
Darkened Realms

Darkened Realms is a fast-paced, dark novel that creates an eerie feeling throughout. The story takes place in a world where people are suffering and living in fear of both the inquisition and monsters that roam the land. The protagonist, Lith, is a young thief who becomes embroiled in a dangerous and deadly game of politics and power. As Lith navigates through this treacherous world, he encounters various individuals who may help or hinder him in his quest for survival. With each twist and turn, the stakes become higher, and the danger more intense, leading to a thrilling and gripping read. Overall, Darkened Realms is a gripping and intense novel that will leave readers on the edge of their seats, craving more. Thank you in advance for your support and any constructive criticism you may provide. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will help me to continue improving my work.

LittleBlueFrog · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter-14 Journey to Dunsmoor

The morning forest was breathtakingly beautiful. Sunrays were penetrating through the leaves and making the forest floor look like it was covered in gold. The birds were chirping and flying around, singing a harmonious melody that could put anyone in a good mood. There was a gentle breeze that carried the scent of pine and damp earth, which was a refreshing change from the humid and stuffy air of the night before.

As the first rays of the sun started to break through the trees, Drogan woke up and immediately started barking orders. "Wake up, everyone!" he yelled. "Pack up your tents and get ready to move out. We need to reach the Dunsmoor village in two days, so we can resupply and continue our journey."

Lith was excited about the prospect of visiting the village. He had heard stories of its charm and the friendly nature of its inhabitants. As he began to help Arin pack up their tent, the dwarf regaled him with stories of his own experiences in the village.

"Ah, Dunsmoor," Arin said with a wistful sigh. "I've been there many times, laddie. It's a fine place, with some of the best ale you'll ever taste."

Lith smiled, intrigued by the idea of tasting some of the famous ale. "What else is there to do in the village?" he asked.

"Well, there's the market, of course," Arin said, his eyes lighting up. "It's filled with all manner of goods, from fresh produce to fine crafts. And the blacksmith there is a master of his craft. He can make anything ye need, if ye've got the coins to pay for it."

Lith nodded, impressed by the description of the village. "What about the people?" he asked. "Are they friendly?"

Arin grinned, revealing a missing tooth. "The people of Dunsmoor are some of the friendliest folks ye'll ever meet - always willin' to lend a hand or share a fine tale over a pint of ale." He said.

As they finished packing up their belongings, Lith felt a sense of excitement for the journey ahead. He couldn't wait to experience the charm and hospitality of the village of Dunsmoor.

Lith and Arin were the first to finish packing their gear. They sat down on a nearby log and enjoyed the tranquility of the forest while the rest of the group finished packing. "This is a beautiful place," Lith said, looking around in awe.

"Aye, it is," Arin replied. "But it's also full of danger. Ye need to keep your wits about ye."

Lith nodded, taking Arin's advice seriously. "Do you think we'll encounter any trouble on the way to the village?" he asked.

"It's always a possibility," Arin said, rubbing his beard thoughtfully. "But with Drogan leading us, we should be fine. He's a good lad, and he knows how to handle himself in these parts."

As the group set off into the forest, Lith found himself walking alongside Arin. The dwarf was humming a tune under his breath, and Lith couldn't help but smile at his cheerful demeanor.

"So, Arin," Lith said, breaking the comfortable silence. "What do dwarves do for fun?"

Arin chuckled. "Well, we like to drink ale, for one," he said. "And we enjoy mining and crafting. There's nothing quite like the thrill of finding a rare gem or forging a weapon of exceptional quality. Ye laddies should come join us underground and experience it for yerselves! By Odins beard, it's a grand life!"

Lith nodded, fascinated by the idea of mining and crafting. "What about music?" he asked. "Do dwarves enjoy music?"

Arin's face lit up. "Aye, we do!" he exclaimed. "There's nothing quite like a good dwarven ballad, sung around the fire with a tankard of ale in yer hand."

Lith smiled, enjoying the image of dwarves singing and drinking together. "Can you sing one for me?" he asked.

Arin cleared his throat and began to sing a ballad about a great battle fought by dwarves against a horde of orcs. His voice was deep and gravelly, but surprisingly melodic. Lith found himself tapping his foot to the rhythm of the song, caught up in the tale of bravery and heroism.

As the day wore on, the group made steady progress through the forest. The sun beat down on them, and the air was thick with the scent of pine and earth.

As Arin and Lith continued their conversation, they were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. It was Niall, and he was carrying a large deer over his shoulder.

"Look what I've got!" Niall exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face. "I managed to bag this beauty while I was scouting ahead."

Arin's eyes widened in appreciation as he inspected the deer. "Aye, that's a fine catch," he said. "We'll have a feast fit for kings when we arrive at Dunsmoor."

Lith looked on in awe at the impressive animal. "How did you manage to take it down?" he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Niall chuckled. "It took some skill, I'll admit," he said. "But I've been hunting for years, and I know how to track and stalk my prey."

Arin nodded in agreement. "Aye, Niall's got the gift of the hunt," he said. "And we'll be sure to put this deer to good use once we make camp at Dunsmoor."

As the group continued on their journey, they could feel the anticipation building within them. Dunsmoor was their next destination, and it promised to be a welcome respite from the harshness of the forest.

But they knew that they still had a long way to go before they reached their destination, and they couldn't afford to let their guard down. The forest was still full of dangers, and they needed to stay alert at all times.