposition toward Earth.

Unfortunately, their decisions had all been misguided. First, they decided to kill him in large numbers without knowing about the cell-enhancing nutrient solution. Then, when they found out about it, they decided to imprison him and bleed him dry. Finally, when they learned about his superhuman abilities, they planned to dissect him like a piece of meat.

With each decision these high-ranking humans made, they gave H'el ample reason to destroy the world.

Killing these high-ranking individuals was already H'el's mercy to Earth.

'After all, I'm not a demon.' H'el sighed in his heart. Luckily, he wasn't an extremist; otherwise, there might not be anything left of this world.

The deep meditation techniques of the Kryptonian Guild allowed him to keep from losing himself in the abyss of immense power. From the moment he fell to the ground, he could already hear the voices of the entire world. For more than a dozen hours of deep meditation control, not a single piece of external information had escaped him.

Unfortunately, these high-ranking humans made the wrong choices when facing him. As they determined the fate of these high-ranking humans, H'el expanded his biological magnetic field behind him.

It wasn't for his protection, but rather to make the people in front of him feel despair.

The left hand of the Gipsy Danger completed its charge of the I-19 plasma cannon and fired directly at H'el's back. The electrically charged ion particles of the shotgun-like blast struck H'el's biological magnetic field, were instantly repelled, and returned to strike the mech's left hand.

The charged ion particles were quite beautiful under H'el's biological magnetic field, displaying their circuit-like trajectories, resembling a 180-degree slide, sparkling with a magnificent blue light as they rolled back toward the mech. The left hand of the mech then exploded instantly, mechanical power unit parts scattered all around, continuously striking the surrounding metal frame and creating sparks.

The 21 screens fell silent. The plasma cannon had a significant effect on monsters' bodies, and practically no monster could withstand a direct hit. Now, even when fired directly at H'el, it proved ineffective, leaving them feeling utterly powerless.

The Gipsy Danger was pushed back a few steps after being hit but managed to regain its footing. The Mech, with both arms severed, raised its chest high, and the turbine blades of the nuclear reactor began to spin.

H'el turned around, his eyes bloodshot, and shot his heat vision directly at the head of the Dangerous Wandering Knight. A powerful impact sent the Mech's cockpit flying, killing the operators instantly. Then, his heat vision swept down, severing the startup program of the nuclear reactor. The Gipsy Danger toppled backward, creating a loud crash of compressed and torn mechanical steel.

"You can't misuse the nuclear reactor. My spaceship still needs energy," H'el smiled, watching the mech fall. In his heart, he was already planning to collect energy in this world. There were things he needed here.

Suddenly, 'BOOM,' a shell pierced through the outer wall of the Anchorage base and headed toward H'el.

H'el reached out and grabbed the massive shell, which was as large as a strong man's thigh. It left five finger marks deeply indented in his hand before exploding. Flames and black smoke engulfed him and the screens in front of him.

Then, a continuous barrage of 'BOOM BOOM BOOM...' erupted as one large shell after another pierced the outer walls, bombarding H'el's position.


A/N: This week's stone goal is still up. Be sure to give all your stones and also write some reviews to get those sweet extra chapters. 

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300 stones = 2 Chapters

500 stones = 1 more. 

1k stones = 2 more 

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Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction

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