
Darkness inside the Light

John was always considered a lazy guy. He would often lie down in the green meadow, watching the clouds without having any interest in the world around him. One day, his brother said that he wanted to become a hero and slay the Demon Lord, asking him to come along with him on his journey. Unexpectedly, John decided to accompany his brother for his own reasons... Author: This is the first time I write a novel and until now I find it very fun. English is not my natural language, so any reminder for grammatical errors is welcomed. I am not sure about the consistency of my updates, but I'll try to organize my time in a way that I can upload steadily at least 3-4 chapters every week

IIIEmperorIII · Fantaisie
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56 Chs


Sophie didn't seem to be in a hurry. She slowly unsheathed her sword and stood motionless, ready to interrupt the fight at any moment. The rain was helping her to suppress the surrounding sounds and let her fully concentrate on the movements of the two figures in front of her. Drops of water were constantly flowing from her flawless face as well as from her soaked by the rain hair. Her indifferent expression exuded a natural arrogance that couldn't be restrained by the deep darkness she was immersed in. Her fairy tail beauty, as well as her lack of movements, were creating the illusion that this woman wasn't a person or more precisely, she couldn't be a person, but instead a statue, a classical piece of art that could only be observed and adored from afar, but not belong to anyone.


A sudden thunder sound awoke anyone who was entranced by the elegance and the charm of the goddess in front of them from their stupor. As if she was proving that everything was all a lie, the female knight that was standing still until a moment ago, suddenly jumped like a ferocious tiger towards the two men who were fighting until now.


Vladimir could only watch helplessly at the flying sword which was approaching him closer and closer. He could already feel the scorching flames of the Underworld, as well as see the grim reaper smiling at him with excitement. The impending crisis made him sense the truest form of fear, an instinctive terror that every living being would feel towards Death. He didn't believe that the Imperial Princess would let him die just like that, especially after he had shown so much potential in the duel, but it was not like he had definite proof that someone would come and save him. Vladimir hated this feeling of incompetence, but he could only pray that his intuition that was telling that he hadn't reached the end of his life was correct.....


Edward stared at Vladimir who was smiling, even though his face was becoming paler and paler. The 'Iron General' couldn't help but feel some admiration towards the young man. As a veteran knight who had fought countless battles and had managed to survive under some desperate situations, how could he not understand what the youth was feeling! But not even he could boast that he could smile until the very end like Vladimir did.

'I hope this lesson will teach you to be less reckless in the future' Edward thought as a faint smile appeared on his face. Naturally, the intention of the other Captain of the Order to block his attack didn't escape from his eyes, but he didn't care. What he only wanted was to see was how strong the son of his friend Antony was as well as teach him a lesson to not challenge his luck so much in the future. The youth didn't disappoint him. He even surpassed his expectations

'But he is too inexperienced. His combat sense is certainly remarkable, but he didn't even realize that I let him injure me on purpose. It would be okay if he was just a spectator, but how come he did not realize it when he was the one fighting me! I almost dropped my guard from my surprise. What did you teach him, Antony!'

Edward could only smile wryly before preparing himself for the rest of the play. Since he manipulated the whole fight from the very beginning, he had already made plans about the end of the duel. He suddenly turned his head to the female knight who had just jumped to block his sword. His gaze towards Sophie was filled with pity.

'It's not that I didn't feel anger from the attitude of Vladimir, but I can't harm the son of that madman. He is too scary when he is enraged. I am sorry Sophie, but you will be my scapegoat....'


The moment Sophie blocked the flying sword of Edward, she had already realized that something was wrong

'It's too weak, what's the matter?'

Before she had a chance to process what happened, a thunderous voice echoed in the area

"How dare you Sophie to interfere with my business"

Perplexed, she turned her face towards Baron Thundergod. Upon seeing his enraged expression, she couldn't help but feel even more puzzled. The middle-aged knight that she remembered was an unreadable person who didn't let others know about his emotions. Since the other party didn't attack her as she expected but instead decided to engage in a conversation, that was a favorable result.

"Baron Thundergod, forgive me for my impudence, but for the greater good of the Grenmar Empire, please show mercy!"

The female knight was asking for forgiveness while using the empire as a shield to prevent the Baron from making any reckless actions. It was a well-played move if the opposite party insisted on resolving the problem with violence. Unfortunately for her, she would soon learn that Baron Edward de Thundergod was a man who didn't manage to become a noble only because of his achievements in battle.

"Captain Sophie, did you forget the Code of Chivalry? In a duel, especially when the honor of the challenged party is concerned there can only be one outcome. Life or Death" Edward answered mockingly.

"Please Baron Thundergod! You have seen with your own two eyes the potential of this youth. He maybe is arrogant, but he is only 14 years old. Just a child. As the older generation, it's our duty to educate them, but also to protect them."

Hearing these words from a 19 years old woman almost made Edward burst out laughing. Even the knights around them could hardly keep their calm. As for the princess, she had already lowered her head making it impossible for anyone to see her expression. Only her shoulders could be seen to shook from time to time.

"Well said, Captain Sophie. As you said, we have to educate the younger education. However, this matter is serious and it can't be resolved only with words. As the involved person who was treated unfairly, at least it's logical that I should be given some compensation, don't you think so?"

By this time how could Sophie not understand what that old fox meant? Suddenly, everything started to make sense for her. She had her suspicions from the beginning since she couldn't understand how the young man behind her could manage to injure a man who has cultivated his battle energy for more than twenty years, but since the other party had created a so persuasive performance, she could only keep her doubts to herself. After all, she didn't remember ever provoking that old monster. She couldn't imagine that the Baron would make a move against her for no apparent reason!

Upon seeing the ugly expression that was forming on the face of his comrade, Edward couldn't prevent himself from lowering his head and letting out a small laugh. Luckily for him, the rain covered the sound, so no person seemed to notice. After calming himself down, he opened his mouth while he was thinking of the lovely money that would fall into his pockets.

"Don't make this expression Sophie. He is your subordinate after all. It was your responsibility to keep him in check. And it is a matter of fact that you were the one who interrupted the duel, so it's only logical that you will be the one to have to compensate me. Don't worry, you are a Captain of our Order, I will not make things difficult for you. How about we talk later privately with the Commander as witness" the moment he said that he looked at the princess as if he was asking for confirmation.

What else could Adriana do other than nodding...

Seeing that his plan was a success he started to become curious about the protagonist of today's events. Turning his head, he saw him standing behind the female knight, blinking his eyes innocently.

'No matter how cute you act, you'll soon learn that nobody can save you from the rage of an angry woman. Well, I had my revenge and taught my friend's child another precious lesson. It was a good day...'