
Chapter - 4

So many memories are revolving in my head. That's when I realized that I was actually in a book. And I'm a character that doesn't hold any importance in the book. This character doesn't appear in the book at all.

I disliked the character from the moment I learned about it. This spoiled brat gets what she wants by hook or by crook, and if she doesn't get what she wants, she throws tantrums like a child and runs away from home. Coincidentally, her name matches mine. This happened a few times, and the family is slowly starting to lose their patience. But this time it just got out of their hands and reached their limits. After their parents refused to purchase a newly released car, she ran away from home and was unfortunately confronted by some rowdies who snatched her chain; luckily, she was able to escape and run until she tripped and died.

I still can't believe this is happening to me. Why me? I'm already missing mom and dad. When will I go home? I didn't even read the book fully, as I got bored midway and dropped it. As a simple cliché story set in the 1980s, the female protagonist falls for the ML and starts chasing him silently; At first, he ignores her but later develops feelings for her as well. It was strongly opposed by the couple's parents, who insisted they must be successful to get married.

Not wanting to lose their love. They both started to chase their dreams and worked hard, and after 5 years of working hard and not talking to each other, they finally made a name for themselves and finally got married. The end.

Joshna pestered me to read it so that I could share the thoughts with her, but I got bored midway and dropped it. As the story doesn't have any unnecessary drama, I got bored.

And it's been a long time since I read it. And I even forgot about it. Now I'm actually living in this book! So that means I'm no longer alive? That thought alone made me sob like a crazy girl. I don't know what my mom and dad are going through. They must be heard, but not understood.

I'm sorry, not really. I'm actually sorry, dad. I left both of you way too early. I'm sorry I didn't earn enough money for you to relax when I'm gone. I don't want to see you both working hard. I started weeping, thinking about them. I soaked the pillow with my tears. There's no stopping them.

Hearing the cry, Sakhi's (the character's) mom came and started patting her head. Don't cry, dear, you know that your dad's anger only lasts a few days before he forgives you easily.

When I felt someone caressing my hair, I cried even harder. My mom used to do the same to me, but now it's not the same anymore.

Mom, I'm already missing you. I want to hug you and cry in your lap.

Why does this have to happen to me?

After I fainted in that lady's house, this body's parents, who were already searching for her, caught her and carried her back home. The moment I gained consciousness, all the memories of this owner filled my head. I'm not sure what it means. Time travel? Have I died? Could I be in a coma? I won't be able to see them anymore if I'm really dead. This world will never end for me. These thoughts kept buzzing in my head.

My father in this world is determined to teach me a lesson. He gave me an hour-long lecture and said how disappointed he is in me and said to cut off my allowance and all the other resources.

My mind was still blank when I arrived at this house. So I kept a black face and didn't open my mouth throughout the conversation. I didn't fight, scream, or do anything; I simply stood still. Even if he's not technically scolding me, it still brought tears to my eyes. That was way too harsh. Even my dad didn't scold me to the extreme.

I want to die, so I can get out of this world. But what if I die here and then die in the real world? I shouldn't be thinking this recklessly. And I can't commit a sin like suicide. And this is not even my body; I don't have any right to this. So I can't do anything but accept the reality.

I still deny that I am actually inside a book. Thankfully, I didn't possess any other main characters, or else I would have been forced to act in their way.

I think I live in a village. So this is how it used to be 40 years earlier. I thought, looking through the window. All the buildings I see are faded from the heavy rains. I only used to watch them in movies; now I'm seeing them in real life. And there are trees everywhere.

This is actually my dream to build a house like this with my own hard-earned money. I guess it will always be a dream. The moment I came to this house, I stopped talking all together. only staring out of the window, lost in thoughts.

"Mom is worried about her, and she's never been like this." She started wondering if this incident affected her or something, but respecting her husband's opinion, she chose to remain silent.

Sakhi's every meal was sent to her room, and she just ate, so she could arrive. She thought to herself, "I want to eat noodles," but quickly changed her mind because noodles will not be as popular in the future as they are now. This person is 18 years old and will be starting college in two months. That's where all the main characters meet and the story will start, and I'm one of the extra unknown characters in it. Let's see how it goes.

I don't want to get entangled with anyone or have any kind of relationship with anyone, as I know that everything in this world is not in their control. Everyone is under the influence of the author. But I guess I'm not. I still have no idea how this world works. I just have to go through trial and error.

It's been like a week since I've been living in this house, and I have to say that it's pretty good. It's actually those traditional houses that use penkulu. And everything is built so strong that even an earthquake can't shake it.

This is a big house with so many rooms, but there are only 3 of us, including me. From my memories, I know that I have a brother who studies in Chennai, and now I'll be leaving for college too.

I want to refuse, but one look from this father just made my mouth shut. Like sir? Will you let me talk or just shoot me with your glares?

Maybe instead of worrying about how to go home, I should just sit and enjoy my time here, and I wouldn't think of any other thing to do. I don't even have my phone with me. As a person who is on her phone 24/7, it's like torture to me, to be without a phone even for an hour.

I'll think about it tomorrow, I'll just go to sleep now. Good night.

To be continued...

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