

From the void of despair to the Emperor of Darkness, follow Grey's journey through the Multiversal Nexus System as he conquers worlds, defies fate, and meets beautiful women from various realms. It's a tale of power, redemption, and romance that transcends dimensions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ *Cover Picture is entirely AI Generated*

readers_viewpoint · Anime et bandes dessinées
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42 Chs


"Yeah silly, It's for You. You're My Wife, aren't You?" I said with a warm smile, taking her hand and keeping the crystal ball in her palms.

"So..So...Soo Sweet of you, Darling~. Thank you, thank you sooooo much" She became giddy as she received the gift. 

"This is the first Gift I ever received from anyone...and it is from Darling~". She was very happy to receive her first gift and used Her Sword conversion ability to morph Lancer's Soul into a Sword which became a Heavenly Sword of Judgement.

"Good job, well done, Zemo," I praised Zemo for his dedication.

"Master happy, Zemo also happy," he responded with joy before returning to the shadows.

"Now, with everything settled and everyone cool with each other," I glanced at Sofia, who responded with a wink.

"Let's focus on the matter at hand," I stated, and we moved to the military camp to discuss our first move.

Inside the military camp, 

I stood at the center of a large tent, surrounded by generals, strategists, and officers. The atmosphere was charged with confidence and determination as they all looked at me with great expectations, eagerly awaiting my lead in the upcoming war.

I turned my attention to the table before me. It was cluttered with sketches of strategies, maps outlining the demon kingdom's border, and various documents detailing the planned movements of our forces. 

I knew that for our plan to succeed, a detailed explanation was essential. I wasted no time and headed to the library of realities, retrieving a full map of the Goddess's world. Returning to our group, I projected the extensive map onto the table, and it was met with surprise from my comrades.

"This...?! Grey-dono, you have the whole map of the world?" Zef inquired in astonishment.

I nodded, my expression serious. "Yes, Zef-san. Having this complete map is a significant advantage. It will allow us to plan our strategy with unprecedented precision."

Zef's relief was palpable as he recognized the value of having access to the entire world map. "Wonderful! With this knowledge, we can anticipate and prepare for any unforeseen events, ensuring the safety of our forces."

I agreed, emphasizing our primary goal. "Now, our priority is securing the Stella fort. It is a strategically vital location on the northern front."

With the map as our guide, we began to delve into the specifics of our plan, considering the lay of the land, potential obstacles, and opportunities for strategic maneuvering. This valuable resource would prove to be an indispensable tool in our quest to bring down the Gritonia Empire and establish our dominance in the Goddess's world.

I gathered my team around the holographic map of the world, ensuring everyone had a clear view of my grand strategy. The map shimmered with vibrant colors, depicting the complex and diverse terrain of the Goddess's world. The curiosity and anticipation among my companions were palpable.

"Listen up, everyone," I began, my voice steady and confident. 

"Our path to victory begins with the Stella Fort, a place of immense strategic importance. But capturing it won't be a simple task. Presently, the fort is split between two factions – the mighty Limia Kingdom and the formidable Gritonia Empire."

I gestured to the map, zooming in on Stella Fort. The two separate encampments, one bearing the emblem of Limia and the other of Gritonia, became evident. 

I continued, "While these two powers are united in their defense against the demons, there's an undercurrent of tension between them. Both sides crave dominance over Stella Fort, which makes it a tricky situation. Simply storming the fort as demons isn't a feasible approach."

I took a moment to ensure everyone was following along. I then outlined my elaborate plan. "Our strategy revolves around exploiting their internal conflict. First, we'll Use illusion magic to disguise ourselves as Limia soldiers when we attack the Gritonia camp and vice versa, Simultaneously. This ruse will make them believe the other side is attempting to seize control of the fort."

I projected an illusion of the disguised demon forces launching a synchronized assault on the respective camps. "With both sides under the impression that the other has attacked to gain supremacy, chaos will ensue. The camps will engage in a fierce battle, depleting their strength in pursuit of control over Stella Fort."

The hologram displayed the escalating conflict as the two factions turned against each other. "Once they've weakened themselves sufficiently," I continued, "We will seize the fort when they least expect it, capitalizing on their vulnerability. However, our task doesn't end there. Maintaining control of the fort is our next challenge."

My fingers glided across the map, zooming in on the fort. "While the chaos unfolds, each camp will send out requests for reinforcements to their respective capitals. The hilly terrain on Limia's side means that information travels slowly. On the other hand, Gritonia's information network is swift."

I portrayed the complex web of communication networks on the map. "This is where the next part of our plan comes into play. We will have a unit hidden in the capital, ready to cut off all information flowing from the north – essentially, from Stella Fort and the neighboring forts. The capital will remain oblivious to the ongoing events."

The projected map displayed a barrier of shadowy figures blocking the flow of information. I continued, "Once We secured control of the fort, we will dispatch fabricated information – telling the Limia Kingdom that the Gritonia Empire now controls the fort and vice versa. The Deadly Deception will spread rapidly."

