
DC: Hunting for Beauty.

Porn with Plot. slow update R*pe/Mind break. Evil MC. Pretend to be Hero. Harem seeking MC. Wish Fulfilment MC. =========== Ethan Adoil wakes up in an unfamiliar place having been given another chances in life in the DC Universe with power of CYOA essence.

Try_hard · Anime et bandes dessinées
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[ Essence of the Harem Protagonist ]

There is something about you that can attract anyone, even strange alien beings beyond the comprehension of mortals and gods alike. What it is that attracts these individuals will vary from person to person but there will always at least be something that will pique their interest. Their interest can easily blossom into fondness, a desire for friendship, or even genuine love if given some time to interact with you in some way whether it be in person or through hearing about you.

Are quite a bit tougher, enough that you could survive the rather destructive results of typical harem shenanigans. You will never suffer crippling or lethal wounds from any of those in your harem.

You will passively draw towards you individuals that have significant power, importance in their world plot wise or some other reason, grand destinies, and this such as that. Toggleable.

Granted infinite stamina and vitality, you are a quite able lover, able to please a mind boggling amount of people into bliss.

Any individuals that become part of your harem will be more willing to put aside differences and grievances to work towards your happiness and their own if circumstances permit. The feelings and loyalty they have for you will remain eternally strong unless you do something terrible to change that.

Fate, Destiny, and coincidence will bend, twist, warp, and maneuver to keep those in your harem yours. That doesn't mean they are bound to you forever if they honestly want to move on, just that things like individuals with mind control abilities, infernal lust powers, or a dirty monster tries to claim them these attempts at taking them will fail quite spectacularly. You can sense any who try to claim what is yours and who they are.

[ Essence of the Mad Doctor ]

Perfect memory with infinite storage

Beyond genius level intellect

Can make potions that can do almost anything, from immortality, to regeneration or even cause someone to fall in love with a specific target.

Immunity to disease and poison mundane and magical

Immense knowledge on occult and alchemical lore that updates itself should you find a way to travel to different worlds.

Supernaturally skilled at medicine, can cure just about anything with some research, already know how to tackle most ailments already.

Master of life and biology, able to create homunculi that are superior to regular versions of their species in all areas including being ageless and perfectly loyal to you.

you may also create other creatures like sewn together Frankenstein abominations, chimera, or other mutated beasts.

Can conjure ingredients from thin air.

[ Essence of the Archmage ]

By consuming the essence of the Archmage you gain several boons

Perfect memory with infinite storage

Beyond genius level intellect

Capacity to learn any 'magic' even unique ones upon seeing it once or understanding enough about it. This also includes things like Ki, Chakra, soul power, etc.

Possess a supernatural reactor that can adapt to any supernatural energy to fuel spells, enchantments, powers, etc. this reactor provides a steady supply of power that will grow over time, right now you could use high consumption abilities with wild abandon and still not make much of a dent after a few hours.

Can teach others systems even if they previously lacked the capacity.

Manipulate entire systems or combine then with experimentation.

You are capable of casting any spell as long as you have the energy not requiring any extra element like a focus or materials. The time required to cast if any remains however.

Essence of the Mirror

By taking this essence, you gain the ability to create reflections of anything.

You gain the ability to duplicate any object you see, even if it's just an image.

You can create an infinite number of absolutely loyal clones, and dismiss them at will.

You can copy powers, as long as you see them being used.

You may reflect/bounce any incoming attack in another direction.

You may travel through any reflective surface.

[ Essence of the the Ultimate Body and Weapon ]

Drinking this electrifying elixir will grant you the following abilities

You gain an Ultimate Body that is 10x the peak of your species. This applies to all attributes such as Strength, Speed, Charisma, Intelligence etc. If your species changes then this will upgrade to become 10x of your new species and if your new species has any downgrades compared to your previous one like lowered intelligence or vulnerability to sunlight then those weaknesses are eliminated.

You also gain the ability to combine any races/species that are available to you into a perfect Hybrid that is greater then the sum of it parts with all the strengths and none of the weaknesses and these strengths combine and form synergy where possible. This also applies to any CYOAs/Jumps you do, so you no longer need to switch between alt-forms or the like. So if you have a demon,dragon and god alt-forms with individual strengths and weaknesses you can simply combine them and eliminate all drawbacks.

You can make people detect you as whatever species you want them to detect you as - so if you want people to see you as a human then all detection abilities, magic, technology will detect you as human even if they do an X-ray or cut you open or take a blood sample etc. The only requirement is that you need to have that race/species in the first place.

You have enormous learning and growth rates such that you can learn, master and surpass what would take even the greatest geniuses and prodigies decades within a few days and things that take centuries can be done in a couple months at most. You can grow without any limits and can learn anything regardless of any restrictions.

You can also permanently absorb armors,materials used to create armors and even esoteric substances like Dragon Blood directly into your body to enhance it without turning your body into metal and keeping only the benefits without giving yourself any weaknesses. You can absorb Adamantium/Barbadium into your flesh,skin,bones,organs etc and make them just as durable as that metal or you can absorb an armor that nullifies harmful magic to grant your body that ability.

