
DC/Dragon Ball

None of the characters belong to me as well as the image is not mine only the mc is my character without more just enjoy.

Victor_AS · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

chapter 3

How unlucky I must be to have this happen to me, one mistake after another.

What do you expect, shoot in the direction it's coming from, you want to be stopped and blamed for things going wrong (Arthur).

Bang, bang, bang

Multiple sounds of bullets rang out in the warehouse, after the gunshots stopped ringing there was a silence that was quickly interrupted by the sound of gun reloads.

As the criminals quickly reloaded their weapons, a cable held one of them as they dragged him into the dark part of the warehouse, after hearing sounds of fighting everything went silent.

The criminals were aiming into the darkness trying to see something but not being able to see their target only made them impatient, causing fear towards their opponent, seeing things develop to this point Arthur knew he didn't have much time left before they caught them all quickly moving the money bags to the trunk, but as if they were taunting him at the same time he put the money away he heard sounds of blows knowing that his companions were being defeated one after another he decided to throw a blow towards his back.

Although his attack was useless as he was hit in the stomach and quickly received another blow near the jaw, knocking him to the ground as he writhed in pain.

Trying to get up Arthur tried to stand up, but again he fell to the ground, but this time he fell unconscious.


Why did you call us if it was enough to finish them all off, and I'm not the only one who thinks so (Nightwing).

Behind Nightwing could be seen the silhouette of 3 more people who were Damian (Robin), Batgirl (Barbara) and Batwoman (Kathy Kane).

Right, you wouldn't normally do , something like that (Batgirl).

I thought it would take longer, that's why I called them so it would be over faster, but it looks like the Penguin abandoned his men and left before I got there (Batman).

Maybe you're losing your touch (Robin)

After hearing Robin's words, Batman and the rest of the Batfamily looked at him and then at Batman waiting for his response, but Batman just ignored him and started talking to the rest of the group.

I got a call from the league it seems they want all the members and I thought I would take them once we were done here, Gordon will arrive with some patrolmen and they will take Penguin's henchmen to the prison.

With that said Batman started to leave the warehouse while Robin and Nightwing proceeded to tie up Penguin's henchmen.

You should avoid making comments like that and stop provoking Batman (Nightwing).

It was just a joke, it didn't hurt anyone (Robin).

After hearing what Robin said, Nightwing stared for a few moments and then shook his head as he stood up and started to walk out of the warehouse along with Batgirl and Batwoman.

Forget it (Nightwing)

After seeing the rest leave Robin began to follow them to head to the league headquarters.


At the league base they could see Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Cyborg, Detective Martian, as well as the Batfamily, Green Arrow, Hawkman and Hawkgirl.

Why have we been summoned to this league meeting, what was so important Superman for us to be here (Batman)?

I also want to know the reason for this sudden summoning (Wonder Woman).

Although I would like to tell you the reason for the summons I don't know either, I have only summoned you here at someone's request (Superman).

Upon hearing Superman's words, the rest of the league, as well as his companions, were surprised and doubtful as to why he was summoning them here.

So who is responsible for us being gathered here and as far as I can see there are still some league members missing (Flash).

The rest will not be able to join I have already communicated with them and then they will be given an explanation of the meeting we will have now with the current members present (Superman).

But that explains who called us if it wasn't you Superman then who was it.(Wonder Woman)

It was me who asked Superman to call all of you (Dr. Fate).

I have summoned you because the balance of the universe itself has been affected, which will cause too many disasters (Dr. Fate).

Upon hearing Dr. Fate's words, the members of the league were surprised and alerted by the fact that a threat was coming towards them, but what alerted them more was the fact that none of them were aware of it.

What kind of disaster is coming our way and how big will it (Batman) be?

I myself do not know, not being able to find the origin of this imbalance of the universe, I tried to find the answer in the orb of Nabu, but it did not work, the only thing I could observe is the disaster that the earth will be involved (Dr. Fate).

But in my search for this danger that threatens us I found something that could be a cause of the disaster that is about to occur, but I cannot be sure that it is the origin itself or that it has some kind of relationship (Dr. Fate).

The next moment Dr. Fate made a sphere appear in his right hand that more than surprising the other members of the league only caused intrigue, but a few seconds later some of the members realized something.

What kind of energy does the sphere have, my sensors indicate that it expels energy, but it is not one that I have seen (cyborg).

Cyborg is right at first I did not realize it, but I feel some kind of power and it is very similar to the power of divinity that the gods possess (Wonder Woman).

The power of divinity then is that of the gods, but because it has seven stars (Flash).

This sphere gives off divinity power similar to that of the gods, but I can say with certainty that the energy it gives off is purer and is more powerful than Zeus' own divinity (Wonder Woman).

I could borrow it to investigate and try to find the source and find out if there are more like this sphere (Batman).

Dr. Fate looks at Batman for a few moments and then gives it to him.

I will try to find the energy signature that the sphere emits, I will need the help of Wonder Woman and Cyborg both seem to have some idea of the energy it gives off in the meantime we better be vigilant and prepare for the worst in case we don't find the source (Batman).

At this point no member of the league knew the chaos this sphere would cause and the change it would bring not only to their world but to their own universe.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Victor_AScreators' thoughts