The map showed the misleading messages racing to the capitals. "The Northern Forts of the Gritonia Empire, receiving the news early, will send reinforcements to retake the fort from Limia, considering it of great strategic value, especially Due to The Border."

The holographic projection shifted to display the southern region. "Meanwhile, the Limia Kingdom will find it impossible to reinforce Stella Fort in time. The treacherous terrain prevents a quick response. Instead, they'll focus on seizing key forts in the south, deep within Gritonia Empire's territory."

I showcased the Limia forces capturing the southern forts, providing a visual representation of the unfolding events. "With information selectively blocked from the north, the Gritonia Empire will learn of the sudden attack of the Limia Empire on their southern holdings. They'll immediately rush their armies and reinforcements to the southern front, unaware of the events in the north."

The map illustrated the southern conflict intensifying, with both sides clashing in a full-blown battle. I remained determined as I outlined the final stages of the plan. "This is where we make our Desicive move. While they're entangled in the southern battle, Our concealed forces will move north. From the shadows, we'll approach the lightly defended northern forts, catching them by surprise."

The holographic map showed the swift, coordinated movement of demon forces. "Simultaneously, our primary forces stationed at Stella Fort will descend south. We'll effectively sandwich the northern forts, catching the defenders off guard from both directions and cutting off any possible escape routes."

I zoomed in on the captured northern forts, showcasing the unfolding battle. "When they realize their home bases have been seized, it will be too late for the northern forces. Their only option will be to fight a desperate battle, sandwiched between our forces from the front and rear – a battle they're destined to lose."

The map depicted the inevitable defeat of the northern forces, with the demon flag unfurled above the captured forts. I continued, "With this maneuver, we secure control over the entire northern region of the Gritonia Empire. Meanwhile, their focus remains fixed on the southern conflict with the Limia Kingdom."

The map now displayed the fortified northern region. "We will consolidate our hold over these newly acquired territories, preparing for the final step. As their forces remain distracted, we'll launch a surprise attack on the Gritonia Capital, seizing it in one swift, calculated move."

The hologram showed the demon forces closing in on the unsuspecting capital. "The capital, vulnerable and weakened due to their southern deployments, will fall without much resistance. This swift capture will plunge the Gritonia Empire into chaos, already drained by the southern battle."

I paused, allowing my grand plan to settle in. My eyes met those of my companions. "With their capital in our hands, the entire empire will crumble. We will claim victory."

The holographic map shimmered as I concluded my explanation.

After laying out the intricate plan for the capture of Stella Fort, I turned my attention to the delegation of specific tasks, making sure everyone was clear on their roles. I gestured towards Sofia, the fiery 'Demon' with whom I had just shared a daring freefall, and said with a reassuring smile, "For the initial attack on Stella Fort, I'm entrusting you, Sofia, to lead this mission."

Her dark gold eyes sparkled with excitement as she replied, "I'd love to, Darling~." Her joyful expression was contagious, earning a few chuckles from the group.

Next, I turned to Rona, a master of Information Gathering and infiltration, and assigned her a crucial role. 

"Rona, you will lead our spies in the capital. Your mission is to cut off information and manipulate the flow of data. Our success depends on your discretion."

Rona responded with a formal nod and said, "Yes, My King."

With the field leaders designated, I directed my attention to Rushia, the Commander of the National Guard, standing tall and resolute. "Commander Rushia, I need you to seal the gates of the Demon Kingdom. While we're occupied in battle, we must ensure no one can enter or exit our territory."

She nodded firmly, understanding the importance of this task. "Consider it done, Grey-sama."

Turning to the next part of the plan, I addressed two individuals whose skills and loyalty were beyond question. "Io and Reft, I want both of you to prepare your divisions. We will be heading to the capital. Alongside Ava, Lucia, Zef, and Sari, you will accompany me."

Ava, despite her unfamiliarity with the intricacies of strategy, expressed her support. "Even though I may not grasp all the tactics, Grey, I'll be by your side if that's what you wish."

Lucia's face lit up with excitement at the prospect of fighting alongside her Devil King. "I've been waiting for this, Grey-sama".

Zef was eager to see the plan in action, his curiosity piqued. "I'm quite eager to witness how this audacious plan plays out, Grey-dono."

Sari, bewildered about her inclusion, couldn't help but voice her confusion. "I appreciate your trust, Grey, but I have no combat experience. What purpose could I serve in the field?"

I met Sari's eyes and responded, "I want you to witness something interesting that I'll orchestrate in the capital. It's an integral part of our strategy, Sari. You'll see it with your own eyes."

With the key members now well-informed, Rona raised a practical question. "Grey, we can't simply march into the capital with our army through the entire northern region. How do you plan to get us there?"

I couldn't resist a mischievous grin, well aware of the surprise this revelation would bring. "Who said we are going to walk there?"

For a brief moment, my companions exchanged perplexed glances. Then, the realization hit them, and they voiced it in unison, "Teleportation!"

With the plan of action in place and the roles clearly defined, it was time for everyone to prepare. 