Gain an Ultimate weapon that is completely indestructible by any and all means. This weapon can transform into any weapon shape like Swords, Guns, Spears, Bows, Dual Swords, Sword and Shield, Magic Staff/Wand etc. This weapon grows stronger alongside you, as you grow stronger the weapon will as well growing stronger and sharper without limits.

This weapon amplifies any supernatural, technological or similar such powers you have by a few orders of magnitude of your current strength.

This weapon is perfectly balanced and you have 2 years of experience using all types of weapons.

The greatest attribute of this weapon is that it can grow stronger faster when you feed it materials and artifacts like adamantium/Barbadium or Noble Phantasms or similar powerful artifacts. The more powerful the better and it will take everything positive and discard any limitations and restrictions they may have. Example - Feed the weapon a lance like Rhongomyniad and you'll have power equal to that, Feed it Ea or even Mjolnir after that then you'll have the power of both Rhongomyniad and Ea/Mjolnir in a single weapon.

To feed the weapon you don't need to own it yourself, you merely need to be near the weapon while it's not in use and intend for your weapon to absorb it for a couple seconds and your weapon will absorb it. You can retain any kind of aesthetic the weapons you feed had initially. The more you feed your weapon, the faster it grows. You will always retain full control over it and can dial up and dial down it's power as much as you like.

Another attribute of this weapon is that it can kill anything regardless of whether they are immortal gods/demons or unkillable eldritch horrors or simply lack the concept of death. All you have to do is stab them after weakening them enough. Now you need to make sure is that you are actually strong and skilled enough to defeat them and stab them.

Any of your abilities or your weapons abilities cannot be suppressed, copied, mimic, absorbed, nullified or negatively affected in any way by any being without your permission. Your weapon cannot be stolen, taken or lost and will return to you with a thought.

When not in your weapon is stored in a personal pocket dimension that only you can access and can be called to your hand instantly in any form.

[ Essence of the Home ]

You gain a personal home that exists outside of reality and beyond the reach of most entities. This home is practically impenetrable to any being you do not want inside, even a supreme deity could not pierce the barriers in place on this property.

The home can be of your design or you can let it surprise you by generating itself based on your needs and wants so it fits itself to you perfectly. As your needs change and grow the home will expand with new facilities as needed.

The home takes care of the basic utilities automatically and requires no connection to any preexisting infrastructure to function. In addition it has functionally infinite supplies of whatever mundane food and drink you could desire.

While inside the home you and anyone you bring will not age, have any basic needs, or suffer from illnesses.

You may optionally have the home create servants to tend to it while you are gone, you also may give the home sapience to manage things. The home is utterly and unwaveringly devoted to you. It cannot be influenced to change its mind otherwise.

This home has the capability to travel through the multiverse and can give you passage practically anywhere. It can insert itself into these places or simply open a portal for you to travel through.

Any additional essences will add functionality to this one in the form of additional rooms and facilities depending on what the essence was.

[ Essence of the Demon Emperor ]

You gain the form of a demon emperor, ruler of Hell with a design generally up to you. This form is supernaturally powerful and outstrips almost any mortal or immortal for that matter in raw attributes and a host of other abilities up to you based on the form you take. Regardless you could beat gods to a bloody pulp as you are now.

Perfect memory with infinite storage as well as agelessness.

Gain dominion over the seven deadly sins, can use them in a variety of ways including conceptually.

You are a font of pure corruption, a walking source of impurity, disease, pain, misery, all the evils of the world are at your disposal. You are able to twist, corrupt, taint, and pervert anything you get your claws into to your hearts content. As a side effect you are immune to corrupting or purifying effects.

Able to create and summon all sorts of demons to serve you, whether they be Imps to the lords of hell themselves. These demons are oathbound to be loyal. You can corrupt others into demons and resurrect the dead into demons. You can have any demons you create able to access your Hell. Other demons and demon like creatures will see you as something of profane divinity on an instinctual level.

Have your own personal Hell that you have total control over. Whether it be a classic fire and brimstone with wailing souls of the damned, or just a blank void. You can transport yourself too and from it instantly and appear anywhere within said realm. Things brought into this hell can be imprisoned and sealed away or tormented by your demons, really whatever fate you may wish upon those unfortunate enough to fall into your grasp.

If you manage to be slain somehow you will revive a day later within your Hell.

[ Essence of the Dragon ]

Gain a dragon form of your own design. This form regardless of design is supernaturally strong and durable, maybe even other attributes depending on the exact form as well as secondary powers aside from its element and sub elements like some weather manipulation or supernatural ability to dig through stone. In dragon form you can lay waste to entire armies, and kingdoms in short order. You may switch to and from this form near instantly but can also partially manifest different parts of your dragon form while in human form though they will be somewhat less effective. You grow larger the older you get which in turn amplifies your powers with no real limit though it is slow, taking centuries for great growth.

