
His Sidekick?!

"Wait WHAT?!" I shouted "You saved me and you stopped a maniac, you got guts kid" Air Slicer said sounding so cool "I don't know man it's tempting but it sounds Dangerous As Fuck man!!!" I shouted even louder "Cool your jets kid, you ever heard of JML Academy?" Air Slicer had asked "Yeah ain't that a school for really smart kids, heard it's nearly impossible to get in" I had said calmly "Let's talk about it more somewhere else" Air Slicer said. "So now we're at a diner" I asked confusingly "Not just any diner kid this is the best diner in the world" Air Slicer said so enthusiastically "So about JML Academy" I asked "So it's basically a training camp for future sidekicks. After he told me everything about JML academy I learned that it's a 2 year training camp to become a sidekick I had also learned that the school ranks us by how many abilities we have, how useful they are, how good we are with them. "It's your choice kid so what do you say?" Asked Air Slicer "I'll do it" I said so enthusiastically "My word isn't all the academy needs to accept you so there's going to be a entrance exam" said Air Slicer as I began to wonder if I'm cut out for the job "Don't worry kid you got skill I can already tell" Air Slicer said but soon after that we heard alarms "Well see ya soon kid" Air Slicer said before he flew to the rescue while I think to myself "Can I really do this?" I was scared out of my mind but if Air Slicer had faith in me then I should to is what I thought then I remembered I was late to my power controlling class.

"Sorry I'm late Animo" I said as he gave me an eerie glare( Animo has the ability to transform into animals and he's the older brother of Mechanimo) "What was it this time Mr. Diaz" Animo said in an annoyed voice "Mechanimo and Air Slicer had a battle at the part of town I was at" I said knowing it would rile him up "If you weren't one of my best students here I would kick you out" Animo said Angrily. Animo has always treated me like that but I can understand why I don't exactly do as I'm told sometimes "Class can you tell Mr. Diaz what we are doing" Said Animo "Target practice and breathing techniques" said one of your classmates "Now on to your assignments class" Animo says "Late again Mario as usual" Says your best friend Xavier (Me and Xavier have been best friends since we were kids and he has the ability to shoot sonic booms out of his hands) "Man shut up dude and I gotta tell you something but it's a secret" I whispered "Okay man shoot it what's going on" Xavier said "Air Slicer asked me to be his sidekick" I said so happily "No way man!!!!" Xavier shouted "Shhhhh dude it's a secret remember" i angrily whispered to him "I'm going to a training camp of sorts to be a full on sidekick" I whispered "Man I'm so jealous he's in the top 10 for superheroes" Xavier says (I guess I should've explained but there's an official ranking for heroes at number 1 is graviton for obvious reasons and Air Slicer is number 7) "What's gonna be your hero name?" Xavier asked "Good question I don't really know" I said "How abt Metal Gear" Xavier said "One my powers aren't metal based and second i don't use any gear" I said 'Yeah but you could use metal gear to help with your abilities" Xavier explained "Hmm now that i think about it, it doesn't seem that bad" I said as our conversation ended we started doing our assignments.

back at home my older sister greeted me with a letter from JML Academy "This is a prank right?!" my sister said "No way, that fast!?" I said "Open it!!" my sister shouted 'Okay okay okay" I said while I opened the letter. The latter say "Mario Diaz you qualify to enter the entrance exam" you read aloud it also says what day it will be on and where "03/23/21 201 thats the date as place is the museum in Raleigh " I said 'You better get in" my sister shouts at me aggressively "Don't worry i will" i told her "Imma train every day till then" i thought to myself.