As the night fell, we gathered at the assembly point, splitting into groups according to the plan. 

As the generals and the army stood under the moonlit sky, exuding confidence and resolve, I took center stage And raised My hand. Calling upon Sofia, Io, Reft, and Rona, the key figures in this audacious mission. They approached me, their expressions a mix of curiosity and determination.

I bestowed upon them one of the dark, shimmering crystals. Its surface bore an intricate, intriguing pattern, an enigma of power and potential. Three scrolls of each, vibrant in red, yellow, and blue.

"This crystal," I began, my voice steady with purpose, "is more than just an object. It is a communication device that will enable us to stay in constant contact with each other, no matter where we are.

This communication operates on a single magical wavelength, undetectable and unassailable by beings with magic powers weaker than mine."

I emphasized the importance of cutting off any other forms of communication, whether magical or non-magical, to maintain the utmost security of our plan.

The crystals possessed the unique ability to project holograms and establish advanced communication, allowing a closed loop between their holders.

I continued, my tone humble and apologetic, "I apologize for not being able to provide these to the entire army in the limited time we have. Yet, please understand that your safety is of the utmost importance to me."

The shock on their faces mirrored their awe as they contemplated the power held within these items. However, what truly moved them was the realization that their king, the one they had pledged their loyalty to, cared for their well-being to this remarkable extent. The apology I offered felt undeserved by them.

My focus remained on the explanation, detailing the contents of the scrolls. The red scroll concealed the 4th-tier magic, "Moonlit Illusion," a spell that conjured powerful illusions, with its effects heightened under the moon's glow.

The yellow scroll contained the 4th-tier spell "Mass Teleportation," which could teleport anyone within its radius to a predetermined location; in our case, it would be the capital.

I assigned them the responsibility of securing the forts after gaining control of the northern territories and using this spell to transport the rest of the army to the capital for the siege.

Last but not least, the blue scroll harbored the unique-tier spell "Dark Veil." Its extraordinary ability was to sever everything inside the veil from the outside world, making it invaluable for confining our enemies within the illusion during the Stella Fort battle and shielding us from external interference.

I explained that those not at the Stella Fort battle could use it in emergencies, creating a protective barrier to buy time for escape.

I concluded my explanation and handed them these precious items. As they received the crystals and scrolls, They were now ready for the Battle.

Stella Fort, Tri-Border,

The night was thick with tension, and the soldiers from both the Limia and Gritonia forces remained ever watchful, guarding the fort against potential demon incursions. The simmering animosity between these two major powers was the crux of our plan.

Sofia, with her dark, shimmering crystal in hand, led her forces toward the fort, her confidence radiating as she prepared to execute her role with precision.

Unbeknownst to the soldiers stationed within the fort, an invisible veil dropped over their camps. As the veil descended, an eerie mist began to envelop them from all directions. 

While mist in the region during the night was a common occurrence, this was unlike any they had experienced before. When they attempted to use their magic equipment to see through the mist, to their shock, nothing seemed to work.

Before they could grasp the gravity of the situation, they noticed a series of bright dots forming in the night sky. These dots multiplied rapidly, and by the time they comprehended what was happening, it was already too late. A volley of magical arrows rained down upon them.

In a matter of minutes, the silence of the night was shattered by the anguished screams of the soldiers as they found themselves under attack.

Marking the Start of the bloodiest War in the history of Moonlit World.

Somewhere on the outskirts of Luinas City, the capital of the Gritonia Empire,

A mysterious magic circle etched itself upon the ground, and in the blink of an eye, a formidable army of soldiers, led by imposing Demon Generals, materialized. At the forefront of this intimidating assembly were me and the Girls, having arrived through the portal. 

Unlike previous grand entrances, this time, I chose to cast the spell discreetly, shrouding our arrival in a concealing spell.

Sari looked around, scanning the area as she asked, "Grey, everything's ready?"

I nodded and replied, "Yes, Sari, the plan is in motion. Rona will cut off their information shortly."

Upon our arrival, I promptly instructed Rona to reunite with the rest of the spies infiltrating the capital. Her mission was to sever the information chain and gain control over it. As she bowed to acknowledge her orders and turned to depart, I called her back.

"Rona, one more thing," I said as I conjured a small, glowing symbol in the air. I gently pressed my finger to her forehead, and the spell flowed into her.

"What's this?" Rona inquired.

I reassured her, "This should keep you safe."

A flicker of appreciation crossed Rona's face before she reverted to her professional demeanor and left to complete her mission.

Turning my attention to Io and Reft, I instructed them to remain at our current location and await the green light from Rona to proceed northward.

"Stay vigilant, and await Rona's signal. Once we've got It, march North as we planned," I advised them.

"Understood, My King" Io replied.

"We'll be ready," Reft added.

The time had come to confront the rising hero, Tomoki Iwahashi. It was a chance to Take Out Some Trash and make the world a slightly better place.

With an evil grin, I addressed the group.

"Let's do this."

It's time to Conquer the World.

Happy Reading ~

word count - 2922


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