
DBZ: Another Monkey

Jin was given a chance to start over in a new life after he had "unfortunately" lost his past life. He suddenly finds himself in a universe where there are aliens with monkey tails and overgrown house cats that could destroy him with one flick. He decided to live once again and to do that he needed to adapt. At least he has his past knowledge to give him that edge. Disclaimer: I don't claim the characters from DBZ or GOH as my own.

hoonie423 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

The air crackled with raw energy as Jin unleashed a furious barrage of ki blasts. They carved glowing furrows into the desolate landscape of Planet VII, leaving behind smoldering craters and a lingering scent of ozone. Sweat dripped from his brow, stinging his eyes, but he didn't stop. He wouldn't stop.

Ever since the Oozaru transformation, a new hunger had taken root within him – a hunger for power. He needed to push himself further, beyond his perceived limits, to bridge the ever-widening gap between him and the ruthless Frieza Force.

His current training program, meticulously designed by himself, was grueling. It was a brutal symphony of physical exertion and focused ki control. He spent hours performing strenuous exercises, weighted squats that made his legs scream and push-ups that tested the limits of his endurance. Each aching muscle, each burning breath, fueled his determination.

Then came the ki training. Under the scorching twin suns of VII, he practiced channeling his internal energy, visualizing it as a swirling vortex within his core. He'd perfected focusing his ki into concentrated blasts and devastating energy waves. Now, he pushed himself to expand its volume, to make his aura burn brighter, hotter.

His progress was slow, measured in increments of increased energy output and subtle shifts in his power level. His scouter, a salvaged piece of technology from a fallen Frieza soldier, became his constant companion. He'd watch in frustration as the numbers ticked up stubbornly, a stark reminder of the immense power he needed to achieve.

Frustration gnawed at him. Was this all he was capable of? Was this the extent of his potential? He pictured Frieza, his cruel face and arrogant demeanor, and a surge of anger surged through him. He wouldn't let some tyrant limit him. 

Desperate for answers, he remembered a method to grow exponentially stronger. The "zenkai" that the Saiyan race was known for was now at the forefront of his memory. He needed to fight. But first, he needed to hone his ki. 

The next morning, Jin ventured out into the desolate landscape. He sat on a rocky outcrop, closing his eyes and focusing on the environment. He felt the heat of the suns on his skin, the cool breeze rustling through the sparse vegetation, the faint tremor beneath his feet. He visualized them all as forms of energy, pulsing and flowing like a vast ocean.He opened his eyes, a newfound awareness flooding his senses.

He channeled his ki once more, this time focusing on syncing its flow with the rhythmic thrum of the planet. A warm current coursed through him, and to his surprise, his ki aura flared with increased intensity. The scouter's display blinked, the numbers climbing higher than they ever had before.

Surprised, he realized he hadn't been using his ki to strengthen himself at all, just physical ability. A surge of elation shot through him. He was onto something. This Ki Flow technique, while seemingly mystical, held the potential to unlock a new threshold of power.

The following days were a blur of focused meditation and experimentation. He practiced syncing his ki with different aspects of the environment – the fierce heat of the suns, the rhythmic pulse of the ground, even the erratic energy patterns of an approaching dust storm. With each successful attempt, his power level rose, his aura shimmering with a newfound vibrancy.

By the end of the week, the scouter displayed a number that made Jin's breath hitch. 15,000. He was now stronger than the strongest Saiyans on his planet with his father at about 11,000. He remembered that King Vegeta was around the same as his father as well. King Vegeta's son wasn't close to him either even if he is an Elite. It was a significant leap, a testament to his dedication and the power of Ki Flow.

He wasn't there yet, he knew that. Frieza and his elite remained formidable foes. But for the first time in a long time, a flicker of hope ignited within him. He was closing the gap.

He stood tall, eyes fixed on the twin suns blazing in the crimson sky. The journey to freedom had become his obsession, and he would not rest until he saw it through. 


Sweat dripped from Jin's chin, blurring his vision as he parried a flurry of attacks. His opponent, humanoid alien, moved with lightning speed, its energy blasts leaving trails of searing light across the floor.

Jin gritted his teeth, his muscles burning with exertion. The opponent mimicked the fighting style of a soldier, its movements predictable but precise. He danced through the onslaught, a symphony of blocks, dodges, and well-timed kicks.

But something felt lacking. His movements, honed through years of traditional Saiyan combat, were effective, but they lacked... something. He yearned for an edge, a fluidity that could elevate him beyond mere techniques.

He finished the fight by slamming the opponent down with a Spinning Top Kick and stood, lost in thought. He closed his eyes, picturing the graceful movements of a Mori master he'd witnessed during a rare historical recording. The flowing strikes, the deceptive footwork, the way their entire body became a weapon – it was an art form as much as a fighting style.

A spark ignited within him. Could he integrate the elegance of the Mori Style into his explosive Saiyan strength? The answer, he knew, wouldn't come from brute force training. It required a different approach, a deeper understanding of his own energy and movements.

He spent the following days in quiet meditation, focusing not just on channeling his ki, but also on its flow through his body. He envisioned it as a current, surging and swirling through his muscles, guiding his movements with an almost preternatural awareness.

He then started practicing simple katas, the traditional Saiyan combat forms. But this time, he focused on feeling the ki flow, allowing it to dictate the rhythm and intensity of his strikes. Slowly, his movements began to change. Gone were the jerky, powerful strikes honed for raw destruction. In their place emerged a dance of controlled power, each movement infused with a focused intensity.

He practiced his, Bo-Bup, a type of movement technique that allows one to appear behind, next to, or above their opponent instantly. He used Axe, which after he jumps in the air then performing a spin while coming down with a foot stretched out horizontally a huge wave of air is generated until the surrounding ground around him were completely destroyed. 

He incorporated Mori techniques, integrating the deceptive footwork and flowing strikes into his repertoire. The 3rd Stance Hwechook, once a powerful 3 step kick, became a Dragon Sign Hwechook, a variation of the Hwechook technique that sets up the flow of air to become a whirlwind around the user's leg. 

Days bled into weeks, and Jin's movements became a blur. He fought with opponents, each fight a test of his evolving technique. He practiced against the planet's soldiers, their predictable patterns easily countered with his newfound fluidity.Finally, he felt ready. He had combined the raw power of a Saiyan with the elegance of the Mori Style, creating a fighting style uniquely his own. Now, he just needed a opponent to go all out against. 

Chapter 7 done. lil training here and there.

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