
Darkness Must Have Light

De_Talented · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

What A guy!

"It's late son! I must close the doors now and go to sleep." said an old man of the buildings keepers to Edward as he stood on the roof door while Edward lied on the edge. "Ok sir." Edward said with a respectful tone

And a sudden beep came out from Edward's hand. He raised it and a shiny thing appeared on his wrest. It looked like a bangler but with a small black ball with a red light in it.

He raised it closer to his mouth. "What is it?" He said.

"Another favour. I am sending you the details." Said Peter (aka:Secretary)

Edward sighed and then walked besides the keeper while the keeper lucked the door "I think its about time that I leave anyways" Edward said






"Damn that guy!" Said John as he punched the wall with his hand. "don't be so angry about it, you know he is always like that" said Sam (aka:shadow)

"I know but, he never smiles, never apologises, never was kind and never listens to me!" John said angrily "one day he will get himself killed!!"

"Yeah like that would happen" Sam said sarcastically "you know! Edward is a hired man for dirty kinda business, he is the strongest of us and he is the one who gathered all of us. So what did you expect?"

"I wonder why is he like that?"

"Well. He has to go to school starting from tomorrow while he is 20, has to get hired at night. So he must have a busy mind."






"Well. Now what?" Edward said as he lied on the roofs edge close to the beach looking at one of his blades shining in the moon light.

And cutting the silence a message sound was made from his phone. He got up, put the blade in his sleeve pocket and got his phone out. "Here are the top played games by highschoolars...

Good luck bro (winky face) Sam.

"Thanks mate. I knew I could count on you!" Edward Texted back

"Don't worry about it. I will put it on my list of favours"

"I shouldn't ask you to do it afterall"








Sam grinned and closed the phone then went to sleep.






Edward looked at his phone when he was walking to school at 7am in the morning. 'Ok. I am lvl 10 in this one, lvl 12 in this, lvl 8 in this, and still didn't play this one yet' he thought to himself. He took a deep sigh and walked into the school's gate with his phone in his pocket. 'Ok. Gotta keep cool. I don't want to blow my cover now' Edward thought as he put his bag in his class besides his chair. "Hey Edward" said one of his classmates. *sh*t! Antonio?!* Edward called with a surprised face.

_*bare with those small chapters, longer chapters coming don't worry*_