
The Book

Its the same nightmare again, repeating all over again and again, haunting him every night.

Water trickled down his face as he stared at the mirror in front. In it reflected, a moderately built boy with a pale face and messed up long hair with green eyes.

Its been almost a month since the horrible incident.

His mom killed by the Victo Zsasz, leaving his normal life broken yet again. He still recall his mom's face, and broke down in tears when he remembered how he wont be able to see her smile again.

Apart from sadness, the only emotions that filled his mind now are anger and the thirst for revenge.

Thinking back to how Batman saved him that night,

he felt grateful, though a part still wish that he should have died that night, sparing him of all the misery.

One month was all it took for the neighborhood to go back to normal. The pity and the sympathetic look that people gave him in the beginning slowly reverted back.

Now he was left an orphan, with no one to care for him. Missing dad. Dead mom.No relatives. Just him alone. The only thing that was going good for him was that he was not poor. His parents had decent savings, the numbers could sustain him for years.

Still thats not how he wished to live. A mundane life leeching off his dead parent's savings. No. The 15 year old boy matured over the past month, due to a harsh wake up call.

Power. Yes, thats what he need, Power to crush victor Zsasz and his likes, Power to torture him so much that he regret ever living this life.

Soon he will have it. After all today was the last day. Today will be the day he will finally get to open that book.

Thinking about the book, he remembered how his family lawyer left him a package after his mother's death, saying it was part of her will. He was told to pass it to him if ever anything bad happened to her.

The package was the last thing she had of her husband. It was sent to her just before he went M.I.A

with a letter addressing her to keep it hidden. The whole thing reeked of conspiracy for him. Still until he get the necessary measures to protect himself, he wont be going after it.

Afterall he was angry, not dumb. Everyone single one that messed with his family will play. That was his promise to his mom on her funeral.

The only thing in the package besides his dad's letter was a book. A book that looked so evil that Victor Zsasz paled in comparison. It was ancient for sure. Each page was thick as an iron plate made of some unknown brown leather. For a book that looked heavy, it was surprisingly lightweight. The cover was stained with blood here and there but what truely left him creeped out was the mark in the middle.

Two snakes intertwined around an apple.