
The Great Beginning

He its upright on the ground, resting his extremely injured body against a large rock ,as he coughed,a mouthful of blood spewed out, and his eyes, almost lifeless,gazed blankly ahead.With a weary effort,he pulled himself up to sit on the large rock, his eyes fixed intensely on the sky.

Then ,he looked around at his surroundings ,which seemed to be a place where a great battle had occured .The landscape was scarred and the air was heavy with the aftermath of conflict.

His expression revealed a mix of fatigue, despair and hopelessness. Despite his youthful appreance,he exuded an aura of power and dominance, yet seemed out of place in his surroundings.The signs suggested that he was human from his looks, but he was not on Earth.He was on a distant planet.

Clutching his heavily injured right arm,tears welled up in his eyes as he gazed longingly into the distance,as if yearning for something.Het let out a deep sigh, his face contorted in a mixture of pain and desperation.

Stretching his arms towards the sky,he seemed to be reaching for the source of light on this foreign world .His eyes closed and his voiced cracked as he spoke to himself.

"Is this how it all ends?, I can't believe it's come to this I always thought I'd retire, have a family,and live a peaceful life....but here I am ,on the brink of death .No , Earth needs me , but there's nothing I can do now.Am I still worthy of being Earth mightiest hero?."

He paused , took in a deep breath,his eyes closed,as memories flooded his mind."it wasn't meant to end like this ",he whispered,his voice laced with regret."I've almost forgotten how it all began...,No it didn't begin from us ,it had always being their watching and waiting to wipe us off the face of the world".

As he gazed upon his ravaged body ,he exclaimed in disbelief,"I never thought any foe could push me to the precipice of death and even to the point of fighting through the universe,on equal grounds and destroying several barren worlds.Yet,even in defeat ,I managed to vanquish that accursed enemy".His thoughts turned introspective,his hands rising to shield his eyes as if to ward off the horrors of the past."But why must we suffer thus?why must Earth be the battle ground of these otherworldly forces?,what sinister purpose drives them to seek our destruction?,and what's lies beyond that place?."

He lapsed into a contemplative silence lost in the annals of history."since the dawn of our ancestors,we've waged a war shrouded in mystery.We know only that our world once knew peace, until a cataclysmic event rent our reality asunder, unleashing monstrous entities with powers beyond the understanding of mortal men.Thus began our decent into chaos ,as humans began to manifest abilities that defied the natural order.These gifts were graded from F to A,S,SS,SSS and the most revered if all the dominators .I ,the Chaos Supreme Heavenly Emperor, stood among the nine mighty dominators,as the stronges under heaven .

His voice took on a reflective quality ,tingled with a hint of awe ."Unlike my peers ,I was born with a power that rivalled the heaven ,a strength so formidable that the heavens themselves forged a seal upon my back , comprising ten chains that symbolize,the depths of my potentia.Even at a mere 20% of my capacity,I surpassed my fellow Dominators,and with 40-50% of my power,I could annihilate entire worlds with a single might breath."

Taking in a deep breath,and as if talking to someone he continued "As I stand here,weary and battered,I can't help but reflect on my legacy .I,have dedicated my existence of safeguarding Earth ,and under my vigilant watch ,the planet has enjoyed over a century of tranquility,but I'm keenly aware that my time is limited,and soon I will no longer be able to defend it against the forces of darkness.The memories of my past conquest still linger vividly ,I recall ,I recall the relentless slaughter I unleashed upon the enemy stronghold , carving a bloody path through their ranks with impunity,for ten long years ,I wreaked havoc on their world , inspiring terror and awe in equal measure.My unyieldy ferocity ultimately allowed me to sel the dimensional crack ,a feat that has ensured Earth's safety for generation to come.As I prepared to meet my maker ,I take solace in knowing that my chaotic energy will continue to protect the planet long after I'm gone.Earth may not always have me to defend it,but my legacy will endure a testament to the unyielding power of the 'Chaos Suprem Heavenly Emperor ' "

As he emerged from his trance like state ,he realized with a start that he had been addressing a mere rock,it's surface etched with a crude mouth,eye ,and nose of which he has made using his blood,his voice laced with disbelief"have I succumbed to the brink of madness, conversing with an inanimate object as if it were a confidant.Dawn I forgot I was talking to a rock,is this what people do when they are about to die ,or is it just me ?Ah,I remember in the movies I watched ,they died faster or is it because I have a tenacious vitality?."

