

Anger boils from deep within as Courtney just keep thinking about this madness and predicament she was faced with at the present moment.

'Tamara, had done many crazy things, before but this time she has gone over board, it is the worst. She has gone beyond what she can handle, and now she is getting me involved in her foolishness, and schemish plans.

This man is no joker to mess with, he is dead-serious and she was now caught up in the middle of his crazy schemes."

As fear builds up, all Courtney can think right now to do was pray, "Please my Lord, help me out of this snare the devil has set."

Looking around to find a way of escape but her mind seems to go blank, then her eyes become blurry as confusion overwhelms her

Stepping out of the Minister's office, Courtney observe two body guard waiting at the entrance. Knowing for definate she could not run away, when out of nowhere someone held her hand.

Courtney, didn't recognize who the person was that was holding her hand, as they walk up the isles almost dragging her.

Hearing the organist playing the music, here comes the bride Courtney felt faintish, about to fall when the firm hand held on to her, almost carrying her bodily up the isles.

Unable to believe what was happening before her very eyes, and she was not able to do a thing to stop it.

Courtney knew at that very moment his threat was serious. All that was on her mind was, 'Whatever happen to her right now it doesn't matter. Her main concern is, she cannot allow mom to be hurt.'

Thinking, 'What sort of arrangement Tamara had made with this bully, as fear escalated, feeling as though her inside will shattering as the moment slip by.

'Oh my goodness I should have never listened to her pleading to me to be here for half twelve. Now, look at the outcome.

Feeling sorry when she said to bring her wedding gown, and all her things that were in a jacket casing in her room.

All my plans are being snatched away right before my very eyes, and I am helpless.

Thinking, 'If he feels I am going to sleep with him, then he better think again. I am not Tamara, and I made no agreement with him.

My name is Courtney Brown, my fiancé and I will be getting married next two months.'

Courtney continues to pray silently, 'Oh Lord all I had to do was get her things here for her, so where is she? And why am I being dragged into her mess?

I was not hard-hearted not to answer her plea. Now by I being here, is proof that I care and I am sure she said it's at the Saint Mary's church, for when she gets here for two.

Lord, now it's half three and there is no sign of her. No one from the family is present, I could not have gotten the wrong direction or the church, the groom is here so where is Tamara?'

When the Minister said, "Tamara, do you take Rufus Dawson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, till death do you part."

Rufus interrupted the Minister whispering, "Pastor, my fiancé must have forgotten that she has given you her calling name, instead of her correct name that is in her birth paper.

So please forgive me for not mentioning it before but it is Courtney Brown not, Tamara, isn't that true my darling?" Ignoring the way she was glaring at him. Rufus tries to convince the Minister.

Afraid to make him angrier than he was already, Courtney nod, when the Pastor said, "Well, Miss Courtney Brown do you take."

Hearing him interrupt the Minister once more before, she could say anything, "Pastor, she had already said yes, when she nodded."

"Sir, she said yes to her name being Courtney, not to you being her husband."

"Pastor, what does it matter? We are here as you can see, doesn't that say yes in itself, and I am already late an hour. So please gets on with the ceremony and yes, I do take Courtney to be my wedded wife so carry on."

Noticing how strangely the Minister was looking at him, but Rufus ignores him, "What is the rush?" The Minister asks.

Seeing how very determine and manipulating he was to have his way, Courtney was afraid to say anything that will put her Mom's life in danger, recalling the threat earlier.

Hearing him saying, "There's no rush Pastor, it's just that I know you are a very busy person, and I will miss my flight in the next two hours."

As soon as the ring was on her finger, the ring he had placed in her hand earlier, seems to have misplaced somewhere between the Minister's office and the walking or dragging up to the aisle.

Observing the way he twitches his forehead and lip before he removes the ring from his right-hand finger and gives her to put on his finger.

When the Marriage certificate was signed, Courtney, notice Rufus place an envelope in the Minister's hand and thank him very much for his services then held her hand.

Observing all the people in the church, they were dress as though they came to an ordinary mid week service, this was so weird, not a smile or wave of the hand.

They look as though they don't even know who Rufus is, they just sit there not a clap or congratulation, wondering, 'Who are these people?'

Reaching the car, Courtney pulls her hand away and run back to the church. The body guards were serving boxes to the people, as though they were feeding the poor on the street or in a poorhouse.

"What sort of church is this? What kind of marriage I have gotten myself into, Oh Lord, please helps me, I am so scared."