
Chapter 3

It had been 3 days since Nightshade first woke up to find herself in this room. She had been in bed for the most part of these 3 days. The child's nannies watch over her with much care and her mom visited every night to tuck her in bed as well and read what seemed like a very cherished fairytale to this little girl. The fever keeps crashing onto her in waves. Nightshade kept going in and out of episodes of cold sweats and intense numbing pain.

The fever had been very persistent the past couple of days. She had not been able to leave the bed since she got into this world. As the midday sun streamed through the window, casting a warm glow across the room, Nightshade looked around. The persistent fever had left her weak and exhausted, but there was a glimmer of improvement. Her body still felt tender and sore, but the intense waves of pain had subsided, leaving her in a state of relief.

Nanny Eliza, the kind and nurturing elderly woman who had been caring for her, was sitting by her bedside, her gentle eyes filled with concern and compassion.

"Oh, you're awake, dear," Nanny Eliza said softly, offering a warm smile. "How are you feeling?"

Nightshade's voice was still hoarse and weak as she replied, "A little better, I think. The fever isn't as bad now."

Nanny Eliza nodded, her fingers adjusting the blankets around Nightshade. "That's good to hear, my dear. You've been resting for quite some time. The fever was quite stubborn, but it seems to be breaking now. Nanny Agatha should be here with the soup soon. My lady you must take rest and get better. The duke and duchess are very concerned. Please rest well."

Nightshade opened her mouth to say something but found her throat too dry and only nodded to the kind woman. Then glanced around the room, taking in the familiar pastel colors and whimsical decor. This room, this world, still felt surreal to her, and she couldn't help but wonder how she had ended up here.

As Nightshade lay back, her mind continued to wander, trying to make sense of the strange circumstances that brought her to this world. Memories of her past life as an assassin still lingered, but they felt distant and detached, as if belonging to another person altogether. In this young girl's body, she was a blank canvas, yet she carried the essence of her previous experiences within her.

Nanny Eliza's caring presence offered a sense of security, and Nightshade found comfort in the warmth of the blankets that cocooned her. The mention of Nanny Agatha and the promise of soup reminded her of her own vulnerability and the need to recover fully.

As if on cue, Nanny Agatha entered the room carrying a steaming bowl of soup. Her bright eyes and cheerful demeanor contrasted with Nanny Eliza's gentle and calming aura.

"Ah, she's awake!" Nanny Agatha exclaimed with a smile, setting the bowl of soup on the bedside table. "You must be hungry, dear. This soup will do wonders for your strength."

Nightshade managed a weak smile, feeling the pangs of hunger and exhaustion that had accompanied her days of fever. The aroma of the soup was inviting, and she eagerly reached for the spoon Nanny Agatha handed her.

As she sipped the warm broth, Nightshade felt a surge of comfort. The flavors were unfamiliar, yet they brought a sense of nourishment to her body and soul. She couldn't help but wonder about the culinary delights and other mysteries that this world held.

Nanny Agatha sat by her bedside, chattering away in a friendly manner as Nightshade ate. She shared stories about the noble house, its history, and the various enchantments that had woven their way into the family's legacy. Her storytelling painted vivid images of grand banquets, magical gatherings, and heroic tales that spanned generations.

Through Nanny Agatha's words, Nightshade glimpsed the richness and complexity of this new world. It was a realm of wonder and possibilities, where swords clashed, magic thrived, and dreams took flight.

As the soup warmed her body, Nightshade felt a sense of gratitude for the nannies who cared for her and the family that had welcomed her into their midst. She may have come from a different time and place, but in this world, she had found a sense of belonging and a chance to explore a destiny yet unknown.

As she finished the soup, Nanny Eliza and Nanny Agatha exchanged knowing glances, and Nightshade felt a sense of trust in these women who had become her guardians. Nightshade inquired about this strange new world that still felt unreal to her nannies. The nannies answered all her questions seriously and thoroughly. Nightshade gathered that the house this little girl belonged to was the noble house of Ravencroft. The Grand Duke Nicholas Stirling was none other than her father. The Duchess, Arbella Arbella Beaumont, belonged to a noble family herself.

Nightshade learned a little about the magic that is wielded by the people of this world. Most People have elemental powers such as fire, water, air, and earth. Nanny Agatha is an air mage and Nanny Eliza is a water mage. The elements fit their personalities really well Nightshade thought. There are also rare special innate talents such as lightning, healing, and sound. Healers are very rare since their power comes directly from the holy being and so they are all titled saints. The awakening of these powers occurs when a child turns 10.

Genevieve Stirling, Nightshade's new identity was not yet 10. Her 10th birthday is about 6 months away and the preparation has already begun. Genevieve has always been a sickly child, the fevers were persistent and the pain constant. In fact, it had increased in frequency as she grew older. Nightshade felt exhausted trying to make sense of the unbelievable reality as she drifted off to sleep.


Nightshade woke up before light this morning to a sweet, melodious voice of a woman singing a lullaby and running her fingers through Nightshade's hair.

"When you wish upon a star

Makes no difference who you are

Anything your heart desires

Will come to you

If your heart is in your dream

No request is too extreme

When you wish upon a star

As dreamers do"

Nightshade's eyes fluttered open to the sound of the enchanting lullaby. The sweet melody washed over her, offering a moment of respite from the feverish turmoil within. She turned slightly to see a gentle-faced woman sitting by her bedside, her voice as soothing as a gentle breeze on a summer's night. The woman's eyes held a softness and warmth that seemed to pierce through the haze of Nightshade's pain. She smiled tenderly, her fingers continuing to comb through the young girl's hair, imparting a sense of comfort and safety.


Nightshade called out, in a barely audible cracked voice. It caught her by surprise, she hadn't called anyone that in her entire life. Yet it felt so comforting and familiar to address this woman with that endearing term. It was as if an instinctual bond had formed between Nightshade and Lady Arabella, transcending the barriers of time and space.

"It's all right, my dear," Lady Arabella said soothingly, gently placing a cool cloth on Nightshade's forehead. "The fever will pass in time. Rest now, and let your body heal."

Nightshade's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions—gratitude, confusion, and a hint of vulnerability. The memories of her past life as an assassin felt distant and hazy, fading away in the presence of this caring figure who had become her mother in this new world. Nightshade nodded weakly, finding solace in Lady Arabella's presence. As she closed her eyes, the lullaby continued to play like a soothing balm, guiding her into a state of calmness amidst the turmoil. The words of the song echoed in her mind, reminding her of the power of dreams and wishes.

In the cocoon of Lady Arabella's care, Nightshade allowed herself to drift between wakefulness and slumber, finding fragments of peace in the midst of the fever's relentless grip. As the hours passed, the fever slowly began to relent, and Nightshade found herself sinking into a deep, restful sleep. Lady Arabella's tender ministrations and the soothing lullaby wrapped around her like a protective embrace, offering a glimmer of hope in the midst of uncertainty.

In this young girl's room, Nightshade's journey had taken an unexpected turn, yet she couldn't help but feel that the whimsy and wonder of this new world held a promise of its own. As she surrendered to the healing slumber, she held on to the memories of her past life and the resilience that defined her, knowing that in this fantastical realm, she would discover a new path—a path that would weave together the innocence of a child's heart with the courage of a seasoned warrior.

Stay tuned as we explore more about this magical world!

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