
Chapter 3

In antarios, the kingdom of hell nights. Leomord has arrived at his kingdom. He went to the hall for he want to see the demon queen Vexana. The hall was full of black redeyes skeletons holding weapons. They are all aline and there is vexana. Vexana is demon queen who can make a clone and put a curse. She is leomord's ally. Leomord saw vexana sitting on her gold and very torny throne. She was holding a green crystal that contains many curses around the world. Leomord bows to vexana.

"Vexana, i have come"

"Welcome leomord. May i ask, is your job has done? "

"It was splendid. I have controlled miya, the moon god gifted hero into an evil marksman. A days flew ago, she just executed her lover alucard using alucard's swords and stabbed him through his chest. Now the despair i always endured will also be feel by everyone! Ha ha ha ha ha ha. "

leomord was laughing evil. All the dark aura are flowing on his body. His red eyes began to burn again. Vexana has cheered for his ally leomord had completed his plans.

"Very well, now leomord where is miya? "

"i put her my on room, where it is safe. "

"Good, now that we have miya. We can invade all the worlds, destroy and torn everything apart. This will be the great revenge of my life. The day has come! We can rule now the world! I will definitely turn the bluish sky into a dark midnight! This is very interesting leomord. A very interesting plan to destroy them. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. " vexana laughing evil and all the skeletons guards are laughing too

"QUIET! " she shouted

After Vexana and leomord talking. Leomord went to his room which is was not a normal room. Its a room full cursed things like magic powder, curse and heroes heads. Of course it was dark. They were many antiques. He light up his torch and went down for the underground room. has spiders weebs, dust and there was miya sitting in chair but tied up.

He picked a book and start reading, he was reading cursed words to make miya more evil. Miya was screaming, her soft white hands become devils claws, all the evil aura was burning and burning! Her hair flew upwards, her clothes has melted because of fiery aura. Ieomord is still continue reading. He was not scared at all and he even read the curse words loud. Leomord was insane of what he is doing. He was laughing evil all the terror and happiness collaborating together. Miya has even suffering more she cant stop screaming "stop", she cant endure it anymore until miya open her eyes, and cry pleasing leomord to stop but leomord happiness was not fullfilled. suddenly miya is moving slowly. It was her limit already, her left red eye covered with blood. Her beautiful hands turn into claws and her blue aura was transformed into an dangerous demented aura. She is crying blood and tears. Suffering the agony and calling his love alucard. Leomord stop reading the curse. He swipe the blood and tears of miya and put a scarf.

"Dont worry miya, everything will be alright as soon as you will be my ally. " a deep voice of leomord.