
Chapter 4

"The Devil!" I said with a grin before grabbing his arm, quickly getting behind him, I took both of his hands. Under everyone's horrified gazes, the Captain's pained screams filled the air as his arms were bent in a way they should never be bent.

I laughed, taking pleasure in having so much control over others. I never knew just how fun this could be. I didn't waste time, grabbing the captain's legs and using him as my new weapon. I slammed him forward, shattering Green Lantern Green Constructs, and shot at The Green Lantern, where I hit him with my new weapon. The sound of bones shattering filled the air, with the Lantern rocketing away as if he was a baseball hit with a bat... but I didn't pause as I shot towards Wonder Woman.

My leg shot down, shattering her leg with a kick, before shutting her mouth with Captain Atom, who I slammed against her chin. Her blood and some of her teeth went flying through the air, but again I gave her zero chance to react before I grabbed her face.

I burst forward, slamming it against Shazam's face, shattering his nose in the process. I laughed beating all of them up, blood quickly filling the ground, their pain moans and screams being the only thing other than my laugh being heard... but I slowly grew bored of all of this, returning to my senses while looking at all of the chaos.

"Well... looks like you all learned your lesson," I said while looking at Wonder Woman's badly disfigured face. She looked at me, her beautiful eyes unable to muster any strength to glare at me, and instead seemed a blink away from fainting. 

"I gave you all a warning, I..." I suddenly paused as I felt something rushing towards me at extreme speed. Without a second thought, I jumped up. Time seemed to slow down as the Flash slowly ran past where I was at a moment ago, the flash's eyes widened while looking up at Wonder Woman who I was swinging like a bat towards him.

With the sound of bones cracking, Flash was sent rocketing away, with Wonder Woman being thrown to the side. I ignored everyone there, mainly the sidekicks who didn't know if they should join in the fight or not.

"What do you want?" Batman who I ignored thanks to being so weak asked, but I ignored him while taking Superman's cape, and used it to cover my lower body.

"This is strike 1," With those words, I burst into the sky flying off. Batman stood there, gritting his teeth, before he had no choice but to ignore me and called over the side kicks for help...

"Freeze! Who are you!" A bunch of guards aimed their guns at me, unease clear in their faces seeing me floating in the air, covered in blood, while also having a Superman cape covering my body.

"I just defeated the Justice League, I came to speak... don't force me to attack you," I said calmly, I ignored them and headed towards the Whitehouse up ahead, and without a second thought they began shooting bullets at me. But shocker to no one, I was bulletproof.

"I'm pretty sure I just told you all I came here to speak," I said lightly while turning to look at them, and instantly they froze in fear. I sneered lightly at them before their leader was suddenly cut in half by beams that shot from my eyes.

I ignored the rest, and ith a flash, I burst through the walls of the white house, arriving before the president of the United States who was just about to flee to safety. But with my arrival, that was of course impossible. Of course, the white house was equipped with many things to protect the white house, even many things that could put down the man of steel, but it was all proven pointless before me.

I saw all incoming dangers, and I adapted to them faster than they could affect me. My adaption capability grew with my strength, the stronger I grew the faster and more capable I could adapt to things.

"Is this all your tricks?" I asked with a cold smirk while holding the glowing green bullet in my hand which was shot from a gun mounted to a wall behind me. This bullet was made out of Kryptonite, I would have been weak to this a few minutes ago, but upon scanning Superman, I gained immunity to even Superman's weaknesses which Doomsday had.

"What do you want?" The black president asked in fear, I looked at the guy for a second before slowly speaking.

"I came to prove a point, I didn't kill the Justice League members because I don't want to be bothered with saving the earth. For as long as I live, I have the most power on earth." I said while taking hold of the president with my telekinesis, 

"I will help you understand the gap between me and everyone else," I said while my hands moved, transforming into an airtight cage that was sea through, it went on to entrap the president before we burst through the ceiling of the white house and out into outer space at extreme speed, and the president was shocked to find that we were before the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter in the blink of an eye.

