
Dawn of Eternal

"My life is a mess after you were born" One of the words that his mother used to tell him when he was still a little boy "Let's call it off, some people don't get a clue when we don't want him here" One of the words that his neighbor and classmates used to tell him when he tries to join and socialize with them "Why don't you become a tree or something? at least it is not useless like you" One of the words that his boss used to tell him when he make slight mistakes in his works "Well I know some places where you can die without getting hurt too much" One of the words that his colleague used to tell him when he lost his jobs Being disdained from the people around him, Bobby died in this world but he transmigrated into another world In another world, it seems the suffering he had before seems not enough as he needs to deal with suffering in this new world too Can he survive in the world that is filled with many mysteries of a variety of races, magic power, the politic, and wars with only using his martial arts knowledge from his past Author's note: Btw the cover photo is just something that i made using prequel and canva

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36 Chs


After dealing with Rachel's tantrum for a while, Bobby changes into his casual outfits and goes outside to looks for Hans as he still seems to be pissed about the earlier matches. He goes to the forest behind the treehouses that he living in and found Rul and Hans are having their light spar.

It's the light spar without the use of any weapon between both of them and it shows the complete one-sided match by Hans. Hans skillfully blocks Rul's attack who uses his Domain of Water to form a multiple water bubble for the attacks. Bobby waited until the match is done to shows himself to the guys.

"Yo…how it's going?" asked Bobby awkwardly

"Ahh Bobby, you here too. I just ask Hans for a light spar because my partner for spar in the class earlier lost too fast."

Hans remains indifferent the whole time and ignores Bobby who tries to strike up a conversation with him. Rul who notices the heavy air surrounding these two quickly feels out of place and asks for leave to give both Bobby and Hans to talk things through. Hans turns away and prepares to leave the areas too.

"Hans…do you remember I said that I fought with Don before falling into chasm right.?"

Hans halts his steps and looks toward Bobby.

"Ya…what does it matter in this situation though.?"

"Well, I can't use my full power in the spar earlier is for two reasons. The first one is that I'm worried that Don has planted some spies in the Duemi Academia and you said that I need to remain vigilant because Don is looking for me. Don saw my left eyes when we scrambled before so I guess he will tell the spies about that too."

"Left eyes.?"

"Ya… another reason is that once I used my left eyes, it takes a toll on my body if it used on someone who is higher level than me. That's why I don't use it on you earlier."

"Hmm… ya it will be bad if Don found out you are here. Ahh sorry I'm just pissed because I think you holding back because of our relationship when we were a child before and you still thinking about serving me."

"Hahaha, Nah it's nothing like that I promise you. We cool now?"

"Ya, I'm just curious about your left eyes now though. Any other way you can use it?"

Hans turns his head

"Rul, I know you are hiding there. Just come out over here."

Rul who is hiding behind the bushes comes out while looking awkward and greet them.

"Hehehe, the curiosity got the best of me," said Rul while scratching his head.

"It's fine, but ensure you keep your silent on what Bobby and I talked about earlier. Anyway, aren't you curious about Bobby's left eyes too?. You just enters Level 5 based on what you said last night and Bobby is borderline Level 5 from Level 4 so I guess it's fine right?"

"Hmm… ya I guess," said Bobby

Hans trusts Rul, for now, to keep a secret about Bobby and Don is because Hans used the glasses that he bring with him from the castle is to observed whether the people that will be living with him are truthful or not.

Hans step away from Bobby and Rul to give them space and observed Bobby's power. He notices from the fight earlier that Bobby just attacking him mostly with martial arts without any extravagant domain power like him but stills can bring him to use one of his strongest domain power.

"Rul, you can chant one of your strongest power, I want to see how much I can block it too."

"Sure, if you say so."

Rul slowly waves both of his hands that followed with his whole body while chanting

"Water Domain: Bubbles Waves"

Water begins to form surrounding Rul and it turns into a massive amount of bubbles hovering around him.

Rul halts his movement and thrusts his palm toward Bobby. All the bubbles hovering around him, fly aggressively like a wave toward Bobby

Bobby just kept his left eye closed the whole time and he just standing without any hint of blocking the attacks. Once the bubbles are closing toward him, Bobby slowly open his left eye while chanting

"Nothingness Domain: Cancel"

His left eye only has a whole pitch-black void inside it without any lens and retina.

All the bubbles that are closing toward him disperse immediately once it meets with Bobby's left eye.



Both Hans and Rul were dumbfounded by this development. Although they have high expectations of it, they don't expect all the bubbles to disperse immediately like that. Bobby closes his left eye once again and it turns back into the original eyes.

"Haa… I guess I can use it only once. I grew too tired once I use it. So how is it, guys.?"