You are immortal and undying, requiring neither food nor water or any other thing needed by regular creatures to survive, instead relying on your own innate energies.

Your mind is similarly a bulwark against the fog of ages, giving you perfect memory with instant recall. Mind based abilities and illusions bounce right off of your superior draconic mind. Your draconic blood means that learning magic is extremely easy and any internal reserves seem to always be massive compared to mortals.

Your body is exceptionally durable, your scales especially able to shrug off immense punishment in addition to causing supernatural attacks such as magic to slide harmlessly off of you like water does with a duck, some might even bounce back at the caster. Your bones, teeth, and claws are nearly indestructible.

You have extreme endurance and stamina and can fight for weeks without rest on the most brutal battlefields that could be offered to a dragon such as yourself. You do not feel pain but are alerted just the same if you suffer any damage.

Regenerative and resurrective ability that will steadily return you to perfect health and capability no matter the damage, even if reduced to a skeleton and buried you will eventually get back up. The best most mortals could hope to do is to disable you.

Gain power over one or more element(s) able to manipulate, control, and generate it and several sub elements, said element(s) can be intrinsically tied to your biology, fire might give you black scales that look like volcanic rock and lava blood or just supernaturally hot fire that acts as blood. You are immune to your elements and resistant to others.

Confers lordship over dragons, and draconic creatures. As long as they aren't more powerful than you, the being in question will feel the urge to serve you as you are their sovereign by birthright. Optionally you can be a dragon of actual royalty being recognised innately as a dragon of higher quality and standing then others. Your spawn will always consider you their lord over everyone else.

You wouldn't be a very good dragon if you weren't capable of doing as dragons are known and sowing seed or receiving it depending on your equipment. Your virility or fertility is off the charts and practically anything with the proper sex organs can be bred. Gestation and birth is always successful and the spawn is guaranteed to be free of genetic flaws or abnormalities.

Can bring other dragons into existence, or lower dragon type creatures the lowest of which being kobolds which make for surprisingly effective servants. This extends to greater examples of draconic creatures but not limited to dragonborn, wyverns, wyms, lindwurms, drakes, and of course dragons. The stronger the spawn the longer it takes, all of your dragon children will be perfectly loyal from hatching/birth and worship you even. All have genetic memories that makes them more suited to different tasks or roles like being natural builders, scholars, or soldiers. The most versatile aspect of this is that you can gain templates to create a half dragon from anything you consume or copulate with.

Dragon blood however is extremely powerful, by giving another mortal blood you may impart a fraction of your might. They gain a large measure of endurance, stamina, vitality, and may develop more draconic traits later down the line. Perhaps even become a dragon should they live long enough. Or you could dunk them in a pool of your own blood. That would speed it up immensely.

Can sense treasure, gold, and potential mates for miles, even deep underground.

[ Essence of the Incubus Lord/Sex God ]

Gain an ideal form. Said form has demon cosmetics if Incubus Lord, but these are option as a Sex God. Immortality and Youth applies to both cases.

Gain the ability to tame any female creature. This includes ones that you should technically not be able to: Certain Monstergirls and Pokegirls, Succubi Queens and Sex Goddesses, Otherwise untamable or man hating females.

Gain the ability to control how tame a female is. Example. A Hellhound Monstergirls will obey you not matter what, but is she an adoring puppy or a steadfast attack dog? Is the Dominatrix your sex slave now or is she managing the lesser slaves?

All your others abilities can now be recharged or hypercharge by sexual energy collected via fucking. This can also be used for healing and staving off physical needs.

Gain your own private afterlife that no God or any other entity can enter without your permission. Except: Females wanting to submit to you. Said Afterlife starts off thesize of New York City but can grow to the size of Japan. All that you tame will be brought here at death, or by you personally. Amenities will manifest over time.(a month for an apartment complex, a year for a high end mansion, a day for a furnished house.)

All porn logic applies: No refractory period, no incest issues, messiness is togglable, etc.

Can manifest sex toys, even impossible or magical ones, with relative ease.(instantly for dildos, chastity belts, masks etc, but a few hours for a machine that teases, spanks, AND tickles)

Instant access to one lewd (Pokegirl, Queen's Blade, etc) or two ecchi (DxD, New Sister Devil, Heaven's Lost Property, etc) worlds of your choice. A lewd or two more ecchi worlds may be chosen every five years. One year is removed from that for every thousandth orgasm you directly cause (no machines doing it automatically but you can being paddling her, for example)

Gain the ability to shapeshift into a mortal form, and shift your harem girls into human forms if you take them to worlds where they stick out.

Lastly, you also have a Reincarnation + ability. You will lose most of your powers and be reborn with no memory of your past life. However, ALL of your harem will as well and fate will conspire for you all to meet. Only guarantees are that you will have some bedroom talent and be decently hung. Your life will basically be a harem anime with less cockblocking. You also might gain more harem members on these reincarnations. The reincarnation will stop either after the tenth reincarnation or when your harem has doubled