"You record this and remember this well. I need no weapon, or devices to destroy the planet. If I ever wake up, and you annoy me..." Saying those words, green covered the void of space. At the same time, in the president's hands, his phone turned on to record everything that was about to happen on its own.

"Earth will disappear like this." Saying those words, that green light gathered into my palm, forming a small orb which I threw towards the planet in front of me. The orb shot forward as if it were a baseball thrown at high speed, but after it entered Jupiter, it suddenly grew to a shocking size and clashed with the core of the gas giant.

The president's eyes widened as the whole planet exploded in a colorful showing which would reach Earth in about 40 minutes.

I flashed back, appearing on Earth where I threw the president onto the ground.

"Scientists all over will announce the destruction of the gas giant, don't let that be Earth or the sun." Saying that, I took his wallet. Of course, the president was nice enough to tell me the pin to his cards, so I flew off to enjoy life.

This freedom I had at the moment was just something I enjoyed... but I needed more freedom, I wanted to one day walk up to the gates of the Whitehouse and before everyone, give the president of the United States a wedgie... that's freedom.

I needed more freedom, for example, the right to just walk into a store and get whatever I wanted and leave just because I could. I didn't have that level of freedom just yet, and I couldn't rush things. I wanted to be free of all rules, I wanted to live for my sake and my sake alone... and firstly I wanted to see all of the cool stuff on earth I missed out on.

This world was almost a perfect copy of my former earth, for example, that president was Obama. So, in theory, there should also be anime in this world. I couldn't wait to see if I could watch and read the stories my templates came from... but first I needed to plan for the future, plans to be perfect.

'Could I adapt or grow strong enough to adapt to fate? But after that then what? Would I start to be hit with boredom?.' I thought remembering how in my past life, successful people who had reached the peak acted in ways to self-sabotage their own success. Having it all, and reaching the very peak would leave them without a thrill in life.

I didn't want that, I needed to grow and adapt to ensure such a thing couldn't happen to me... so I needed to start adapting to boredom.


"What happened?" Superman was the first to wake up, by bathing in the sun, he was able to quickly recover from his injuries. He walked over to Batman who was replaying the scene of Broly fighting all of them.

Superman's face twisted seeing how they were defeated, and seeing how many people he called friends forced to suffer great pain... he couldn't help but grit his teeth.

"I managed to list down his powers," Batman said without looking back and instead opened a tab that showed 2 beings. The first was a monster known as Doomsday, and the other was a cartoon of a being called Broly.

"He has all of Doomsday's abilities, but his adaptation capability is far stronger and under his will. This second person is called Broly, an anime character from Dragon Ball. Adding the fact he looks just like him, calls himself Broly, and has the same power as this being... well," Batman said while opening another tab, which showed Broly in outer space, blowing up a planet.

"Unlike Doomsday who adapts, anime Broly's unique ability is the power to grow at an extreme speed. He is something known as a Legendary Saiyan, who grows stronger as he fights." Batman said lightly,

"It seems like he has both powers, his power level doesn't simply grow, it seems to be enhanced with his power to adapt, allowing him to overcome all that could defeat him. As he grows stronger, he gains greater resistance to all things, and the scary thing is... his power seems to be growing even outside of battle. His power level improves even while outside of combat. That battle didn't give him the strength needed to destroy planets, yet he did it." Batman said while getting up.

"in 3 seconds after he started fighting, he was already stronger than you. He isn't something that we could defeat using force, anything we throw at him, he would adapt towards." Batman said with a deep frown, 

"... What should we do?" Superman was in shock, sadly Superman was holding back. No one knew why Broly was currently so powerful, that was because Superman's level of power was above planetary if he went all out. Broly was adapting to that, But Superman had mental limitations which led to the most improvement Broly could gain being what was shown with him destorying a planet... but Batman was right, Broly's power level was improving outside of combat.

Going by Dragon Ball powers, Broly current power level would be at 15,900. With that level of power, Broly could wave his hand, and dozens of planets could be destroyed. But his power level was increasing by 1.0001 every second. For every second that passed, his power level increased by 1.0001 times every second his current power level. Why? This will be explained in the future, but it has to do with Doomsday and the Omnitrix Template