He tapped the head of the large rock , struggling to his feet ."Good thing this world is barren,that battle almost left me naked .Good thing my pants are also as tenacious as my vitality.He smiled , gazing out at the destruction he had caused ."Wow,I didn't expect my fall into this world after defeating the Void god(Nicabor)would cause such devastation.Good thing it's a barren world .The world have begun to teem with "life within 100,000 or so ,but with my fall,it's more of a dead land now .I'm not sure life can ever be born here again .What do you think ,my frien?."

He stood upright, looking at the distant scenery,and exclaimed,"it seems our journey ends here friend.But before that I'd like to give one final gift to Earth .since I can no longer protect the world ,why not leave my heritage and will for the one worthy of wielding the power ?.

He used the remaining power in his body and the planet's vitality to ensure his essence of being (heritage and will)could transcend time ,space ,reality to reach Earth."My friend ,meet you in the next world .At least before a die someone fulfilled. my dream of fighting a worthy opponent at full power .Even if I hate to admit it,Void great god Nicabor is truly worthy of his title as god .The truth at the end of it all is ,I couldn't beat him at his peak state,but at the end he lost ,is that he lost .

As the world crumbled,he stood afar watching,and made a gesture, unleashing a golden light carrying his life essence which were his heritage,ten seals and sand supreme will of chaos ,He turned back looking at the stone and smiled at the rock ,now cracking and falling apart with the planet and channeled his remaining energy into the light .The gold light flew out of the world at an inhumane speed,and as he raised his hands to the sky.

As the planet's vitality ebbed away he raised his hands to the sky ,and a resplendent golden light burst fourth, carrying with it the essence of his being.The light was a beacon,a message to the unknown,a legacy that would transcend time and space. it was a testament to the indomitable will ,a declaration that even in the darkest of moment,hope could still be found.

"Farewell,dear friend",he whispered,his eyes fixed on the rock which that had shared his final moment " May our paths cross again in the great beyond.May the cosmos bind our spirit together once more ,in a dance of destiny".

Before completely fading away ,he exclaimed," Now this was how I remember it from the movies.its just a shame I can't see Earth one last time".He gradually began to turn into little specs of ashes,as he vanished into thin air, accompanied by a massive explosion and blinding light , signalling the end of a once breathing world . Rocks and planet debris flew to all corners of space leaving nothing where a once - breathing world had stood .

As the life essence of the Chaos Emperor burst forth from the desolate planet, it coalesced into a shimmering golden beam, imbued with the remnants of his formidable power. This radiant entity, the distillation of his being, embarked on a perilous journey through the vast expanse of space and time, driven by an unyielding determination to reach the distant planet of Earth.

The odyssey was fraught with unforeseen challenges, as the life essence navigated the treacherous landscape of the cosmos. Space-time distortions, dimensional rifts, and temporal disruptions threatened to impede its progress, yet the essence persevered, fueled by the indomitable will of its creator.

The distance between the planet of origin and Earth was staggering, a gulf of millions of light-years that would have been insurmountable for any ordinary entity. However, the Chaos Emperor's life essence was no ordinary phenomenon. Infused with the residual energy of his planet and his own unyielding vitality, it defied the conventional boundaries of space and time, hurtling through the void at an astonishing velocity.

Initially, the journey was estimated to span approximately a year, a testament to the life essence's incredible speed. Yet, the universe had other plans. Cosmic disasters of unimaginable proportions lay in wait, their gravitational waves and energy tendrils ensnaring the life essence, slowing its progress and threatening to derail its mission.

Each encounter with these celestial calamities added years to the journey, as the life essence struggled to overcome the obstacles in its path. And yet, it refused to yield, adapting and evolving in response to the challenges it faced. Through sheer force of will, it overcame the impossible, its determination to reach Earth and fulfill the Chaos Emperor's final wish burning brighter with each passing moment.

Thus, the life essence continued on its odyssey, a shining beacon of defiance in the face of overwhelming adversity, its journey a testament to the unyielding power of the human spirit.

"In the aftermath of the downfall of the illustrious Chaos Supreme Heavenly Emperor, the planet teeters on the precipice of devastation. For centuries, Earth has been beset by entities from alternate realms, wielding powers that defy the fabric of reality. As a consequence, humanity has undergone a transformation, with individuals born with abilities that surpass the boundaries of the sky.

In this tumultuous world, the demise of its greatest champion has plunged the planet into chaos. The fate of Earth hangs in the balance, as the remnants of humanity struggle to survive the impending onslaught. Will the planet succumb to the ravages of the invading forces, or will the truth about the world's existence be revealed, potentially altering the course of history?.

As the planet teeters on destruction, a young prodigy with the power of the Chaos Supreme Heavenly Emperor emerges. Hunted by invaders and their own kind, they must unite humanity and unravel ancient mysteries to prevent extinction. A catastrophic event looms, and the fate of the world will be written in blood and fire."

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