
Dating Sim System In Different Worlds[DROPPED]

Joseph Holmes did not know how he died if there is something that he knows is that he is not in his original world anymore. Suddenly a sound ring inside his head. *Ding* [DSS: Welcome to the world of Rising of Shield Hero] [DSS: The four heroes have their weapons as a starter, to be fair you will receive a not so random skill in 3...2...1] [DSS: *Active Skill: Emotion Manipulation Received*] -- Disclaimer: I own nothing...but Joseph.

Mister_Ren · Anime et bandes dessinées
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43 Chs

Chapter 1 - Transmigrated

A shattering headache woke up Joseph in his deep slumber.

As Joseph tried to open his eyes, he realized that he is inside of an unknown place.

He is in a very tiny room with only one used and filthy bed inside. Judging by the lights that are coming from the wall's cracks, it is morning already.

'This place seems abandoned,' Joseph thought while still holding his forehead.

"Is there anyone there?" Joseph slightly raised his voice, but no one answers him.

'Ugh, my head hurts so bad, I think I'm losing my consciousness again,' Joseph thought, but after a few minutes, his headache started to get better, and a sound ring inside his head.

[Welcome I'm your System Specifically created just for you. You can call me Dating Sim System.] A mechanical voice inside his head said to him.

[DSS: you will receive a rare skill in 3...2...1]

Powerful invisible energy entered Joseph's body. Making his body more powerful, and his mind becomes more lucid.

[DSS: *Skill: Emotion Manipulation received*]

[Emotion Manipulation (S) - Manipulate emotions at will. Too bad objects don't have any feelings.]

'What did just happened?' Joseph thought to himself.

Joseph got up then begins to walk towards the door when suddenly the door opens.

A bald man full of muscle blocks the whole point of view of Joseph.

"Where do you think you are going?" the man shouts at Joseph, and punch him in the face, making him fly and hit the wall.

Joseph grunt in pain that punch broke a few of his teeth. 'I thought I got stronger, but it seems this man is much stronger than I am,' Joseph thought silently.

"Did you bite your tongue? say something," The bald man said while wearing his smug face. He did not wait for Joseph to answer and immediately walks toward him and starts beating him again.

After 15 minutes of getting trashed around, Joseph's body is full of wounds and blood.

Joseph cannot even activate his newly acquired skill because the man gives him no time to concentrate and just straight up beat him.

"Having a personal punching bag is surprisingly fun," The bald man said, mocking Joseph. He then spits on Joseph's face then proceeds to leave.

Joseph takes this time to endure his pain and activate his skill, making the bald man depressed.

The skill effect is instant, the bald man stopped walking, then said "What the hell am I doing in my life," then grab his knife located in his waist, putting it in his throat.

It seems various disheartening thoughts are running inside the bald man's mind, which makes him more depress as moments pass by.

Joseph took this opportunity, and start to verbally abuse the man.

"Kill yourself, your life is meaningless, you are just dirt in this world," Joseph said continuously in a hoarse voice.

The bald man cried so hard that his snot came out of his nose then said, "Sorry mother, it seems all of my efforts are worth nothing," His knife glows in red, then he slashed his own throat.


[DSS: Hidden Quest Completed: Kill A Big Shot In Day One.]

[Please choose one skill out of three]

[Passive/Active Skill: Unique Regeneration (A) - Your body will rewind, making your body, stamina, and magic always at its peak, can be switch on and off.]

[Passive/Active Skill: Time Slow Motion (A) - When great danger approaches you, time will slow down to a great extent. Can be activated at will, basically making you a speedster.]

[Active Skill: Be A Pickle (E) - The dream of every scientist is to become a pickle to escape family therapy, now you can become one instantly. Notice: Will permanently transform you into a pickle.]