
Darkness Unvieled

Her world was different, Unheard of, she thought she was a normal, depressed girl, until she met Ash, he became her lifeline, Her best friend, but he was there with her for something else........

Aiman_wastii · Sports, voyage et activités
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18 Chs




Hazel closed her eyes and jumped in the water, it was painfully cold, she opened her eyes and saw a light exiting her chest into Ash's hand and then everything went dark.

Her body hurt, She opened her eyes and sat up quickly, black spots appeared in her eyes, she rubbed them and looked at her surroundings, but stopped as she spotted Ash lying on the ground, she crawled to him and shook him 'Ash' she muttered, he stirred.

*Thank god*, she then crawled to Leo, who was already stirring, Zen was already awake and looked around wide-eyed.

She looked around, Trees and they were on... Sand, She looked at her knees and saw sand, she picked it up dreamily, it was soft, Her world didn't have sand, the trees somehow grew without them.

She heard someone chuckling and looked to see Ash laughing.

'We have been here 2 times before, you and Zen have never been in Eden'

'Where are we? Forest?' Hazel asked.

Ash shook his head 'Somewhere in Pakistan'

She remembered and snapped her head to Leo, who was still bleeding 'We have to take them to a med'

Ash nodded, He helped Zen up, while Hazel helped Leo, who looked dazed, Ash was supporting Zen, as he couldn't place pressure on hi feet. They trudged for half an hour, at last they found a house. 3 Children saw them and ran inside 'Well that's rude'.

But they came back yelling in a foreign language, A woman came outside in a long white shirt with a scarf and loose jeans, and started jabbering in a foreign language 'Uh excuse me?' Hazel said, confused. The woman stopped for a second and looked at them and spoke in English 'Why are you bleeding, are you okay?'

"Can you please help us, our friends are bleeding and we are new here'

The woman nodded and called someone 'ANWAR! AHSAN!'

2 men their age came out and ran to Hazel and Ash, taking Leo and Zen, they rushed inside.

The woman motioned to Ash and Hazel 'Come inside'.

They nodded and followed her, to find Leo and Zen on separate beds, The two boys tending to their wounds, the woman left them and a 12 year old girl entered with glasses of water, she handed them to the four and smiled at Hazel and left, Ash and Hazel sat together on a couch.

As soon as the boys had bandaged them, Ash spoke 'We will leave, thanks'

The woman came inside and said 'But you need rest'

'No, it's okay, thanks ' He looked at Leo and Zen who nodded and got up.

'Wait' The woman said and exited and after a minute came back and gave them a huge box 'It's food, for your journey back, good luck Hazel' She smiled at Hazel, Hazel's world slipped 'How?'

The woman just smiled and ushered them out 'But-'

'You should go' The woman said.

Ash nodded and they started walking quickly 'What's the hurry?' Hazel asked.

'They have tracked us'

'What? How?!'

'They have simply tracked your powers, they are weak not you, but we are in danger'

'Why? they are weak!'

'No, I thought they were, but they leader, Day is not, he is the king of Hostes vita'

'The fuc*, means he can beat us?'

'He still has his powers' Ash said pointedly. They were in the woods when they heard a voice 'Fuc* indeed Hazel Marshall'

And 12 guys jumped from different trees, they were surrounded.


He clenched his jaw, they had to hold these as*holes back, until Hazel can escape.

Day advanced, his eyes on Hazel 'You can come with us, we will spare these suckers enough to watch the world burn, then we will of course kill them'

Ash stepped forward, not giving time for Hazel to react 'Over our death body'

Day smiled coldly 'So be it' He snapped his fingers.

The 11 guys advanced on Ash, Leo and Zen.

'Leave Hazel Marshall to me, we will see how much royal blood she has'

Ash clenched his teeth and Day just stood there, while the guys ignored Hazel, she tried to intervene, but Day cast a shield trapping her in a cocoon. She yelled helplessly, Ash concentrated on fighting, but it was no use, they were outnumbered by 8.

Soon Ash, Leo and Zen were trapped. they were held by 3 burly dude with knifes at their throat.

Day signed for his guys to step back, leaving a ground, he snapped his hands and the shield around Hazel vanished, she fell to her knees and immediately got back up. Day snapped his fingers and Ash, Leo and Zen were wrapped in similar cocoons.

Day swiped his hand lazily and a cut appeared on Ash's cheek, he yelped in surprise as blood spilled out, He swiped again and another cut appeared on Ash's hand, it started bleeding badly, the cut was deep 'STOP THAT!' Hazel yelled.

Day shifted his attention on Hazel 'Why? They are my prisoners aren't they?' He swiped his hand again, and A long slash appeared on Ash's side, He fell to his knees, his eyes watering with the pain, it was poisonous, that much Ash knew.

'STOP IT, PLEASE!' Hazel cried desperately.

Day advanced on Hazel and he was a few inches away from her when he whispered 'Why? Give me a reason to stop and I will, Dear'

She clenched her teeth and whispered 'I will kill you' Day chuckled 'Darling, You don't even have your powers, what will you do? Cuss at me?'

He clenched his fist in front of her face and Leo screamed, as red hot wires engulfed him, Hazel did the only thing that came to her mind, She screamed, so hard that she fell to her knees and after what seemed eternity she stopped.

She got up, and her eyes changer color, from brown to red, A light engulfed her and when it was gone, she stood there with the Excalibur in her hand (Excalibur is an ancient myth) And in her war clothes, above knee length leather shirt, and black boots and black socks reaching her ankles (Her picture with the war clothes is in chapter 11, in para comments).

She jumped at Day and caught him by his neck 'I can do more than cuss, you C*unt'