
DBZ: Another Monkey

Jin was given a chance to start over in a new life after he had "unfortunately" lost his past life. He suddenly finds himself in a universe where there are aliens with monkey tails and overgrown house cats that could destroy him with one flick. He decided to live once again and to do that he needed to adapt. At least he has his past knowledge to give him that edge. Disclaimer: I don't claim the characters from DBZ or GOH as my own.

hoonie423 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

Jin's pod safely landed on the new planet he found in his pod's radar. He was looking for a new planet for a fight to raise his power to the next level. 

On the harsh, rocky surface of Planet IX, a planet known for its brutal inhabitants, Jin stood ready, his body poised in the calm before the storm. His opponent, Kryll, a local champion with a power level near Jin's at 25,000, was a towering figure, clad in battle-worn armor, his eyes gleaming wit the thrill of the fight. 

The air was charged with anticipation, both fighters silent, their breaths held in suspense. Jin, aware of the high stakes, focused inwardly, gathering his ki, feeling it surge through his veins, preparing him for battle. 

The signal for the start of the battle came when a rock fell off a cliff with a resounding thud. 

Kryll charged, his approach earth-shaking, wielding a massive energy blade that hummed with lethal force. Jin responded with swift agility, his movements a blur as he executed a series of Renewal Taekwondo maneuvers. He started with the Baekdu, a high, arching kick, aiming directly at the weapon, knocking it aside with the shockwave of his ki-enhanced strike.

Kryll, surprised by the deflection, swung wildly, only to meet Jin's counterattack - a fluid combing of Milgi, quick successive kicks targeting Kryll's sides, forcing the larger warrior to stagger. Seizing the opportunity, Jin channelled his ki into a powerful Halla, a powerful upward kick, enveloped in a blue aura. 

The kick connected, sending Kryll reeling, but the warrior's durability was impressive. He recovered, roaring defiantly, and unleashed a torrent of energy blasts from his palms. Jin, anticipating this, performed the Bo-Bup, an evasion technique, which not only dodged the incoming blasts but also positioned him perfectly behind his adversary. 

From this vantage, Jin executed his 3rd stance Hwechook, at vital points along Kryll's armor, each hit resonating with concentrated ki, designed to exploit weaknesses. The armor began to crack and glow from the stress of Jin's attacks, energy leaking from the fractures. 

Kryll, now visibly pained, tapped into his reserve energy, his aura flaring wildly. He turned, sweeping his arm in a wide arc, attempting a devastating counter-blow. Jin, seeing this move, could only block as he was blown away backwards. 

He flipped in the air multiple times before stabilizing himself and then flew towards Kryll with a burst of speed. 

Jin launched gathered all his momentum and performed a scissors kick, powered even further with his ki, aimed squarely at the center of Kryll's chest. 

The impact was devastating, a shockwave of energy exploding outward, creating a crater beneath them. Kryll was hurdled backward, his energy balde extinguishing, his aura dimmed. Jin stood upright, his breathing controlled, his focus unwavering. 

Sensing the fight drawing to its climax, Jin gather his remaining energy and closed his eyes. 

'It's the first time I've tried this, but here goes nothing.' 


Red ki exploded out of Jin's body as he visibly felt the strain of using such a technique. He now had to finish the fight fast. His aura blazed with an intense red light, hands channeling this force into a single point. Even during this intense battle he could only chuckle now.

'I've always wanted to this ever since I've first seen this move.'

"KAMEHAMEHA" Jin roared out as he thrust his palms forward, releasing a massive horizontal wave of ki, cutting across the battlefield toward his battered opponent.

Kryll, with a final defiant shout, unleashed his own last desperate energy attack, a wild, spiraling vortex of power. The two forces collided and eventually, the kamehameha won over and crashed into Kryll. 

When the light faded, Jin stood alone, his energy dimming but his stance firm. Kryll was nowhere to be seen, as expected of the devastating attack. Jin wore a wide grin on his face, tired but happy at the victory. 

He's gotten even stronger. 


Fourteen years had passed since Jin's decisive victory over Kryll, years marked by countless battles across the cosmos, each a stepping stone in his relentless pursuit of mastery. Now, with a power level soaring at an astounding 320 million, Jin had transcended the limits once thought unbreakable. He considered going after Frieza and avenging his race, but he thought it better for canon to continue and let fate run its course. Unfortunately, he couldn't turn into a super saiyan yet. He needed a catalyst crucial enough to tip that edge over. 

The most profound transformation, however, came not from his victories, but from his relentless dedication to training and growth. Jin had found Yeoui, the staff that could grow at will, making it both a weapon and a training device because of its ability to change size and weight. 

He found the staff on a distant planet called Xerxes, a world with gravity ten times that of Vegeta. Jin stoop atop a massive plateau, his figure silhouetted against the rising sun. 

Yeoui, in its compact form, was gripped firmly in his hand. As the dawn broke, the staff began to vibrate, humming with ancient power. 

"Expand," Jin commanded, his voice steady. 

Instantly, Yeoui responded, elongating and thickening until it reached the size of a towering pillar. Jin, using his immense strength and refined ki control, swung the staff with precision and power, each movement creating sonic booms that echoed across the desolate landscape. 

At the result of this, Jin could only grin in excitement.

"Yeah, I can work with this." 

Shrinking Yeoui to the size small enough to fit inside his ear, he drastically increased the weight for the extra training the daily weight would bring. 

Sitting ontop of the plateau, Jin started to ponder on whether he should start to travel to Earth. 

'I'm pretty sure canon should start around this time...I know at least some things would be different since Raditz sort of mellowed out but I don't know if Vegeta influenced him again for him to act like his canon counterpart' Jin mused, 'Anyways, at least until the Cooler comes, I should be able to handle everything that happens until then.'

With his mind made up, Jin started to prepare for his journey to Earth. 

Chapter 8 done but I should probably start the canon soon.

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